rra t"HQ n.pr.gent. et terr. Medes, Media (OPers. Mdda Sp^ 1 , As. Madai COT a,OM *" don G"«HDl p * r - a7 );— 1. people, as 'son' of Japhet Gn io 2 (P)=i Ch I s ; as hostile power Is 13 17 2 ,! ; no JJTJ Dn 9 1 ; land and people, ""ID -3^P Je 25* ( + oVj? ^bp), 5 1 11 - 28 ; DTS1 'B 'obp Dn 8 20 ; cf. no* DIB Est i 3 - 14 ' 819 io ! ; © MnVm. 2. of land alone =J/edi'a 2 K I7 6 i8 n (both t*H>D adj. gent. Mede, Median, nan B^-VJ Dnn 1 . "'"TO (i.e. TTO) 2 Ch 30 3 , v. no 1 e. "TO v. *!. £td, nr-tp v. p. D^-ra v. 1. p-ra. ro^ra v. in. jp-ra, 1, 11. n:»-ra, nan-ra v. ton. ]~ro v. p. O^T? v. frns, ^to. srra.jnb, n?4lb v. m*. [pnjTTp],pl, cstr. Di"p~|^ v. "ipT. n^iio v. jin. m-ra v. w. t • • : — t : [T]-np] v. th. [tthip] v. trn. [nttrir?] v . &n. !~!Q, rarely "77Q (e.g. Gn 31 43 Jos 22 16 Ju8'), "HE, -HQ, (IP, -D (fEx 4 2 Is 3 15 Mai i 13 1 Ch 15 13 2 Ch 30 3 ), B (only in DTOtEz8 6 Kt., Qr.Dn np)_ on the distinction in the use of these forms, see Ges' 37 — pron. interrog. and indef. what? how? aught; used of things, as "p of persons (Aram. Jci, NO, Ar. U; prob. apoc. from a longer form with n or nt, As. mind (Dl HWB417f ), Eth. y»1t; ment; c {.W comtt Ko' L3sa ):—l. interrog. what ? a. in a direct question, before either verbs or nouns Gn 4 10 TWV HD what hast thou done ? 1 5 s ^inn-HD what wilt thou give me? Ex 3 13 toBh-10, i2 M 13" and so very often: KTrnp Zc5'; rbtt no Zci 9 ; nsi nm no j e i" Am 7" + ; Jl 4" "^ DnK HO; Ju 18 8 DDK HO vid. Comm., v 24 T15? >b no wto have I still ? Is 21" nWo-TD wliat ( = how much) of the night (is past)?=as what ? (qualetn f) Hg a* (cf. to Am 7'); to express surprise, Jbo 12 who shall say to him, nfcW TO what doest thou? 22 13 Ec8 4 Is 45 9 - 10 ; sq. '3, Gn 20 10 rrb>sr3 nw no what hadst thou in view, that thou hast done, etc.? 3 i 3S Ex 16 7 '? HD Urui and what are we, that . . .? 32 21 Nu 22 28 HbV 8 , etc. Note in partic. — (a) TO is followed sometimes by a subst. in appos. (against Arabic usage, which does not permit this: "v?* -"* 170 ), so that it becomes virtually an adj.: VS3"TO what profit . . .? Gn 37 s6 + 30 10 Mai 3 14 ; Is 40 8 DIDVno, Mai i 13 ^ 89* ibn ,TO "3N-13] (inverted for HD , ?JS "VP) remember (of) what (short) duration
am,'Eci 3 5 1015 6 8 " (Da* 8 ' B!i Kb'"- 23 ') ; as
exclam., yjr 89 48b Jb 26". And with the subst. idiom, at the end (in Arabic preceded then by £-: w* 8 "* 49 - 7 ), 1 S 26 18 njn »T3-npi and what is there in my hand, evil ? 20 10 (vid. 3), 2 S 19 29 " 1 k 12" Je 2 s ty »a twnat« laxo-no, Ec 1 1 2 Est 6 s . (6) firm ^to, jiom, ? 1 S 10", contr. nj» fEx 4 2 (nt 4 c); Gn3 13 rpfeq> ntfr.TO; I2 18 29 25 i> nn»B>ynNrnp; similarly 26 10 42 28 +, either what, now, hast thou done ? or what is this that thou hast done ? ( vid. HI 4 d) . (c) "TO If what to thee ? i.e. wta aifeiA thee ? or W*a< rfo«< thou want f Gn 2i 17 "Wl }Wip ; Jos 15 18
S14 6 1 K i 16 2 K 6 s8 Ez 18 2 (accents); sq. ♦?,
Ju 18 23 npyn »a t^-to, Gn 20 9 (cf. 1 S n 5 no ' '3 Dyb), Is 22 1 n^y ♦? ^".TO (cf. H 7ra<W toCto 7rot«r;), ^ 1 14 5 ; without '? Is 3 15 (cf. Qor 57 810 ); with a ptcp., Jon i* what is it to thee as a sleeper? (accus. : Da' 70 * cites Qor 74 50 ), Ez 1 8 2 (if DriN be treated as strengthening D3b). (d) * ("b) l^-nperteAo* hast thou (have I) here ? Ju 18 s 1 K 19' Is 22 16 52 s . (e) in the genit., Jer 8 9 Gb np-npsm, and wisdom of what ( = what kind of wisdom) is theirs ? Nu 2 3 s (v. infr. 3). b. often in an indirect question, as after ntT, Gn 2 19 to see lirtripv-no what he would call it, 37 20 Vrf&n WTO n^JTJj to w/ta< his dreams will come, Nu i3 19f - Hb a 1 ; "I'sn Gn 31 32 ; jm 39 8 Ex 2 4 ib ne^-no nvnb, 16 15 32 1 Jb 34 4 ; yoty NU9 8 " 1 mmo nyct^Ki (cf. f 85'), 2 S 17 s ; en'a NU15 34 ; bw 1K3 6 2K2 9 ; p?n Jb6 24 23 6 : Nui3 18 ps<nnNDn ,, x-n N"n no, V' 39 5 Is 41 22 n*fii nsn np fflMfthn.-- In some such cases it approximates in meaning to the simple rel., as Jer 7 17 33 s4 Mi 6 s - 8 Jb 34 s3 . c. =ofwJiat kind ? (Germ, was fiir ein ...?), with an insinuation of blame, or reproach, or contempt: Gn 37 10 nm Dlbnn no what is this