of Ahimelech I S 22"” (Jim-15:) v“"’ (on iden- tity of pers. v. Be 1 Ch 5”). 2. father of Zadok 2 S 8‘7 (= 1 Ch I 8"), but We rds. Ahim. son of Ahitub; 1 Ch 53" Ezr 72; grandfather of Zadok I Ch 9“ Ne u“ (on all cf.We l.c.) 1.115”??? n.pr.:n. (acc. to Thes=115: ‘08: child's brother 1. father of Jehoshaphat, David’s chronicler 2 S 8“ 20" I K 4" I Ch 18". 2. father of Baana, officer of Solomon 1 K 4“. TDTD‘UIS: n.pr.:n. (my brother is death) a Levite I Ch 6‘” (cf. “UP I Ch 6’0 2 Ch 29"). 11579ng n.pr.:n. (brother of Meleh, Ph. 75m, nJSDn ; v. also 1n'nx supr.) 1. priest in Soul’s (Dvd’s) time 1 S 2 1”“ 22”“ I Ch 243' \II 52’ (title); son of Ahitub 1 S 22 “um-""9"; father of Abiathar I S 2 3° 30’; so also 2 S 8‘7 6 Ew We Th Dr; where MT ’nvns 'm‘JN'p; whence id. wrongly 1 Ch 24‘, cf. v‘ (1791325 ’2??? ’ & 18" (where rd. ’HE‘: for ’38.). 2. a Hittite I S 26°. . TVQ‘UE) n.pr.:n. (my brother is a gift? so Thes; cf. Ar. 1. ason ofAnak Nu 13” Ju 1'”; EQ‘US: Joe 15“. 2. aLevite, IE‘US. 1 Chg”. l'fit'lg‘ljtj n.pr.:n. (my brother is wrath) 1' son of .Za'dok 2 S 1527.36 I 717.20 18193123373329 1 Ch 5““ (HEM) v“ 63”; perh. also 1 K 4" (son-in-law of Sol.) 2. WQ'UQ, father-in-law of Saul 1 S 14"“. n.pr.m. (fraternal, Aram. a Manassite 1 Ch 7". lljg‘ljtj n.pr.:n. (my brother is noble) an officer of Solomon 1 K 4“.
lDlji‘Utj n.pr.f. (my brother is delight) 1. wife of Soul 1 S 14‘” (daughter of Ahi- maaz). 2. Jezreelitess, wife of David 1 S 25‘3 27‘1 30‘ 2 S 2’ 3’ 1 Ch 3‘.
n.pr.:n. (my brother has sup- ported) father of Oholiab, a workman on tabern. Ex 31‘ 35““ 38”.
n.pr.:n. (my brother is help, cf. As. Ahulé’te, my brother is strength, Dlr'm) 1. a chief of Dan Nu I" 225 7“71 102‘. 2. one of David's heroes 1 Ch 123.
TDE‘UB n.pr.:n. (my brother has arisen) son of Shaphan, Josinh’s time 2 K 22"" 2 Ch 34’"; protector of Jerem. Je 26"; father of Gedaliah 2 K 2522 Je3914405.6.7.9.ILH.1641 l.2.§.l0.10.16 43°- lDT‘Ufi n.pr.:n. (brother of (the) lofly:
Ph. mn v. BTU ; cf. D1‘9§)son of Benj. Nu 26" (prob. = HWHN I Ch 8l v. Be) ".15 Gn 46"). '
lDT‘U n.pr.:n. Hiram (I’h. D'ln; abbr. fr. foregoing)—’n 2 S 5"+ 18 t. I K+Kt 1 Ch 14‘ 2 Ch 4" 9‘0 (all Qr D11”) ; DiW‘U 1 K 5"” 7‘“; also D‘pn 1 Ch 85+ 9 t. Ch.—1. king of
Tyre, contemp. of David & Solomon 2 $5" I K l..l‘.ll.m.”.fi.§5.“.mfl ILHJZH.” loll.” I [4|
2 Ch 2“°'“ 8"“ 9”“. 2. an artificer of Tyre, sent by Hiram the king 1 K 7““°"°~“ 2 Ch 2“ 4”-"-". 3. a Benjamite 1 Ch 8‘.
l‘p‘j‘ljtj adj.gent. mg as n. coll. Nu 26".
Tr‘ynzj n.pr.:n. (my brother is evil) a chief of Naphtali Nu 1” 2” 77"“ to”.
Tfifly‘nij n.pr.:n. (brother of (the) dawn, As. Ahiéri Dlp'm) a Benjamite I Ch 7'”.
T'Wg‘nij n.pr.:n. (my brother has sung) over Solomon's household 1 K 4‘.
Thpfirnzg n.pr.:n. (my brother is folly?)
Davidls trustéd & traitorous counsellor 2 S l 5 12.31.31.“ I 6|}.N3l3l” I 71.61-14.14.“ 2 I 23 2 3H 1 2 7MB-
T713513 n.f. brotherhood ’NU Zc u“ (be- tween Judah & Israel).
n.pr.:n. (prob. 5§‘U(§) brother of El, (8 ’Axuqx; cf. n'vn & Ph. 15m, etc.; v. Bae 3mm) a. Bethelite, rebuilder of Jericho 1 K 1 6"".
nil-1:3 m n.f. sister (Ph. nnx, Aram. “DES, 11.3., Ar. As. agwuu, D1“, Eth. h-fi‘: Sab. in n.pr. VIEWER 082mm”)—abs. ’35 2 S 13' + (never with art.) ; cstr. hing, Gn 414; sf. uni-Its. (wings) Gn le=+, etc.;
pl. sf. "Jigs (Qr virus) Joe 2"; 33mm; E,
x 6‘1 (Qr; Kt 1n1nx)+ 2 t. (Co all ’rnx); 35mg E2 16‘2 (Co Tn‘); flfllnfi E2 16‘2 (must be pl., but del. Co); l‘Q‘US J b 42“; hyping: Ho 23; DQ’D‘UE I Ch 2“ Jb t‘— 1. sister Gn 4” I 2”"; 2025'“ (same father, diff. mother) so Lv 18“ cf. E2 22“; Gn 24”"°+ , Ex 2”; Lv18’ (either parent same) so Dt27z Nu67 2 S 13"“ + , Ct 8”; called upon, in mourning for dead J e 22“; =near relative Cu 24"” (or because Laban prominent? so Di); woman of same nationality Nu 2 5" of. Ho 23. 2. =beloved Ct 4940-" 51-2 (4 t. unfit; bride ,- phr. orig. im- plying that marriage with half-sister—of same father—was allowed? cf. Nfizmmw, & Gn 20“). 3. symbol. of Judah, Samaria,