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ptt3 hence * 105"; ItfWD; ??-i»3 Is 5 i« Ztfo a ? na<- sioaroi (?) shall they die (cf. Di Du ; Weir Che rd. WX3, cf. Buhl"-" 865 ; >Brd De like this). Note.— No*" Ba HB »* E8 ' B Buhl a ~ H ™* B connect this word etymol. with Aram. KDC73 vermin, Ba and Buhl also with As. kalmatu, id. [D1 HWBS3S J, and even with Aram, itrmbp, )tL»^jp, Ar. Jii, etc., Eth. 4>«^yA: Zo«*e; but these connexions, as well as that with NH HD S 33 , all involving radical 13, are most improb. Tn?3 {/8o 16 n.f. (si vera 1.) support (of tree), i. e. root, stock (fern, of 111. I? ; cf. Syr. ]1» m. id., Che p "* 1,MW , so Ges); al. take as vb., but © KarapTurat is ag. gramm. (should be fj? 3 ), and /)33= "p protect (HuRiDe ; rd. then i"l33) is improb. Txt. dubious. t[DJ3] vb. gather, collect (NKid.; Aram. D33 (v. also 1233); Eth. Mtli in der. conj. assem- ble for worship, etc.; Ar. ^J.. ~.S is sweep, sweep away, destroy) — Qal (late) Pf. 1 s. *flM3 Ec 2 8 ; Imv. D133 Est 4 16 ; Inf. cstr. 1 Ch 22 2 + 3 t.; i><. D33 >//• 33 7 ;— grader people iCh 22 2 Est 4 16 ; ntoinn nhsiss |ni D»n *g 133 '3 ^, 33 7 ( rQ . perh., for 133 , 1K33 ag in a wine skin, v. 183, 13) ; gather, collect portions of harvest for priests and Levites Ne 1 2* 1 ; stones Ec 3 s (opp. "jvETl) ; silver and gold=awaas wealth Ec 2 8 ; abs. v 26 (IhDN). Pi. Pf. 1 s. D=nS ^D331 Ez2 2 si and I will gather you togetlier (for punishment; Co tr. to v 20 and rds. for VHJUX ; || pp v 19 - 20 ); of restoration Dno-IK-^K DWDMI 39 s8 , and D33? V' M7 2 . Hitbp. /*/ csir. iTlS rODBni D32nn3 Is 28 20 and the covering is (too) narrow when one gathers oneself together (‖ {{hebrew missing), i.e. the bed is too short to stretch one- self at full length, and when one (perforce) draws up the feet, the covering becomes too narrow. t[D33p] n.m. El4418 only du. (or pi.) drawers (connex. with above v D33 obscure ; Di der. fr. D33 = T3J cover up, hide (cf. Du Is 2 8 20 ), which Thes also comp.) — only cstr. 'DSSt?; — a priestly garment of linen D'RK'B ^DSSr? EZ44 18 ; 13(H) ♦pjM Ex 28" 39 s8 Lv 6 3 i6 4 '(all P). I [^ j3] vb. be humble, only in der. conj. (Aram. V33 id.; Ar. ili is be contracted, wrinkled; also fold wings (of eagle)) — Niph. Pf. 3 ms. y?3? 1 K 2i 29 + 3 t.; 3 pi. tt?:?? 2 Ch 1 2 7 30"; 1I»J3 2 Ch 1 2 7 ; Impf V2$ Lv 26" +

1.; 3 fs. J?33rn Ju 3 30 ; 2 ms. WJjnj 2 K 2 2 ,9 4- 

2 t.; 3 mpl. U»£1 2 Ch 7"+5 t.; «£|! 1 Ch 20 4 ; Jn/ W?n' 2 CI133 23 ; sf. iV«n 2 Ch 12 12 33"; — 1. reflex, humble oneself Lv 26 41 (H ; subj. D33?), 2 Ch 7 14 i2 6 "- 12 3 o u 32 M 33 1923 ; before some one, (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 2 Ch 3427; (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 1 K 2129 2Ch3312.23 3427 3612;(Symbol missingHebrew characters). 1 K 21 29 2 K 2219. 2. pass. 6e humbled, subdued 1 S 7 13 1 Ch 20 4 2 Ch 13 18 ; sq. '?.Bp pers. Ju8 28 ; 'JEDJun 31 ; under some one nnn J u 3 30 ^ 1 06 42 . Hiph.P/ 31ns. yjpn 2 Ch28 19 ; i s."n?»n 1 Ch 17'°; /»»;>/. 3 ms. M3»l Ju 4 23 ^io7 12 ; sf.by'33:Dt9 3 +2t.; 2 ms. 8»an IS25 6 ; J>^5! Ne9 24 '; 1 s. r?3« ^81"; Imv. VlJPMn Jb'40 12 ; — 1. humble 2 Ch 28 19 Jb 40 12 ^ 107 12 (obj. 3.?), Is 25 s (obj. Dnj fiNf). 2. subdue enemies 2 S 8'= 1 Ch 18 1 , 1 Ch 17 10 f 8 1 15 ; sq. "?B? Dt 9 3 Ju 4 s3 Ne 9 s4 . t[n>'23] n.f. bundle, pack (cf. Ar. sense of •/, supr.);— sf. ^33 f^Q "SDK J e io 17 pack thy bundle (and take it) out of the land. I. )V23 n.pr.m. et terr. Canaan (® Xavaav, Ph. |V33 = Phoenicia; X»a=5J33, Heca- taeus, v. Muller 1 "- HUt 0r - '• "al. ; Egypt. Ka-n-'-na WMM a,i,-u. Europe a» <r.. Tel A ma rna Rinahna, Kinahhi, etc., Bezold BM T ">'«"- 15 » Wkl TA »* ; etym."dub. GFM FA0S 0ct - 189 °- •"" tt ; v. also GASm G0oer - 4, Buhl G,!Ogr » 42 );— tl. as n.pr.m., son of Ham Gn g 18 - 22 - 25 - 27 io 15 (as ancestor of Canaanites and Phoenicians ; all J) ; io 6 (P) ; 1 Ch i 813 (fr. Gn io 615 ). 2. a. land, W. of Jordan, into wh. Hebrews came, and where they settled, subduing the inhabitants ; I3??3 ^pD Ju5' 9 , '3 l^D JU4 2 - 23 - 2424 ; hence '3 ni3?pp + 135"; '3 'OB* Ex 15 16 (song in E);' cf. '3 niDqb» Ju 3 1 ; '3 ^5?$) + 106 38 idols of Ca- naan, i.e. of the former inhabitants; esp. '=(-) (all J), 35 6 4 2 5 Gnu 31 i2 5 - 6 i3' 2 (opp. t3?n ny v b), 16 3 17 8 (allP)+40t. P, Ju2i 12 iChi6 ,8 = -f 105"; also '3 H? n Nu 3 4 3 (P); '3 rtM Gn 28 1 daughters of Canaan ^ women of the land, so v 6 - 8 36 s (all P) ; |J?33 is personif. Ho 1 2 8 = apostate Israel; '3 nDE' Isi9 18 :=the Hebrew lang. (without evil implication), b. the coast, esp. Phoenicia Is 23 11 ; cf. nm pB pS '3 Zp 2 5 . tn. 11*33 n.fm.] merohant(s) (because Canaanites, esp. Phoenicians, were traders); — jy33 Dy-^3 Zp i 11 ; '3 H? Ez 16 29 (om. @B al. Co), 1 7 4 a land of merchants; cf. '3V33 ad fin. '3 nsnK Gn 44 8 46 31 4 7 '"i 3 »'s 50 'i3 T mum 45 i7.2s Jos 24 s ( all E ) (