DWiH 34 Jb 20 a ; nto'N f 55 s ; sf. TSS ^ 88 16 ;— terror, dread (mostly poet.), inspired by ^ Ex 15 16 (song inj; || ins) 23 s; (E) Dt 3 2 25 Jb 9 34 13 s1 cf. 33 7 ; 2^P * 88" (|| D^ , DT11V3 v 17 ); cf. Gn 15" rcrflj nj'w'n TO'X; occasioned by enemies Jos 2' Is 33 18 Ezr 3 3 ; by king Pr 20 s ; cf. ^ 55 s njo nlcx (|| nxv, njn, nrcVa v 6 ); pred. of snorting of a war-horse Jbso/ 10 , of teeth of croco- dile Jb4i 6 ; pi. fig. = idols (i.e. dreadful, shock- ing things) Je 50 38 (|| D^D3). TD , E' 1 N n.pr.in.pl. TZznim. (terrors) ancient inhab. of Moab Gn 1 4 5 (tWXH) ; Dt 2 10 ('»xn) ; v" ('»«). L []?N]. i^ D w^««ce ? v. sub "X. II. PK, P& cstr. PX subst. prop. nothing, nought (Moab. JX, As. idnu). 1. tls 40 23 fn'ian pXp D'JrtT who bringeth princes to nothing ; tW| a* no^jny, ib. 40 17 41"" Hg 2 3 ^39°; almost (|| CyD|) ^ 73 ! ; +pxt? of nothing Is 4 I 24 . 2. cstr. pX, very freq. as particle of nega- tion, is not, are not, was not, were not, etc. (corresp. to the affirm. B* q.v. Similar in usage, though not etym. akin, are ,jllJ, fiv, h»«A, fi£VP:), prop. ' there is nought of . . .' sq. a subst. or a pron. suffix (WK [verbal form, Qggjioo.SiW.icj^j^ rjyx, yyx, n|j%, oarx, D3 ,x , alsp V' 59" toy«, 73 5 to^'K): twice ab- normally, in late Heb.; anom. "3K PX, «"?«. PS Ne 4 17 (so sts. Tiff, fc^£, No"-"- 296 ); once,' in- correctly, JIN Hg 2 1 ' denying existence absolutely Is 4 4 6 4 7 10 'Jtp pX </tere is none that seeth me, lit. nought of one seeing me ! "ity px </<«re is none else Dt 4 39 1 K 8 60 Is 4 5 6 - 6l8!B . b. more commonly, in a limited sense, there is none here or at hand Ex 2 12 and he saw PX -, 3 B"X that <Aere was no man (sc. there), Nu 2 1 6 ; Gn 5 24 *3yxi and he i«a« no* (of Enoch's disap- pearance from earth) 42 13 one (cas.pend. as oft.), lie is not, v 36 ; oft. = ?s (or has) vanished Gn 37 30 1 K 20 40 Is 17 14 V37 10 103" Jb 8 12 2 4 24 27 19 . C. with the sense determined by a predic. fol- lowing : Gn 37 s9 Joseph was not in the pit, 4 1 39 + oft.; Ex 5 10 fan D3^> |ni »|J^J / am not giv . ing you straw ; and so often with particip. where duration has to be expressed Gn $g m Dt2i ll> Is i 16 Je7 16 , or intention Gn 20 7 DX . . ,V[ 3'B'p IJ'X if thou art not restoring her, know, 43 s Ex 8 17 33 15 (idiomatically, after DX; v. Dr » 1S7 ) Ju 1 2 3 . Toll. once pleon.by &„ + 135 17 . Treated as a mere part, of negation, PX may vaiy its position in the sentence, the subst. which should strictlystand in thegenitive being not only separated from it by a little word, as fa Gn 37", 6 Ex 22 1 , DB> Ex 1 2 30 , D5 ,/, 14 s , etc., but even for emphasis prefixed to it, as Gn 1 9 31 40 8 *tf!K PX -in'B* 41" Ex 5 16 JU13 9 14 6 i6 15 19 1 (so MI 24 ) : if however it be thus brought to the end of a sentence, or be disconnected with what follows, it stands in the absol. form, as Gn 2 5 noixn 12V? pX mXI and man there was none to till the ground, Lv26 37 px *ITl1,Nu20 5 2K 19 3 Ho 13 4 Mi 7 s . d. sometimes the subj. has to be supplied from the context : thus (a) ti S9 4 and they passed through the land of Shaalim pXI and they (the asses) were not (lit. and nought /), esp. after vbs. of waiting or seekinglssg" ^6 9 21 Jb 3 9 ; Is4i 17 Ez7 25 Pii 4 6 ; 13 4 ; 20 4 . (|S) tEx 17 7 is *S in the midst of us .'pX-DX or not f Nu 13 20 . (y)tJu 4 20 l£* PTjetn then thou shalt say, There is not, iK i8 10 i Sio 14 . (&) Gn 30 1 give me children, pX~DX1 and if not, I die, Ex 3 2 32 Ju 9 1520 2 S 17 6 (v. Dr) 2 K 2 10 Jb 33 s3 - e - with subj. not expressed, once (late), Dn8 5 H x ? 5$ PB] and (it) was not touching the earth. f. once, Jb35 15 with the finite vb.; but rd. here "Jp3 PX '3 (the usage of JLJj, cited by De, does not justify the anomaly in Heb.) Je 38 s the impf. may be due to the fact that no ptcp. of ?3J was in use, and a relat. must be tacitly supplied : ' The king is not (one that) can do aught against you.' On Ex 3 2 seeGes i6 * aB - 6 ; Ew* 169d . 3. ? pX, with subst., or pron., there is (was) not to ... = .. . have, has, had, etc. not : Gn 1 1 30 *v} Fl? px she had no child, Nu 2 7 9 MS v PX'DtO and if he have no daughter + oft.; withaptcp. bt22 il Je 14 16 30 17 49 s 50 32 ^ 142 5 Lai 2917 ; Ex22 2 i^ f&O* if he have nought, Dn 9 s6 y? pxi and have nought (or none). 4. in circumst. clauses (Dr 5164 ): — (a)Ex2i u she shall go out free *[B3 px without money, 22 9 HX"1 pX none seeing it, Nu II 6 IS47 1 J«2 32 Ho 3 4 '7 n ^32" 88 5 +. (6) Dt 3 2 4 a God of faithfulness ?)$ PXI and no iniquity, i.e. with- out iniquity, Je 5 21 Jo I 6 i/' 104 25 . (c) very oft., in such phrases as T^HSJ PXI with none to affright Lv 2 6 6 (12 t); 'n331?' pxi Isi 31 al.; V*Q pxi 5« + f, etc. (Dri' 59 )'. S.'with inf. and '?, it is not to. . .: i.e. (a) like oiie lariv, it is not possible to... (cf. sub B'.' 1 . and X?), but hardly exc. in late Heb.; 2 Ch 20 6 ^V pXI
! l '- ) ! 1 '!'r' U is not 2>ossible to stand (in conflict)
with thee, 22 9 Ezr9 16 Ec 3 14 Est4 2 . Once with- out 7, yjf 40 6 TJB "n^J? f*X ovk ea-Ti jrapa^dWfiv 001. (/3) there is no need to ... 1 Ch 23 s6 G$? Dj| DXB'7"f , X for the Levites also i/<ere was wo ««ec? to bear 2 Ch 5 11 35 16 (v. Dr' 2021 ). 6. with