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Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/497

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473 %3E> »3 that they should have placed me in the dungeon, if? 44 19f- our heart has not turned backward, etc. ^ri'ST '3 that thou shouldst have crushed us, etc., Is 43 s2 not me hast thou called on, ^ Pl]W} 'S that tliou shouldst have wearied thyself with me, Ho i 6 (v. RV), Jb 41 2 Eu 1 12 I am too old to have an husband 'IHPK '? that I should have said, etc. (cf. Ew }3jj» ; D r (39^. g. added to preps. *3 converts them, like "IB*?*, into conjs. . . ., as '? IS! because that . . .: v. sub |K, 1$, ^, =$?, n™. . a. Of time, when, of the past '? ^1 Gn 6 1 (cf. Bu Cr * 6 ), 26 s 27 1 2S6 13 7 1 i9 !6 + p$<3, and esp. 3 c. inf., are more freq.); '3 fijni (simple!) iS i 12 1 7*; Jos22 7 Ju2 18 ; I2 6 i3 ,Tm 1"1DS0 and it would be, whenever (freq.) they said, Je 44 19 (ptcp.), Ho n 1 ^32* Tiehnn >3 when I was silent, Jb 31 s1,2629 ; of present (usu. with impf.) as Ex 18 16 "0"l B$ flW »J when they have a matter, 1 S 24 20 Is i 12 30 21 Je 14 12 Zc 7 5 - 6 Mai i 8 ty 49 19 and men praise thee

  • ]? S'O^n *3 when thou doest well to thyself,
1 i2f+, with pf. Ez 3 19 - 21 33 9 Pr 1 1 1 

esp. of future, as Gn 4" n yi W H qj l "UiNTl '3 when thou shalt till the ground it shall not, etc., 24 41 30 33 31 49 32 18 Ex? 9 when Pharaoh shall speak unto you, Dt4 25 6 20 + ; in phrase ('3. lONn) TlOtfn '31 Lv 25 20 Dt 18 21 Is8 19 36 7 Je^ 22 ; and 'esp. in . . . ♦? mr Gni2 12 46 s3 Dt6 10 15 16 1 S io 7 25 30 Is8 21 io 12 + oft.; with pf. Is 16 12 1 Ch 17 11 (altered fr. impf. 2 S 7 12 ); with ptcp. (unusual) Nu 33 51 34 s Dtn 31 18 9 . b. elsewhere '3 has a force approximating to if, though it usu. represents a case as more likely to occur than BK : — (mostly with impf.) Gn 38 16 Nu 5 20 io 32 Dt 6 M 7 17 28 213 1 S 20 13 2 S 19 8 2 K 4 29 18 22 Je 38 15 Pr 4 8 Jb 7 13 (THDK "3 when I say), 1 9 s8 ; oft. in laws, as Ex 2 1 "■ 33 - 35S7 22" etc., Dti 3 13 14 24 15 712 17 2 18 621 etc.; sometimes, in particular, to state a principle broadly, after which special cases are intro- duced by QX, as Ex 2 1 2 when (^3) thou buyest a Hebrew servant, he shall serve thee six years, after which v 3 " 5 follow four special cases with BK if: so 2 1 7 ('3), v 8 " 11 (DN); v 18 (vj), v 19 (BK); v 20 ('3), v 21 (QM); v 22 ' 28 - 32 ; Lv i 2 ('3), v 310 (B») 4 «***Wi 1 3 2 »- Nu 3 o 3ff - + ; though this distinc- tion is not uniformly observed, contrast e.g. Ex 2 1 5 with Dt 15 16 ; Nu 5 1 ' and v 20 . — N.B. with '3 = when or if, the subject is oft. pre- fixed for distinctness and emph. : iK8 8! 3V"J 'y nm q ts/j «2 njripi, is 28 18 Mi 5* "wb>k «>nN3 sops, ^62" EZ3 19 (nrixi), 14 913 i8 5 - S.21 gg6 ^.f y 2^. anl J ggp j Q J aws f p^ ag Q^x . . "3 Lv i 2 «3' ,-,«| B>D3 2 ' 4 2 5 14 ", similarly I5 ».i..i9.» 22i2.j3.a4 etc>) rather di ff erent i v Nu5 » c. toAen or ?/, with a concessive force, i.e. tlwugh: —(a) with impf. Je 4 30 - 30 - 30 14" 49" rpaarp? 13? ^p though thou make high like the vul- ture thy nest, I will bring thee down thence, 51 63 Ho 13 16 Zc8 6 V37 24 49 ,9f - though in his lifetime he bless himself ... he shall come, etc., perh. also Je 4 6 23 Ew (but Hi Gf Ke for), 50" Ew Ke (Hi yea) ; and strengthened by B3 , *3 B3 Is i 6 ^ 23 4 (cf. Dr* 143 ); (b) with perf. (rare) Mi 7 8 WJg tfffl "3 though I have fallen, I rise, Na i 10 (si"vera 1.), 11V 21 12 (Hi Ew Now), 1 19 83 (Ew De). . Because, since (on) — a. Gn 3 14 because thou hast done this, cursed art thou, etc., v 17 18 20 the cry of S. and G. — because it is great . . . (subj. prefixed for emph.: cf. 2 N. B.) Is 28 15 ; in answer to a qu., Gn 27 20 Ex i 19 18 15 2 S I9 4S + . Enunciating the conditions under which a fut. action is conceived as possible (Germ, indem) Lv 2 2 9 Dt 4 21 (v-n

24 16 15 19" 

uemn »3, 12 20

+ , 1K8 35 (cf. 

v 33 "IB*), v 36 DnSn % Pr 4 8b . b. more commonly the causal sentence follows, as Gn 2 3 and God blessed the seventh day '31 naB> 13 '3 because on it he rested, etc., 4 s5 etc., in which case it may oft. be rendered for, Gn 2 623 3 20 5** 6 71213 yfr 6 s heal me ^X5| wl) '3 for my bones are vexed, 10" 25 18 27'°+ very oft. Spec, after vbs. expressive of mental emotions, as rejoicing Is 14 29 ^58", being angry Gn 31 s5 45 s , fearing 43 18 ♦ 49 u etc- Iron. 1 K 18 27 for he is a god etc. (4t.); Pr3<3 4 Jb 38 s inn >3 for or «mce thou knowest. With subj. prefixed ■>/<■ 128 2 . Repeated (with anacol.) IS49 19 . c - the causal relation expressed by , 3 is sometimes subtle, esp. in poetry, and not apparent without care- ful study of a passage. Thus sts. it justifies a statement or description by pointing to a pregnant fact which involves it, as Is 3 s * Jb 6 21 (ground of the comparison v 15 " 20 ), 14 16 (For . . .: ground of the wishes expressed v 13 " 15 ), 16 22 (ground of v 201 ) 30 26 (For . . .), or by pointing to a general truth which it exemplifies Jb 5 6 (reason why complaining v 2 "* is foolish), 15 s4 23 14 ; sts. it is explicative, justifying a state- ment by unfolding the particulars wh. establish or exemplify it 2 S 23 s * Is i 30 5 7 7 s 9 4 io 8 " 11 1 3 10 (development of v 9 *), 32 6f - (developing the characters of the 733 and v'3, and so explain- ing why they will no longer be esteemed v 5 ); Jb n I6ff - (explic. of v ,6b ), i8 8ff - (justifying v 7 ), 2 2 261 '- (justifying v 25 ); elsewhere the cause is expressed indirectly or figuratively Is 2 6 (reason