Thes, is an error) alw. c. art. Je 36 s5 V3Bp 'SH rnSJ'ap the brasier before him was burning ; v 23 'WOK ik>s wn ; v 23 'srr^y iro e>sn fr. ns t v v -: -t) T « v -: " T T * brother v. sub nns ; 111. ns interj., p. 25). tniflN a Benjamite iCh8 4 (perh. corruption of iTns v 7 q. v.) t"«nin« hrthi*) 2 S 23° (where for 'S~|3 rd. 1CT We Dr; ref. unknown : Klo prop, (tyn B»K |3 c f. v 20 ) v 28 ^ 1 Ch 1 i 12ra 2 7 4 . TIN a son of Benjamin Gn 46 21 (P) (perh. corruption of Dl'nS Nu 26 s8 (P); so also rnqK 1 Ch 8 1 cf. ins 7 >= '& coram.) /PJJ^ff (existence & meaning dub.) t-'VnN (Dl rr2, ° trans. 0! would that! (cf. Y^S sub in. ns supr.p. 25) & comp.interjec- tional Bab. name Ahulapia, ! that I at last ! Zim BP " 6 ; cf. 01 s OT ; otherwise Hal JAS '• * *°°) 1. f. daughter of Sheshan 1 Ch 2 31 ; so Be Ot al. in view of v 34 . 2. m. father of one of David's mighty men (not in 2 S 23) 1 Ch 1 1 41 . nSnN v. ata t ; — tfTO , nN n.f. perh. amethyst (etym. dub.; sub Di>nThes q.v.; Hal" 871426 fr. D^n etrefort, solide; Di Kn comp. Talm. nWD, malva & think of green malachite; D1 HAS6 N Aram, land Ahlamd), amethyst ace. to ®33 Josephus; v. also'Lag "* 1884 - 285 , but cf. Di; one of the gems on the ephod Ex 28 19 39 12 . "^CriN father of Eliphelet, one of David's heroes 2 S 23 s4 . (Meaning dub.; 1 Ch 11 35 has rflK, sq. 1B n ; txt. prob. corrupt.) [nn^ vb. to remain behind, delay, tarry (Ar. l£l to put off, also to remain behind; Aram. Pa. ins, Aph. «Lo( , Shaph. iLa.L. Sab. iflK Osiander ZMGlft65197 ; inns DHM E ^ De " k,n -
- ). tQal once only Gn 32 s insi (contr. fr.
inSKI cf. 3HK Pr 8 17 ) and I have tarried until now." tPi. Pf. yX Gn 3 4 19 ; njHJ Ju 5 s8 ; 7m;>/. into, inxn ( 3 t. insn) etc. (in 24 s6 + gt.; Pt. ( ,_ T) thinks 3 1. 1 . intensive, delay, tarry, abs. Ju 5 28 '(|| '*&& tifr) Is 4 6 13 and my salvation insn tib Hb 2 3 f 4o' 8 = 7o 6 Dn p 19 ; with b & inf. Gn 34 19 .— Pr 23 30 ftO"^ BnrjKB <Ao«e tarrying over the wine, Is s" 5 !^? 'insp, V' 1 2 7 2 T)2f nriKD (|| Dip , D , 3B>D). 2. causat. of Qal, cawse one to delay, hinder Gn 24 s6 ; keep back (=bring late) Ex 22 s8 ; with 7 & inf. delay to . . . Dt if 2 quoted Ec 5 3 : ellipt. Dt 7 10 he -TIN delayeth (it, the recompense) not to his enemy. —2 S 20 6 Qr irrt>! i 8 taken by 01'""' as Qal (cf. inril v 9 from tns), by Sta' 498 " Ko 13 " Ges •• 2Bem as Hiph. (lit. shewed, exhibited delay): on the Kt (nn«.l) v. Dr Sm . . IriN adj. another (prop, one coming be- hind), f. rnn« (with dag. f. implic); pi. DnriS (as if from sg. ins), once Jb 31 10 fins, rriins (= Ar.^LT, Sab. ifiss, As. ahru future, fpl. as subst. afyrat time future of days) Gn 4 s5 ins jnt <mo</t«r seed 8 " D'ins D 11 ^ nyaP t e ven o^er days Ex 2 2 4 ins nl'B>3 i n the field of another + oft.; ins P"!* another man (husband) Gn2o 19 Dt24 3 Je 3 1 ; ^ nNn "S5 1 K fthe other court, v.lXO; 'N roinri'2 Ch 32 s the other wall, v. ncin. Appended to a n. pr. for distinction Ezr 2 31 = Ne 7 s4 (see v 7 =Ne v 12 ) Ne 7 s3 (prob. here txt. err., v. BeEy 18 : not in Ezr 2 s9 ). Often with the collat. sense of different, as 'K D'lJS o«/tfr garments Lv6 4 iS28 8 Ez 42 14 44 19 ; lay,' D'ias Lv 14 42 ; nn Nu 14 24 ; s thfi inasnii x s io 6 ; 3^ v 9 Ezn" (© Hi Sm); dV Is 05' 6 (cf. 62' SS'in); with that of strange, alien, as 'K tP'S Dt 20 5 " 28 30 (so ins, Dnns alone f 109 8 Jb 31 810 Is 65" Je 6 12 8 10 al.); D? Dt 2 8 32 ; fft 29 27 Je22 26 ; n^SJun 2 ; P^Is28 n (||nQ'B"JJ)b3); esp. in the phrase D'ins D'HpX other gods(6^t.) Ex20 3 (=Dt 5 7 )23 13 (bothJE) Jos2 4 516 (E) 1 S 26 19 Ho 3 1 , & particularly in Dt (6 14 8 19 + i5t.) & Deut. writers, as Jos 23 16 Ju 2 1217 - 19 Je (18 1.) & compiler of Kings; ins i>S once EX34 14 (JE). So ins alone Is 42 s + 1 6 4 . + Of time, follow- ing, next (rare) UfJ HJB'a Gn 1 7 21 (P) in the next year; 2 K 6 s9 'Kn Di»3 ; 'N in Joel I s ^ 109 13 poet, the next generation (Ju 2 10 in prose = another generation). "1HN prop, subst. the hinder or following part (cf. the pi.) 1. adv. a. of place, behind, twice Gn 2 2 13 (many MSS. Sam. © @ Ol Ew read "ins v. Di) //68- 6 . b. of time, afterwards Gn io 18 18 5 24 s5 30 21 Ju i9 5 + ; insi in laws of P, as Lv 14 819 15 28 2 2 7 Nu s^al. ' 2. prep. a. of place, behind, after Ex 3 1 1 1 5 2 K 1 1 6 Ct 2 9 Is 57 s : ins T]bn to go after, follow Gn 37" 2Ki 3 2 2 3 3 Is6 5 2 Ezi 3 3 Jb3i 7 ; ins njn iS 12"; nnso from after t2 S 7 s f 78 71 Is 5 9 ' 3 . b. of time, after Gn 9 28 Lv 25> 6 al; DW^H ins n^Xn after these things tGni5 1 22 1 39 7 4o' iK i7 17T 2i'Ezr7 1 Est2 , 3 1 ; f3 ins fLv^ 38 Dt2i' 3 1S10 5 ; m ins (late) 2Ch 3 2 9 ; sq. inf. tNu6 19 Je 40' 1 Ch 2 24 Jb 2 1 3 ; ins iy till after +Ne 1 3 19 . C. Ne 5 15 strangely: Ew RV besides; but text prob. corrupt, v. Be Ry. 3. 1 conj. I^K ins