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Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/500

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■YP3 regarded as god ; orig. pronunc. J^l Schr 00T • dlac -, cf. Kb " m (pointing P? intended to sug- gest •y/pa as something established, firm); kai- mdnu=.hai&nu, ace. to Jen 00 *™" 1 " 02 who der. fr. pa (cf. Thes; so Zim^^^Hpt^ 11 - 266 ' 28 " rds. Jj;? (for f»K3 *), reading the Babyl. name Ka'dmdnu; v/also M-A JBL1892 ' IdMn ' S9 . "iVS , v. sub I. TO. ^3,^3 Is 3 2" v. ba (Kb 11 - 118 )- tn^E^S n.[f.] axe (loan-word (cf. Fra 74 ) fr. As. kedappatuv. D1 HWB333 )— f^n; '31 ^3? ^ 7 4«(||niB?n5v 6 ). rTC^S v. sub DO. T • tD^S n.m. PrlM bag, purse (perh. kindred with D13, q.v.; Ar. J»jT(prob. fr. Pers. IZ~S Lane 2 " ); Eth. Ml: NH D»?s Aram. KDO, )~-»« ; Palm. HDO }D /rom At* pwr*e = at his own" expense, Vog p1311 ) — bag, in which were carried: a. weights (v. f?K 5) Dt 25 13 Mi 6 11 Pr 16 11 ; b. money, i.e. a purse Is 46" Pr i 14 . ~% ["V3], 0^3 v. sub 1.113. TltiT'S v. sub ntra. < H33 v. sub na p. 462 supr. "03 v. sub -na ; ^3 v. sub I. &3. tTK/Dl vb. shut up, restrain, withhold (NHt'd./ Aram. K?|,Jb; Eth. hiVS: restrain, hinder; As. MM, td.,- Ar. ili protect Qor 21 43 cf. Ba ZMG ,887, 605Anm - < ) — Qal Pf. 3 ms. sf. fe6? Je 3 2 3 ; 3 fs. n*6s Hg i 10 ; 2 fs. sf. *$?$ 1 S 25 s3 ; 1 s. ^a'fup 101 ; 3P1- *$3 Hgi 10 , lb 1 S 6 10 ; Impf. 3 ms. n^ Gn 23"; 2 ms.

  • 6an ,/, 4 o 12 ; 2 fs. ^an Is 43"; 1 s. Kb«

^4o 10 ; Imv.ei. Eixb Nu 11 s8 ; /»/ estr. KW$ Ec8 8 ; Pi. _pa»«. K*b Je32 s , «b ^88"; (on the metapl. forms, as if fr. fib, v. Ges m21c Kb 1 - 611 );— 1. shut up, c. ace. I S 6 10 ( + 3 loc), Je 32'; pt. pass. Je 32 2 (3 loc), fig. ^ 88 9 (opp. K¥">). 2. restrain, c. ace. I S 25 s3 ( + K,| 30 BW3), -f II9 101 ( + "^31?); D*?b (sc. K3|nn») Nu 1 1 28 ; , nsfe' 'a f 40 1 "; nrirrnK 'a Ec 8 8 . On + u" ▼• rib Pi. 2. 3. tkthiwld, Viap-n*c 'a ^rjo Tape <qee Gn 2 3 6 (P), yet? T D 0"> 'a v^o 12 , Hg 1 w b , prob. also v* (rd. b for MT ® ^»,"We) ; abs. "«^3ri"^ (sc. exiles) Is 43 s ( || "SP). Nipt. Impf. DttprrjO D^SH Nb>l Gn 8 2 (J), and the


rain from heaven was restrained, cf. D?)D ^pS- 1 - FSl Ez 3 1 16 (in fig.; Vid); KOTO D$?n rf^fl Ex 36 s (P). Pi. [Pf. «b and] /w/ cstr. K.bj> v. rib Pi. TN73 n.[m.] confinement, restraint, im- prisonment; — abs. 'a 1 K 22 27 + 6t.; sf. "iSy? 2K25 29 J6 52 33 ; pi. B^b Is 4 2 s2 ;— con/Srie- ment, in combin. '3(H) TV3 (cf. As. bit Tali, prison, D1 HWB32S ) iK22 27 =2Chi8 26 , 2K17 4 Je37 1618 Is 42'; DHj^p »«( v 22 (cf. Htt 1 («) (2) p. 109 supr.; v. also Klb infr.); tab »3J? 2 K 25 29 = Je 5 2 s3 garments of imprisonment 3 prison-garb. t«")Va Kt, Vch-D Qr n.[m.] id.;— %? n"3 Je 37* 52 31 (v. NJf supr.) fl. H v>3p (incorrect for xb») n. [m.] en- closure, fold;— I*& 'Bt? "i» Hb 3 17 ; pi. cstr. np!> JNX rtaj)3BD ^S 70 (obj. David); pi. sf. Plpi> ^nsijSBD 50 9 (obj. he-goats).— n. nbo v. sub nb. ta^Ss n.[m.]du. two kinds (Ar. ^, &both; Eth. &2V&: two; perh. also <xb MI 23 both, two, No l0B »» ", cf. Dr 8m Kl1 ; Sm u. So "• 1886 suggest reservoirs; v. also Y?) — w? ^JTOna '3 yaiR Lv 19 19 not cause thy cattle to breed (in) two kinds,- '3 VTff & yfg v 19 (H); VlfJ? & '3 ?JD-13 Dt 2 2 9 (both DHAj); '3 153 Lv i9 19 (H); — only in law of H and D against mixtures. T3N73 n.pr.m. second son of David, 283'= fan 1 Ch 3 1 , v. b&n 1. p. 193 supr.

7D (-/of foil.; meaning unknown; Thes 

regards 3J3 as onomatop.) tn^l n..m. 1S24 ' 16 dog (NH «.; Ph. ab; Aram. KB^, )ANo; Ar. JjiT Eth. h^-O: As. MZ6w Dl' HWB328 )— abs. 'a Ju7 6 +i6t., 3^3 ^ 59 716 ; pi. 0^3 1 K 14"+ 12 t.; cstr. oS? Jb 30 1 ; sf. Tab V' 68 24 ;— rfoj/ : a. lit. 1 K 14" 1 6 4 2 1 1919 - 23 - 24 2 2 -38 2 K 9 1036 (all of fierce, hungry dogs, devouring dead bodies and licking blood); cf. Je 15 s and (T?^ 3 tiK'^) -^ 68 2 *; eating torn flesh, Ex 2 2 30 (E) , ^X O^a = my sheep-dogs, only Jb 30 1 (in both these with implied inferiority); dog-sacrifice was a heathen rite Is 66 3 (Di al.); v. esp. ES 8 """- l '«"" k " w ; in various sim. Ju f Pr 26 1117 ^59 7,15 ; in proverbial sayings: ^? Wb 'a-np; Ex 1 1 7 (v. I. pn); "p? 3io no 's^