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tSl'D Imp/. ti& V i5 5 +8 t., etc.;— all poet., mostly c. neg. (73 i 3 t.; 8<b 6 t.), be shaken, moved, overthrown, of idols Is 40 20 41, 7 ; of scales of crocodile Jb 4 1 15 ; of ban 1 Chi6 30 =i/'93 1 96 10 ; of H? f i°4 5 ; of P'i— in V. 125 1 , cf. 46 s ; fig! of general disorder (no neg.), subj. JHK "HDIO ^82 5 ; oft. of righteous, as secure, ty 10 6 15 5 16 8 21 8 30 7 62" 112 6 Pr io 30 12 3 (subj. &p 8*T$f); cf. (without neg.) ^ 13 s 140" Qr (so appar. © AV RV; but mng. of Niph. not suit- able ; Kt Hiph. q.v.) ; fig. of steadfast obedi- ence (subj. "PJfSi) ^ 1 f. Hiph. Impf. 3 mpl. ,t3, ?r + 55 4 i/o" Kt (Qr Vivh.);— dislodge, let fall, drop fl.N ty WDJ + 55* ; c f. Dirbg 1BW D V n ? 1 4°" Kt, and may they drop coals upon them, De al. ; <rd. "fODl (Hup Gr Bae Dr), wh. Bi Che insert. Hitb.po'1. Pf. 3 fs. 0i» nOBicnn Is 24 19 be greatly shaken (subj. H*? , in judgment of'*; ||yjn, ma, Hithp.) TlOi^ n.[m.] shaking, pole, bar of yoke;— abs. 'o Nu 4 ,0 + 5 t.; sf. inpb Na i 13 ;— 1. a shaking, tottering (c. neg., of security) fJV" 8 ^ pnxb 'd + 55 23; tobfi 'tab. jnj t6 + 66', cf. 121 3 . . ^;o/e, or 6ar for carrying (named from spring- ing motion) Nu 4 1012 cf. esp. 13 23 . 3. bar of yoke Na i 13 (^byp ,n ? to "*?$)> fig. of oppres- sion. Cf. following. ♦ TrrEiD n.f. pole, bar of yoke, mostly late (cf. BID) ;—' D J e 2 8 10 + 4 t.; pi. niBb etc, abs. Je 27 s 1 Ch 15 15 ; cstr. Ez 3 o ,8 + 4 t.;— 1. pole, pi, staves, for bearing ark 1 Ch 15 15 . 2. bar of yoke, symb, of oppression Je 27 s (|| DhDiD, cf. by v 81112 ), 28 1012 (cf. by v") ; ft '» 28 13 ; bri3 'D v 13 (cf. by v 14 ); fig. of oppression, Is 5 8 6 - 9 EZ30 18 ; cf. (thongs of yoke) 'D rt*» I s 5 8«; D3b? nb» Lv 26" cf. Ez 34 27 — On form of yoke v. Schumacher ZPVl " 1889 ' 160 , Benz ArchOT . t[ :JlQ] vb. be low, depressed, grow poor (NH id., Niph.; Aram. ^», sink or bend down; cf. ^3D, Syr. yi, yiao, be brought low, humble); — Qal Pf. consec. =]»* Lv 27 s (P); Impf. IpDJ Lv 2 5 25M - 39 (all H) ; T />«. }D Lv 25" (P) : all of impoverished Israelites. ft 71D, SlQ (tDt 1'), hitiD (tNe 12 38 ) subst. and prep, front, In front of (deriv. dub.; ace. to 01 }22So Sta* 378 *, for bitfp from b?N to be in front: v. further Ko"- 300 '- Hpt BA81 - 172 ) :— 1. subst. only 1 K f (si vera


. : v. sta 2AWI883 ' 151 ) nmp-bx nine bio* and the front of (one) window was towards (the other) window, and Ne 12 38 bNiob = m (he opposite direction (but rd. prob. b'KObb, cf. PP'b v 31 ). 2. as prep., Dt i" 2 19 pay *» b'lD *, /ron< 0/ the Ammonites, 3 s9 (= 4 46 34 s ) "nya JYO bin, n» Jos i8'« 19- Ip; bl», 1 S 14"; fig. Ex 18 19 wrhm bio oyb nm n-n i„ f ront of Go d, i.e. representing God to them. With prefixes : — a. blEOK towards the front of, 1 S 17 30 3D>1 1HK blO-b$ tyxv to the front of another; on the front of, Ex 34 3 (pregn.) im blCrbx V£"^R, Jo S 3333 9 1 22" (v. WAW ,Ph -*»- mtt ); spec, "bx V.S ?1D towards or ore the -forefront of, Ex 26 s 2*8 25 (II 39' 8 ), v 3 ' Lv8 9 Nu 8 23 2 S n 15 set ye Uriah nnnbon ya bio-bN- b. bra>p : — ( a )f r0 m the front of Mi 2 8 (text dub. : rd. prob. byp). (6) of position, off (v. p 1 c) the front of, Lv 5 8 to"]? b«3)? off the front of its neck, i.e. close in front of it, Nu 2 2 5 'bap 3CW Nim close in front of me, 2 S S 23 (1 Ch 14") Qnb ntOI D , N33 blDO come to them o/" the front of the mulberry-trees, 1 K 7 39 (2 Ch 4 10 ) 353 7Wf; v:B b«>p on the forefront of, Ex 28 27 (|| 39 20 ). fll. [Tift] vb. circumcise (NH id.; $ b*D cutoff (grass, etc.: only for in. b?P, q.v.); cf. NH bnp, Aram, bnp, ace. to Thes Nb ZMGlU . 711 T> lb.xll.1887,626 „ „!„„ L_„ _ , ■t>a -v. also ?no supr.) ; — Qal Pf. 3 ms. bp Jos 5 4 + 2 t.; 2 ms. nribp Ex 12 44 ; 3 mpl. 6$ Jos 5 5 - 7 ; 2 mpl. BPlbo Dt io 16 ; Impf.bm Gn i7 a + 2 t.; Imv. bb J os 5 2 ; Pt. pass. b» Je 9 24 ; pi. Dbp Jos 5 s ;— circumcise, c. ace. nbny -V2 (flesh of foreskin) Gn 1 7 s3 (P), acc.pers. Gn 2 i 4 Ex 1 2 44 (P), Jos 5 23 (J), v 4 5 - 77 (D); fig. 33b ribiy (foreskin of the heart) Dt io 16 ; 33b Dt 30 6 ; pass. nbny3 blD J e 9 24 ; Dbo Jos 5* (D). Nipb.. Pf. 3 ms. biB3 (Ges !72 '»- 9 ; Gn 1 7 s6 ; 3 mpl. ibis: Gn 1 7 27 ; 2 mpl. Dnbpjll (consec.) Gn 17" (for DribpJl Vbbo Ew 5234e - Ges* 67 ^ 11 - but Bb 1M6B for Dn'biO^); 7ny;/ bid? Gn i7 12 + 3 t.; 3 mpl. lb'D>! Gn 34"; Imv. ?bbn J e 4 4 - /«/ ™n Gn 1 7>» + 5 1. ; bbn Gn 34^; 'sf. ^ben Gn 17 2425 ; Pt. pi. DbbJ Gn 34^;— 6« circum- cised, of nbiy nt?3 Gn 1 7 14 - 2425 Lv 1 2 s ; elsewhere Of perS. Gn I 7 1 »" | 1213.13.26.27 ^is.i-.k^ £ x j 2 48 /p Jos 5 8 ( J) : reflex, '"b ibbn J e 4 * circumcise your- selves to Yahweh (and take away the foreskin of