DCD Inf. D^Wp Ec 7 9 . — 1 . be vexed, indignant ^112"' Ne 3 s3 Ec 5 16 . 2. be angry Ez 1 6 42 Ec 7", c. 5>? pers. 2 Ch 1 6 10 . Piel. Pf. 3 fs. sf. nripg? 1 S i 6 ; 3 mpl. sf. *'3^DJ?3 Dt 32 21 provoke to anger. Hiph. Pf D'V3n Ho 12" 1 K 15 30 ; sf. iD'jnn 2 K 2 3 26 + 4 t.Pf.; ^IDJDn Je25 7 ; (scribal error forVKD'JDn ace. to SS); Imff.Bffi 1 K 22 M 2Ch28 25 ; 3fs.sf.n3D^3n iSi 7 +6t.'lmpf.; Inf.cstr. D'jnn 1 Ki6 ,3 +5t.; sf.'Op^jDn Je7 18 + 11 t., + 6 1. sfs.; PC pi. D'lTjno J e 7"'+ 4 1.— 1. u«a;, c. acc. pers. 1 S i 7 Ez 32'. 2. uea;, provoke to anger, esp. of provoking Yahweh by worship of other gods Ju 2 12 1 K 14 915 16 33 22" 2 K 17 11 23 19 2 Ch 28 s5 Ne 3 37 Je 7 1819 n 1 ^ 29 - 32 44 3 Ez 8 17 16 26 Is65 3 Ho 12 15 ; c. 3 instr. rtbyina Dt32 16 ; angaria Dt 3 2 21 1K16 1326 ; Dnxuna
K 16 2 ; (V)T (")'BT?D3 Dt 31 29 i K 16 7 Je 25 s - 7
32 30 44 8 ; DiTT 1 (n)e>yO 5>33 2 Kc2 17 = 2 Ch 34^; mean V' 7 s 68 ; Dn^Dsa Je8 19 ; Drr^yoaVMoe 29 ; cf. the phrases (^D'yan^ "» *yyi (n)jnn n'cy do the evil in the eyes of Yahweh to provoke (him) to anger Dt4 25 9 19 31 29 1 K 16 7 2 K 17" 2i« = 2Ch33 6 ; so D'DJjaD 2 K 2i 15 Je 32 30 ; (0*)DW D^yan IPX i K 15 30 21 22 2 K 23 M .— The phrase is characteristic of D Je and the compiler of Kings; seeDr ,n,rmiIH4 ' 26 Holz EtoI - HMi!s7 . TDJ73 n.m. vexation, anger; — 'a 0132" + 13 t.; DJ?3 Pr 21 19 Ec i 18 ; sf. 'pVS 1 S i 16 , 1?5?3 ^,85 5 , iD?3 Pr 12 16 iK 15 s0 ; pi. D'pJQ
K 23 M . — vexation: 1. of men, esp. caused by
unmerited treatment, 1 S i 616 Pr 12 16 17 25 21 19 2 7 3 Ec 7 9 . 2. vexation, anger of Yahweh (caused esp. by worship of other gods) 1 K 1 5 30 2 1 22 2 K 23 26 ; W3y '3 f 85 s anger (of Yahweh) with us; V33 '3 Dt 32 19 anger against his sons, U'pK '3 v 27 anger against the enemy (bothobj. gen. see Di ; RV provocation of, cf. Dr); Dia"!^ '3 Ez 20 28 provocation of their offering (so B.V but Co del., rightly). 3. vexation, grief yjf 6 8 io 14 31 10 Ec i 18 2 s3 7 3 11 10 , also Dy3 5 16 acc. Ew al. TUJJ'3 n.m. (dialectic variation of Dy?, only in Jb) ;— '3 Jb 1 7 7 , fc^3 Jb 5 2 ; sf. 'VV? Jb 6 2 ; ^B'ya Jb io 17 ; — 1. vexation, grief of men Jb 5 2 (cf. Pr 1 2 16 2 7 3 ). 6 2 17'. 2. vexation, anger, of God; c. "H^V IjPEJ Jb io 17 «7«ne anger «c«7A m«. ?)3 v. sub «)33 . t[e|3] n.[m.] rook (As. kdpu D1 HWBS »; Aram. KB'?, &q ; perh. Aram, loan-word in Heb. ; V dub.); — only pi. D^B? Je 4 29 as place of refuge ; Jb 30 6 as dwelling-place. t[(73 3] vb. prob. subdue (NH overturn, hold under, compel; Aram. NB3, id.; [io incline (as face to ground), overturn; As. A^pri perh. t&, D1 HWB346 ; cf. Ar. LiT overturn, turn back) ;— only Qal 7wip/. ^"133^ TTIEO fno Pr 2i"« g^/i in secret subdueth anger (so Thes RobGes ; Ew beugt : Fl De averteth, from the Ar., is more remote ; ® avarpiirfi, cf. NH). i"|E3 v. sub S|D3. t/23 vb. double, double over (late) (NH id*.; Aram. bs3 ; X *b&3, i^BIS, Nab. $B3 Eut- NabNo20 - r the double; Christ. Pal. Aram.'^aa, Schwally Idlot - 46 ; NSyr. id.; Ar. JJ6</(e double, jii posteriors, buttocks; Eth. h<?.rt: is divide, Xl^Sw a pari) — Qal Pf. 2 ms. J?? s ?1 Ex 2 6 9 and thou shalt double over the sixth curtain, i.e. prob. use it double (Di); Pt. pass. ?'B3 folded double, of the breast- piece (?E>n) Ex 28 16 39 99 . Niph. Impf 3 fs. •'BSni Ez 2 1 19 and let the sword be doubled, but very dub. ; Co rds. plausibly ???' r jl let the sword bereave (cf. VB). t^cl n.[m.] the double:— '3 cstr. : '33 i3DT Jb4i 5 within the double of his jaw (i.e. his double jaws) who can come 1 elsewhere du. d£b? (cf. Ar. jQ(), Tvfrn i,« rfoMftZe in sound wisdom (beyond what Job imagines), of retribution Is 40 2 . TrOEOO n.pr.loc. near Hebron, where the patriarchs and their wives were buried, only in P, alw. c. art. ; 'm "**« nTe> Gn 23 17 , 'tan rnyo the cave of Machpelah v 9 , 25", niytf> 'en rn't? 23 19 50 13 , 'on "Ti^? 1?*? n "jy? 49 s0 - — cf. Buhl ow.i60.m_ (Evidently orig. appell., but meaning dub.; © to 8mavv ; acc. to Thes= part, lot, portion, as Eth. ODft&.&Vi). t[]23] vb. be hungry, hunger, perh. also hungrily desire (Aram, loan-word ; cf. Aram. PB3, |B3, ^as be hungry; Ar. ^_aS is spin wool, wrap a corpse m <A« shroud) ; — only Qal Pf. 3 fs. h? njB3 Ez 1 7 7 (si vera 1.) this vine stretched its roots hungrily toward (|[? n ^?V'). t]C3 n.[m.] hunger, famine (Araraaism; on form cf. Lag BN144 ), Jb s 22 30 3 . DSD (perh. >/ of foil.; cf. S DBS Est I 6 6mcZ, fasten (so Levy, Jastrow/V