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Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/521

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C3 to MT ; cf. however Co). 4. of various hol- low, bending or bent objects :■ — ta. hollow (i.e. socket), of the thigh-joint, }T T '3 Gn 3 2^^ sx> (J), b. pan, vessel (as hollow), used in ritual, Ex 25 29 37 16 Nu 5 7 7"+ 15 t. Nu 7; iKf = 2 Ch 4 B , 2 K 25 14 = Je 52 18 , Je 52 19 , 2 Ch 24 14 . tc. /wflow of sling, 1 S 2 5 M . td. trpfl nisa Lv 23 40 = of huge hanl-shaped branches (or fronds) of palm-trees, e. ^313? niS3 Ct 5 s the (bent) handles of the bolt. TnS3 n.f. branch, frond (prob. of palm- tree, t£ *|3 3 «);— 'a Is 9 13 19" fig. of nobles, rulers (both opp. P*33K rush, i.e. high and low; || 3JJ1 BWl); c. sf.'inB? Jbis 32 (of wicked under fig. of palm-tree). I. H3D (of foil.; orig. inng. dub., but most prob. cover, cf. Ar.JjLi cover, hide; > ES who thinks of Aram.^S?, ;°io Pa. wash away, rub off, whence ">B3, "*B3 of washing away, obliteration of sin: NH ">B3, Aram. 133 and deriv.; Ar. ft&m expiation (see ES 0TJC "»'*•* Kn on LV4 20 TfjBegr. derSIUine -yygComp. 335f. g m ATBel.Gesch.S21 J^" ow Arch.il.l92T) r Dt426 Schmol J er 8t.Kr.l891.ae(r. La gBN230<r.^ f I. "1D3 n.m. the price of a life, ransom (jTotvr),wergeld); — '3 Ex2i 30 +iot.; sf. T)B3 Is 43 3 ; 11D3 ^49 8 ; — 1. a price for ransom of a life Jb 33 s4 36 18 ; ^ '3 Ex 21 30 (Covt. code ; || iB>D? pnB); tfsj '3 Pr 13 8 ; j> '3 ran«<wi /or Pr 6 s5 2 1 18 Nu 35 3132 (P) ; V1B3 At* random ^49 8 (|| ma); T|B3 % rawsom Is 43 s (|| TWJ5); "IBS alone 1 S 12 3 Am 5 12 . 2. in the ritual of P iBteJ '3 Ex 30 12 is a half shekel of the sanctuary paid by each male above twenty years at the census in order that there might be no plague upon them. It was offered to Yahweh, ?y 133? to atone for them. t ^E3 vb. Pi. etc. denom. cover over (fig.), pacify, make propitiation ; — Pi. Pf "133 Ex 3O 10 +3i t.; 2 ms. sf. inri-|33 EZ43 20 ; 3mpl. ri33? Ez 43 M ; 2 mpl. DPH33 Ez 45 20 ; Impf."*£ Ex 3 o 10 +iot.; ""MS) Lv? Nus 8 ; sf.n3n.B3' Pn6 14 ; 1 S.133S 2S21 3 ; nnEDK Gn 3 2 21 Ex 32 30 ,etc; Im/v."** Dt 2i 8 + 4 t.;' 7n/iB3 Ex 30 ,5 +28t.; sfs. 1*i Ez 16 63 ; Tjfl Ex 29 s6 ; IT133 Is 47 11 ; — 1. cover over, pacify , propitiate ; nmoa V33 rn33X Gn 32 21 Z«« m« couer owr /it's face by the present (so that he does not see the offence, i.e. pacify him ; E ; ES 0TJ0 ' *» "'■• * l ' wipe clean the face,' blackened by displeasure, as the Arabs say ' whiten the face ') ; fftrl T?y *Kn


•TJB? v3W JO Is 47" and disaster will fall upon thee, thou wilt not be able to propitiate it (by payment of a "1S3 , see Is 43 3 ); pacify the wrath of a king Pr 16 1 * (e.g. by a gift). 2. cover over, atone for sin, without sacrifice : a. man as subj.psaN nB3 2B21 3 , with what shall I cover over (viz. the bloodijuiltiness of the house of Saul, says David. The answer is by a death penalty of seven sons of the guilty house); 15?3 D3)1Nt3n Ex 32 30 on behalf of your sins (JE; Moses, by intercession) ; c. ?y of persons Nu 17" 13 (P; by incense), 25 13 (P when Phinehas slays the ringleaders). b. with God as subj., c. ace. pers., cover, i. e. treat as covered, view propitiously, Yahweh's land Dt 32" (song); p pers. Dt 2 1 8 (bloodguiltiness flows away in the stream), Ez 16 63 ; nys of person 2 CI130 18 ; c. ace. of the sin f 65' 78", prob. also Dn 9 s4 (|| Dnft nxun); *?)) of sin, f 79* Je 18 23 (|| nro> It is conceived that God in his sovereignty may himself provide an atonement or covering for men and their sins which could not be provided by men. 3. cover over, atone for sin and >ersons by legal rites, in the codes of H, P, and Ez : abs. J^Sl 1 '31 and the priest shall make atonement Lv 16 32 ; a. c. ace. of sacred places (by the great sin-offering of the day of atonement), Lv I6 20 - 33 - 33 ; also Ez 43 2026 45 20 (by the blood of the sin-offering || KtDH , tritp). b. usually c. by (1) of things, e.g. of the altar to which the blood of the sin-offering was applied Ex29 36 - 37 3O 10 Lv8 15 (||BHi?), i6 18 ; and specifically the horns of the altar Ex 30 10 ; the holy place of the tabernacle Lv 16 16 (by the great sin- offering, because of (|l?) the uncleannesses of the children of Israel and because of their trans- gressions) ; for the leprous house by ceremony of purification Lv 1 4 s3 (|| ~^) ; for the goat 7tNtV? Lv 16 10 (which was presented before Yahweh to consecrate him for the bearing away of the sins of the people). (2) of persons, ~7y OSTIE'QS, for your persons, yourselves, e.g. by the payment of atonement-money D , "l~3n *1D3 at the census Ex 30 1516 ; by the pip of the spoils Nu 31 50 ; by the blood upon the altar Lvi7 u ; in the ritual Dn^Jf, l^y by ministry of priest through the blood of the sin-offering Lv 4 2031

25.S8.1B 2 j 

io 17 i2 7 - 8 14 1931 I6 30 - 33 23 28 Nu8 1221 30 2 9 5 2 Ch 2 9 24 Ne 1 o 34 ; of the tres- pass-offering Lv5 1618 - 26 ? 14 21 ig 22 Nu 5 8 ; the whole burnt-offering Lv i 4 14 20 16 54 ; by the oil Kk