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Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/504

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(Symbol missingHebrew characters) 480 (Symbol missingHebrew characters) cf. NU31 8 ((Symbol missingHebrew characters));— for ((Symbol missingHebrew characters)) (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 2 Ch 30 21 rd. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) (Kau AT , cf. Be), †c. implement of labour, tool, (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 1 K6 7 , or of one's calling, pursuit (Symbol missingHebrew characters) (other- wise 1 S 17 40 , v. 3). †d. equipment of oxen (yoke, etc.) 2 S 24 22 1 K 19 21 . †e. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 1 S 8 22 his chariot-equipments. f. as gen. term for utensils and furniture of Sol.'s palace 1 K 10 21 = 2 Ch 9 20; esp. (very oft.) of tabern. Ex 25 9.39 273 + (in Hex alw. P), and temple 1 K 7 45.47.48 2 K 12 14 + ; of both palace and temple Je 27 18.19.21 combinations are (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Ex 27 19, (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 38 3 ,(Symbol missingHebrew characters) Is 52 11 , (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Je 27 16 28 3.6 Ezr 1 7 ,(Symbol missingHebrew characters) 2 Ch 36 10 , (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 2 Ch 28 24.24 36 18 Ne 13 9 Dn 1 2 ,(Symbol missingHebrew characters) Ne 10 40 ; (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Nu 4 12 utensil of ministry, (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Nu 4 26 1 Ch 9 28 28 14.14 (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 2 Ch 28 13 , (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Nu 4 32 ; also (Symbol missingHebrew characters)

K 8 4 1 CI19 29 ; of appliances of idol- worship 
K 23'. 3. vessel, receptacle, of various 

materials and for various purposes Gn 43 11 (J); 1 S 9 7 Dt 23 2S ; =sack Gn 42" (E; pfc in || cl., cf. nPITlDK v 27 ); &ip? ^3 shepherd's bag or waZte 1 S 1 7 40 , cf. v 49 ; fenn '3 Je 32 14 is earthen- ware receptacle for deed of sale ; for liquids 1 K i7 ]0 2 K 4 ". j ni ,^p / 3 j K io si_ 2 Ch

20 , rOOtf ^3 Nu4 9 ,cf.v 10 ; '^5"^ ^Q P"^ n &) 

Je 48" (fig. j, cf. v 12 (|| D'b^ffor cooking Lv 6 21 ' (ferjn '3), v 21 (ntfri? '3) ; v .' also isi'(n) 2 S 17 28 Je 19 11 (sim.), f 2» (sim.), '$» ^ Pr 25 4 ; '3 rfins Nu 1 9'* an open (uncovered) vessel. "AID '3 Is 66 20 a cZeaw vessel/ fig. of Eliakim's relatives D'^ain ba-i>3 nyj rrtsjun fe» fpgn ^s i s 2 2 24 </*e vessels ofsmallness{Da. s,aii ^ B6 ),from thebasin- vessels to all the pitcher-vessels. t4. specif. ^•'" , ? 3 Is 18 2 vessels (boats) of paper-reed. II. (I /D (v of foil.; meaning unknown). t[nr?3] n.f. only pi. kidneys (NH .Tp? (pi.); Aram, tfj* or KJpi3 (only pi.), U^od; Eth. M-A-t: ® oi *«/>po/);— abs. pi. Di^3 Je 1 1 20 + 5t.; n'b3Ex29 13 -f-i 3 t.; cstr. nVi»3 Dt32 14 Is 34«; sf. Vfity Jbi6 3 +2t.; *tffa Jbi 9 27 ; ^i»3 f 16 7 Pr 23 16 ;

  • i)3 ^ i 3 9 u La 3";

DO'D^V 3 Je 12 2 ; — kidneys : 1. lit., as physical organ, a. of man, only poet., as created by '* iff 139 13 ; as the most sensitive and vital part, in metaph. of one wounded by ׳'s arrows Jb 16" La 3". b. of sacrificial animals, offered as choice part to "» Lv 3 4101S 4' 7 4 9 10 "; "Bf '3n Ex 29 1322 Lv 3 41016 4 9 7 4 8 l6 » (all P); in fig. of sacrif. Edomites B*fo ni<?3 abn I s 34"; transferred to wheat, HEn r/Pft abn Dt 32 14 kidney-fat (i.e. the choicest, richest) of wheat. 2. fig., as seat of emotion and affec- tion Jbi 9 27 Pr23 16 f i6 7 73 21 ; Dn'sa nn« aSng '3)3 pin"11 Je 1 2 2 near art thou in their mouth, and far from their affections; hence, as in- volving character, the obj. of God's examina- tion, alw. || a]>: abj '3 fn'a j e u 20 cf. * 7 10 , '3 jna ab -iph j e 17'°, abi '3 ntti pnv fn'a 20", »a|>] 'a nsm >/, 2 6 2 . nVs, rta^s v. sub 11. ^3. t - 7 t : n7D (•/of 1. n?3, mng. dub.; Ar. "IT is contract tJie face, look hard, stern; _^o , ~5o o /tarrf year (through dearth, etc.)). f 1. n73 n.m. poss. firm or rugged strength (v. vVpr.), 13^-^K '33 Sian Jb 5 M ^ow shall come infirm strength (with thy body vigorous, powers unimpaired) unto the grave; n3K ^/T) npa 30 2 upon whom vigour has perished. fu. [n?3], (IT'S n.pr.loc. city in Assyria Gn io ni2 =As.Kalhu, Schr C0Tad '«-Dl r " an , mod. Nimrild, at NE. angle of Upper Zab and Tigris (v. Billerbeck u. Jeremias BAS" 11895 ' ,30ff ) Tnth"73 n.pr.m. 1. father of one of the builders, Shallun Ne 3 15 . 2. a name in Judah Ne 11 5 (relation to 1 unknown). ^iTi^S.etcv. sub I. rho. rvbi v. sub 11. nb. T ; ■

vb., 7isV? n.pr.m. v. sub i>13. 
1. 7/3 vb. complete, perfect (NH com- 

prehend, include, Yi.complete, 7J2 a general rule, ??33 in general; BAram. and Syr. Shaph.??3B', < ^ s ^«- complete, finish; As. kaldlu, in. 1. 2. complete ; Ar. Ji is be wearied, fatigued; Aram. N?v?, Hao is a crown, hence den. ?v3X, ^i2o to crown; Eth. 1. 2 hrtrt: to crown, Ahrt.A: a crown, 1'hA.dV: crowning (of bride), nuptials; Ar. J-I^ a c""™. loan-word (Fra 62 )) : — Ez 2 7 4 !W PJ»3 T]^33 thy builders have perfected thy beauty (of Tyre, under fig. of ship), v".