482 to the mass of things or persons meant, H73 or i?3, lit. the whole of it, is equivalent to all of them, every one, tEx 14 7 and captains ^73"75? upon the whole of it (the 33"1 collectively) = all of them, Is i 23 the whole of it (the people) loveth bribes, 9 16 15 3 Jer 6 1313 8 61010 20 7 Hab i 915 yjr 29* and in his temple 1123 fOk 173 the whole of it (= every one there) says, Glory ! 53* (|| 14 s Var) ; perh. Is 16 7 Je 48 s8 ; + Pr 19 6 Ew Hi (SP. lijO}): Je 15 10 rd. "^j? Dnb. e. Heb. idiom in certain cases affirms, or denies, of an entire class, where Engl, idiom affirms, or denies, ' of an individual of the class ; thus in a compar. or hypoth. sentence 73 is=awy, and with a neg. = none : (a) Gn 3 1 the serpent was more subtil mB7) ;vn 73D than all beasts of the field (in our idiom : than any beast of the field), Dt 7 7 1 S 9 2 ; (ft) Lv 4 2 a soul when it sins through ignorance *"' niSO 73D in all the commandments of Jehovah (=in any of the commandments, etc.), 1 9 s3 when ye . . . plant 73KD f5)"73 = any tree for food, Nu 3 s 22 or if he have cast upon him y3"73= any weapon, IK8 3 " 1 ; joined with a ptcp. in a hypoth. sense (Dr^-Ges 5116 - 611 - 6 ), Gn 4 14 'NVD 73 all my finders (= if any one find me), he will slay me, v 1 '* Nu2i 8 'n ! IB>3n"73 =whosoever (=if any one) is bitten, 1 S 2 13 ; (c) with a neg., Gn 2 5 all plants of the field !ViT Q~YQ were not as yet = no plant of the fieid as yet was, 4 15b 1KXET73 WN-ni3n TI737 for the not-smiting him of all finding him = that none finding him should smite him, Ex io 16 py 73 "lflliTCI = and no green things were left, 12" rwV N7 n3N7D"73 all work shall not be done = no work shall be done, Dt 28" Ju 13 4 KCCT73 •y3tfn-7N eat not of all that is unclean, 19 13V73 -torn? pK there is no lack of all things i.e. of any thing, jr 143 2 "pa? pWN7 '3 Tr73, + very oft. (so ol vat, as a Hebraism, in the N. T., e.g. Mk 13 s0 ovk &v iai>6r) iracra <rap£, Ek I ' ovk a8vvaTrj{Tfi . . . irav P'lP a - as Jer 32" 13V73 ^80 K^*jt6, Gal 2 16 oi oikci- aSriatTai.. .7ia<ra <rdp£, etc.) Usu., in such cases, 73 (or its gen.) is without the art., being left purposely indef. : in ^ 49" (2 b a) 73n is emph. (In Nu 23" ns-iri t6 1731 the context shews that 73 is opp. to a part). f. very anom- alously, severed from its gen., t2 S i 9 "liy"73~'>3 ■a •'va, Jb 27 s ♦? 'nof? nijT73- ,, 3, Ho 14 3 (si vera 1.) fy ^"73. On Ec 5" 'Crne^S v. flf?. Note. — "When the gen. after 73 is a noun fem. or pi., the pred. usu. agrees with this (as being the really important idea), e.g. Gn 5 s D1X n* 73 VfM, Nu 14 1 'Tipn-73 KBTI1, Nah 3 1 ib 1 50 6 <H?9 i">9? n 73 ; exceptions being very rare, Is 6 4 101> Pr i6 2 (Ges» ,4,1E - 2 ). . Absolutely: ta. without the art., all things, all (mostly neuter, but sts. m.), the sense in which ' all ' is to be taken being gathered fr. the context, Gng 3 73 riK D37 Tiro,
12 ia 73 ti, 2o 16 nnsiJi 73 nxi, 33" & »3i
b '7, Nu8 16 7N1B" »MB 73 1133, u* 73 fK nought of all things 1 = there is nothing (so t2 S 12 3 Pr 13 7 , cf. 2 K 4 2 ), 13 s QH3 IPiW 7b (cf. 2 S 23 s8 1 Ch 3» : usu. so 73n), Dt 28 47 73 310, v 48.s 7 73 iDh3 ( c f. Je 44 18 ), Is 30 5 B*K3h 73 aM exhibit shame, 44" 7FT^9 ' Je 44" IBni 73 (unusual), Zp i 2 f 8 7 74 s (rd. JHn 73), 145" b »*p, Pr 16 4 26 10 28 s Jb 13' »3*J> nnsn 73 p, 42 s iCh2 9 llb 2CI132 22 (m.), Dn 11 37 (v. also lcemd); 73D Gn 6 19a>b 731? tJJ^, i 4 2 ° a?" Jei7 9 73D 37H 3ipV, Dn n 2 (m.) After a neg. = anything, Dt 4 25 73 n3%3ri the likeness of anything, 8 9 28 s5 Pr 30 s0 . In the gen. also, very rarely, to express the idea of all as com- prehensively as possible : Ez 44 30 7b S '103~73 73 np'nri-731 ; yj, 1 19 128 (si vera 1.) 73 HlpS-73 all the statutes about everything, tb. with art. 7bn ; (a) where the sense is limited by the context to things (or persons) just men- tioned, Exz 9 24 pn« T3 7bn nefen, Lvi 9 -PDpm 7bn riK fron, v 13 8 27 Dt2 36 i^B7 * jno 7bn nx, Jos 11 19 (cf. 2 S 19 31 1 K i 4 26 = 2 Ch 12 9 ), 2I 43 K| 7bn ( c f. 23"), 1 S 30" nn zvfa 7bn, 2 S 17 3 (corrupt: v. @ Dr), 24 s3 (1 Ch 21 s3 ), 1 K 6' 8 ns 7bn ( c f. 7» 2 K 25 ,7 =Je 52 21 ), 2 K24 16 Dni3J 7bn, is 65 s 7bn rrn^n T1737, f 14 3 ; or implied, Gni6 12 733 IT, 24 1 Dm3X DX T>3 733 , 2 S 2 3 6 (poet.) 733 H3nj| , Is 2 9" (peculiarly) 7bn niin the vision o/</ie whole, Je 13 710 K7 b 1 ; ri7r, Ez 7" 7bn paijj (but Co (3n waijj), /^ 49 18 7bn np' iniC3 S7 : more freq. later, viz. 1 Ch7 6 (as regards all), 2 8' 9 29 19 2 Ch 28 s 29* 3i 5 35 7 36 1718 Ezr i" 2 42 8 s4 - 35 io 17 (733 173^1; v. BeRy), Ec 5 8 (733, appar. = in all respects), io 19 12 13 . (b) in a wider sense, all, whether of all mankind or of all living things, the uni- verse (to nav), or of all the circumstances of life (chiefly late), Je io ,6 =5i 19 Sin 73H Tffi «<