564 TO "ji BHp nac* finatJ> to-morrow is a sabbath, etc., i S 20 s "iHO BhH to-morrow is the new moon, v"; in nrtp D* tGn 30 s5 Pr 27 1 Is 56'"; in the idiom, phr. nnp njJ3 at the like of the time, (being) to-morrow, = about to-morrow (v. 3 la) tEx 9" 1 S 9 ' 6 20 12 1 K 19 2 20 6 2 K 7 118 io 6 ; and in ->np5> + Ex8 19 mn nxn n;n> nnpb, = /or, against, to-morrow, Ex 8 6 Nu n 18 Jos •j a Est 5". b. as a<fo. ace. Ex 8 26 9 6 nf?£ nnp mn "i:nn * io 4 nans nno K"3p *}Jrt, 17 9 32 s Nu i4» 1 S 1 i 9 etc, Jos 1 1 6 nsn njn inp 5 opp. to Di>n Ex 19 10 inpi Divi, Jos 22 18 2 S n 12 *; rhetorically, Is 22" ITOJ ITO *3. 2. = in •future time, Exi 3 M ibK.S inp ^32 *|W ""3 = Dt 6 20 , Jos 4 621 2 2 24 - 27 - 28 ; so nnp Bl'S Gn 30 33 . tn">n*2 n.f. the morrow (the day following a 'past day) — abs. 'a Gn 19" + , cstr. rOTO Lv 23 " + ;_<&, marrow, Nun" rnnpn D*> fcfj; mntSO z= on </j« morrow, so JTJllBD W*, Gn 1 g 3 * ExV8" 32 30 Nu 17* Ju 9 42 21 4 1 S11" 18 10 3 i»(= iCh io 8 ) 2K8 15 Je20 3 ; (10 , 3fM) D?f?l mnrSG, Ex 32" Ju 6 M 1 S 5 s4 ; Ex 9 6 VlX *" Wl '00 mn nann , Nu i f Jos 5 12 ; 2 S 1 1 12b : m.npp JiaB'n on tlia morrow of ( = a/ier) the sabbath, j/y 23 ii.i5.i6 ( npsn 'dd Nu 33 3 Jos 5 11 , nnnpp »jgfh [Di>a©] tshhn (MTfalsely rnrrep) 1 S20 27 ; of the morrow after a day specified in a law, Lv io 6 mrnsDi fctf oanai ova, 7 16 . Twice (late) with ?, Jon 4 7 rnnB? on, </j« morrow, 1 Ch 29 21 tnnn D ; ,»n rhjjpp.— I S 30 17 strangely Drnnpi> anyrrnjn. ffro "in ttgj from the dawn to the evening of their following day (We Bu Donnnb). •)• 1. "VnTD n.m. price, hire (as that which is placed in front of one, jrresented, offered; As. mahlru, price ; mahirdnu, buyer, Dl HWB4w ' Pro1 - » 4 );— 'o abs. Mi 3"+ 9 t.; cstr. Dt 23" + 2 t.; sf. irvn? Jb 28"; pi. sf. Dnn;no ^ 44 13 ;— . price, oft. n'npa for a price; in trade 2 S 2 4 24 1K10 28 2 Chi 16 ; cf. La 5 4 (H^M), also (no?) 1 K.2i 2 ai.d trmg rn.B> 'D Pr27 M ; of wisdom Jb 28" (||«|03 niJD) cf. Pr 17 16 (no 3); fig. 'D K^3* «195Trt?a Is'55 1 in purchase of blessings fr. ; of price of people, fig. jf 44 la ; cf. Je 15". 2. hire, 3^3 'O (i.e. of male prostitute) Dt 23" (||nr,t fjnK) v. Di Dr ; of venal priests Mi 3" (j| THE'^; = reward, gain, denied of Cyrus Is45 13 (11 **^)i affirmed of Aut. Epiph. Dn 1 i 39 . fll. "VHO n.pr.m. 1 Ch 4", © Ma(x)«p- "WO [n**nnc], fflMrra v. rw. [ n tp.t r ? . n ff fona] v. 1. ehn.
- ]torra v. P|'e>n.
marro, rairno v. aeri. "?jtt?rra v. ^n. nno, none v. nnn. nfinp v. nnn. ni.rinn v. nnn. ap v. neo sub nti3. NC3«pD v. ndsb. nntpo v. nao. ntsOj rneo, ntan, ntao v. im iTitpQ v. nm. J0D (-/of foil.; cf. Ar. Ji^ s«rtA«, beat, extend by beating, shape iron into a helmet, Frey, J»ii^» iron, or a sword, beaten into a long shape, Lane 3021 ). tb^ipQ n.m. wrought-metal rod (Aram. (£) bcp);_ cstr. ^n? ^BD Jb 40 18 fig. of bones (Dn?1?) of hippopot. (|| nfm «g>9g VD5T5|). ^Ct5Q v. |CD. J^ v. VBJ. [D^B»], D^SWEJO v. ciyts. nnstpp v. nstj. ■nttft n.m. El 93S rain (As. metru, JA*™ 406 ; Ar.jL; Sab. (Min.) noo Horn Chre,,0,n - 127 ; Aram. KiBp, ji^io);— 'd Ex 9 s3 + 30 1.; cstr. 100 Dt 1 1" + 5 1.; pl.cstr. nntpp Jb 37 s ;— rain, aswateringearth,esp. Canaan, Dt 1 1 11 D'PE'n 'D; as blessing sent (vb. usu. jnj) and withheld by
Dt 1 1" (|| rrp, npbp); v 17 (here djktb 'p) ; 12 1 K 8 XM 17 1 (|| 5>0), 18' 2 Ch 6 !627 '7 13 Jb 5 10
(|| D^D), cf. 2S 26 3 6 27 V.147 8 (vb. ?"?P); so ip 'p Is 30 23 Zc io 1 (H^ip^P), v 1 t^-TCDj ipp D^3 Jb37 6 ,'M ninpp da>3v 6 (||3^); 38"^^^ ^ cpna ^ 135 7 Je io 13 = 5i 16 (||Q!P non); also in layi P3S ^"j* 'p ns jn; Dt 28 24 ; cf. Is 5 6 (where ace. cogn. withn'ODfl) ; wish of David 2 S i 21 (|| bo); V5H5 'O sim. of the unseasonable, Pr26 1 (HK^a Ijf); sent by extraord. supernat. power as sign Ex 9 33:l4 (J; loth || TJ3, rf^p) cf. 1 Sia w -*(Urt^>); sim. of refreshment Dt32 2 (|| te), Jb2 9 3 (vvbv), v^72 6 (ll D, ? ,3 1). cf. S23 4 ; as destructive Ps 28 s (^nb ipp); also fig.,is4'(||DlJ).