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nV 3 (>Ewal. is accomplished, of God's wrath). — Dn 1 2 7 rd. perh. 2Hp Dy f Bb V nibsi «»m£ wAen <A« power of the shatterer of the holy people should come to an end, so Bev after © (for difficult MT enp-Dy-r ys: nib?')t. Pi. H0 Pf flfcp Gn 1 8 s3 + , «b Pr 1 6 30 Baer (van d. U nb), s f. «b 2 S 2 1 6 , nb. La 2 12 ; 3 fs. nnbl consec. Ho 1 I s , sf. WJ3] consec. Zc 5 4 ;

s. wb Nu 25", W.b Is 49 4 , wb Ez6 12 + 
t.; sf. DN?b Ez 22 S1 , TP79) consec. Ex 33 5 ; 
pi. £? Gn24 l, + , etc.; Impf. H^J Is io 19 ; 

b?. Gn 2 2 ; 3 fs. bni Gn 2 4 19 + 2 S 13 39 (but rd. bm We Dr al., and v. Qal 2 b); 1 s. n^3K Gn 2 4 K + 4 t.; batO Ez 43 8 ; sf. ^{Jjjj Ex 33' (Kb 1 -" 6 ); 3 mpl. *b? Jb 3 6 ,1 + 2i 1 ' 3 Qr (Kt 173'; v. nb p. 115 supr.), +, etc.; Imv. nb f 59 14 "+ 74 1 ' (but text dub., v. infr., 2) ; mpl. WBi6*J Inf. abs. nb iS 3 12 +5t.; cstr. «bp Dn 9 M (metapl. form), nib iS2 33 + , etc.; Ft. nbe J e I4 " Jb 9 m ; fpl. Dlbo Lv 26 16 ; — 1. ta. complete, bring to an end, finish a thing, task, work, etc., c. ace. rei Ex g" 44 ( + inf.; both J), 1 K 6 914 7 1 Ez 42 15 , Gn 2 2 16 16 Ex 4 o 33 (P), Bu2 21 iCh 3 i' 2 Ch 7 11 Ezr 9 1 , so VB'Bl 1 N.bp Dn 9 24 to make an end of the trans- gression (cf. VB Bev); Lv 23 s2 (modified from 19 8 q.v. infr.); ace. om. 2 Ch 31' (opp. p ?nn) ; 24 1014 Ne 3 s4 . tb. complete a period of time D , DJEz 4 6 - 8 ; complete one's days, enjoy the full measure of human life Jb 21 13 36", or bring one's years to an end ^ 90 9 , with added idea of transitoriness. c. finish doing a thing, usu. sq. b inf. Gn 18 33 24 1519191B (all J), 17 22 Ex 31 18 Nu 4 16 (all P), Am 7 2 1 K i 41 2 Ch 29 s9 Ru 3 S + 31 1. incl. 2 S 1 1 19 , where obj. of infin. precedes it, v. Dr, so Lv 19 9 (cf. 23 s2 supr.); + 1 Ch 27 s4 (p inf. om. ; opp. ? bnri), 2 Ch 29 17 ; + Dn 1 2 7 (inf. without ? ; but see Qal 2 c ad fin.); sq. ft? inf., 1 S io" 2 S 6 18 = 1 Ch 16 2 , Ex 34 s * Lv 16 20 Jos 19 51 (all P), EZ43 2 '. td. make an end, end, sq. 3 make an end with, finish dealing with 2 Ch 20 23 Ezr io 17 ; abs., opp. ^n, nb fbgH bnn bSliZ Gn 44 12 (J) he began with the eldest and with tlie youngest lis ended; so inf. abs. adverb. nbl 7nn 1 S 3 12 a begin- ning and an ending, i. e. doing it thoroughly (v. Dr); also nb"iy=: utterly 2 K 13 1719 , to extremity Ezr 914 (of ׳'s anger), (Symbol missingHebrew characters) (late) ^.completely 2 Ch 24 10 (until all had given), 3 1 ' (until all were destroyed), f e. accomplish, fulfil, bring to pass, a thing B,u 3 18 ; c. ace. of v 8 wrath (inDD) La4 11 ; so friOn/SK) +3 pers.Ez gis 6 w 7 s j 3 is 20 8.2i + f ^^21^ ; n thought, determine (cf. Qal 1 d) sq. nj>") Pr i6 30 (|| 3BTl). f2. a. put an end to, cause to cease Nu 17 25 ( + ^¥»); DH'd; b^na-b^. f^ 33 and he con- sumed (caused to vanish) as vanity their days. b. cause to fail, exhaust, use up, spend, 'SPI D 3"n^3K Dt32 23 my arrows will I exhaust against them; exhaust one's strength 03 I s 49 4 (II VtY, the eyes (by weeping ; cf. Qal 2 b) 1 S 2 s3 Jb 3 1 16 ; of a disease, consume the eyes Lv26 16 (H). c. destroy, sts. exterminate: (1) men subj., c. ace. pers. 2S21 6 22 39 (|| JTID), Dt 7 s3 2 Ch 8 8 Je io 25 (|| bx), La 2 s2 + 1 19 87 ; esp. in phr. Dflib ny 1 S 1 5 18 (on txt. v. Dr), 2 S 2 2 38 (||Twn)=V'i8 38 , iK22 u =2Chi8' ; (2) God subj., c. ace. pers. Jos 24 20 (E), Is io 18 (Assyrian host, under fig. of forest); Je 5 3 EX32 10 33 s ' 6 (JE), Nu 16 21 17 10 2 5 11 (all P), LV26 44 (H), Ez 2o 13 22 31 43 s Jb 9 12 ; ynk irib ny Dt 28 21 , nniK 'nib ny j e 9 16 49^ abs. * 59 14 14 ; so also (si vera 1.) 74" (see VB; Bi Che Snpa Kb n Ipn and thy right hand (why) keepest thou in thy bosom); ace. +3 instr. Je 14 12 (by sword, famine, and pestilence); sts. the in- strument of '^'s judgment becomes grammat. subj.; subj.Snnn Ho 1 i^obj.'na, of city ; || btf), subj. ?ay is 27 10 (obj. n'Syip ; || njn), su bj. flying roll ZC5 4 (obj. house). +Pn. Pf. 3 pi. lb ^ 72 20 be finished, ended; Impf. 3 mpl. lb?J Gn 2 1 be completed (P). Tn^3 n. f. completion, complete de- struction, consumption, annihilation; alw. this form; — 1. completion, but only as adv., and dubious : completely, altogether Gn 1 8 21 (J ; rd. ob 01 Kau Buhl), Ex n 1 (si vera 1.) 2. complete destruction, consumption, annihila- tion : a. almost alw. by God, esp. '3 n'E'y Is 1 o 23 ( + '"T!.™1), Na i 8 (2 ace, si vera l.;Buhl ZAW 1886,181 prop vDpa for HDipB v . Id HWB12 Kau AT,T.«K rt tKr.«utp.65: y ^ q^q ^ ^ y , Jfi " Ne 9 31 (2 ace); + r$ pers.=wn'<A, pregn. sense, = m dealing with (cf. II. nN 1 d), Zp I 18 (nbo? tjk '3), j e5 » 8 3 o n = 46 s8 (ins = ym), Ezii 18 20" (DniN = Dnx); -fD^irba Je3o" 46 s8 ; without n'e>y : <nype> ninnji '3 l S 28 22 , '31 '3-iy DH9 27 (on both cf.'ls'io 23 Zpi 18 ); ^t ?r fa"" annihilation Ez 1 3" (si vera 1., v. Co), '3? h'n^nf) tib 2 Ch 1 2 12 . b. by men, ~b« '31

  • ^n Jes' 10 ; iT3 '31 Dnn 16 and (i.e. with)

annihilation in his hand.