irOK^O Gn 2 2 + 13 t.; pl.cstr. rfOK^D 1 Ch 28 19 ; sf. 'J'niaxpp ^ 73 s8 ; — 1. occupation, business, ^ri3X?tp no what is thy occupation Jon I 8 ; business of a steward Gn 39 11 (J); diligent in business Pr22 29 ; slack in business 18 9 . 2. property in which one is occupied, injn 'o his neighbour's property Ex2 2 710 (E); possessions of herds and flocks Gn 33 ,4 (J), 1 S i5 9 (cf.n3po); n3n 'O great property 2 Ch 1 7 13 . 3. work as something done or made: a. of God in creation Gn 2 2 -" (P), in judgment Je 5o 2S , in general V' 73 M - k. °f men > ^V 'O leatlter-work Lv I3 «. 5 i (p^ n Ye;n 'd wori tn the field 1 Ch 27 s6 ; in building Pr 24^ + , the walls of Jerusalem Ne 4 6 + , making the tabernacle and its furniture Ex 36'+ , the temple 1 K 5 s0 + ; work of the potter Je i8 3 , of the seaman i// 107 23 , of the Levites 1 Ch 26 s9 , of priests in the sacrifices 2 Ch 29 s4 ; tnn3S?(n) rnt6p phrase of P, Ex 35 24
1J LV 2 3M-21-25-3 T 5.36 ' Nu " 28 18.25.26 29 1.12.36 a l g0 Ch 9 1319 28 13 - 20 2 Ch 24 12 ; mah 'on i ch 2 3 24 ;
'rb may Ex 36 s (P) ; cf. the phrase tx nby workmen Ezr 3 9 Ne 2 16 ; t» D-fcty 1 K 5 30 <f + ; 'o 73 any work forbidden on the Sabbath Ex 20 910 Lv23 3 (P) Dt5 1314 Je 17 s - 24 ; on holy con- vocations Ex 12 16 Lv 16 29 23 283031 Nu 2 9 7 (P). t4. workmanship, n3K70 73 m euery /awtf. 0/ workmanship, phrase of P: EX31 35 35 29 . 31 . 33 - 35 ; and Chr: 1 Ch 22'* 28" 29 s ; 1 K 7 14 . +5. service, use LV7 24 n 32 Ju 16" Ez 28 13 . +6. public business: a. political 1K11 28 iCh29 6 Dn 8 s7 Est 3 9 g 3 . b. religious, putting away foreign wives Ezr 1 o 13 ; fW 'o 1 Ch 26 30 ; Ehpn'D Ex 3 6 4 3S U (F), vvhpn vhp 'o x Che 34 ; 7ns 'o lyio Ex 35 21 (P), '" n»3 'o 1 Ch 2 3 4 Ezr 3" 6 a Ne io 34 11 22 . t[D1DSlV^] »•*• message, cstr. Ott^ Hg i 13 . HDN7Q appar. Malachi, Mai I 1 , but in fact not historical name of author, nor pseudonym for Ezra ; prob. a conjecture based on 3 1 ; so many moderns; see Dr'°"- I7N7 (belonging to God; cf. Palm. COB>7: v . No WZKM - 18M - 3U Gray H "'- , " ,nM ' 2(l7 ) a Gershonite-Levite ; Nu 3 s4 , @ Aarj, Aaot/ijX. QJ^7 ('/of foil.; cf. Ar. '"} bind up, or together, ill. reconcile, bring together (Thes Ba »b »«».»). >Lag B;U80 who comp. ^j be low, ig- noble, 1U.I [pi.] common ones, hence Dfcy prop. common, vulgar people).
n.m. Gn26 ' 2s people, poet. and chiefly late;— '7 abs. Gn 25 2323 Pri4 2S , Di*6 Pru 26 ; sf. 'SfiKJj Is 5^; pi. tWf«)» Gn 25 s3 + 28 t. ; Q*OW|> Is 55 4 -—people, both of Isr. and of Edom, Gn25 23 - 23 - 23 (J; Jacob and Esau; || ,| i3); elsewhere of Isr. only Is 51 4 (sg. || 0$) ; usu. pi. of other peoples :— '7 fX& Is 1 7> 2 (|| D'oy (ion), c f. v 13 ; || Dil Is 34 1 43 9 > 2 1 44 315 105 44 149 7 ', cf. Is 55" C» in v 5 ); || D'W Gn 27 M (J), Hb 2 13 Je 51 58 + 47 4 57 10 67" 108 4 Pr24 M ; further Is4i 1 49 1 (both || ta"»K), 43* (ii D m 60 2 (ii rm * 9' (ii *m> n* n (ii $* ri«, etc.) ; OT«£ rny : ^ 7 s , '7 [ion 65 s ; of any and all 2>eoples Pr 14 34 ; sg. indef. = people in gen., as making public opinion, 1 1 26 (coll., c. pi. vb.); = population, as subjects of prince " gibs).
- C'tSN; gent., as 'son' of Dedan
Gn2 5 3 . A®L Aooi/j(t)et^t. (Sab. tnb. DON7, t»w6 SabDenkm 11 ). y? v. sub 337 infr. K27 (■/of foil; v. Ar. Xj2, 0, i*U lioness, cf. N , 37; v. peih. also Ph. X37 CIS 1 - 147 ; Jastro T w JBL " (1892)120f - comp. Tel el- Am. Labd' (Bez BM Labay[a~]); poss. is also Lapaya, whichWkl TA ' 1896 rds. ; deriv. only poet.) t^lb] n.[m., f.] lion; — only pi. and fig. of foes Dk:6 Tjina ^M ^ 57 s ; of Assyrians vnto£ Na 2 13 (II vrna ; sf. ref. to n^x). IN"!? n.f. lioness (on format, v. Lag uses) .J_E Z I9 s (II nins) fig. of mother of Isr. t W2; n.[m.] lion, poss. also [f.] lioness (cf. Ar. usage, and Gn 49 s Nu 24 9 Jb 4 11 , etc.; but this by no means certain); — '7 abs. Gn 49 9 + 10 t.;-Is 30 6 (|| B#), Jb 38 s9 (|| "^ ; Gn 49 9 in sim. of victor's repose (J*3"l ; || iT"1K), cf. Nu 2 4 9 (c. 33B> ; || ns), Dt 33- (1H?) my, v. also NU23 24 (DIP; || HK); fig. of Nineveh Na2 I2 (||nn«), c f.Is5 29 (n3sa i insim.; || D*Tffp); fig. of wicked Jb 4 11 (+ nn*. i>ng, tb?, b*:? v 10 ") ; sim. of devouring (???) in judgment Ho i 3 8 ; fig. of locusts '? rrtyjce Jo i 6 (1| W nns). t rTiN^7 a city in S. Judah, Jos 1 5 32 , © Ao0 W f , A®L Aafod = O IT 1 ? (q.v. p. 1 1 1 supr.) Jos 1 9 6 , ® Ba6apa>6, ®L BqOXcPaaS. Site unknown.