Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/60

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Ex 15 s nonbt? tf'K mn' ; ft, prefixed to other nouns in ap'p. fn* '« Gn 42 3033 , BBfen T& 'K Ex 2", |nb 'S Lv 2 1 9 , DnD 'K Je 3 8 7 ; partic. bef. adj. gent. *T$? E*K Gn 39 1 Ex* 2 1119 cf. Gn 37 s 38'* 39" 1 S *7 1 *30 ,,-u + ; a man as resident in, or belonging to a place or people Nu 25° Ju io' + (soPh.); usually pi. V^^SiS 7" 31" cf. Jos7 4S +; alsosg.coll. Dt27 l4 Jos9 67 Ju 20 !1 1 S 1 1 8 (v. Dr) + ; 2 S 1 o 6 - 8 (ato '*») ; (so MI 10ls ); m«n = retainers, followers, soldiers 1 S 18 27 2 3 sf 24 s 25 ,s +cf.Dt33 8 sg.coll.v.Di; D^N E>'N man o/Cod^proph. Dt33 l J0SI4 6 1 S9" 1 K I2 is '+(v. DViIsk); in phrase sq. abstr. 7*} 0HJ, nonfiD 'k v. supr.; ran? '« Dt32 25 , own 'x

s 1 6 7 cf. v. 8, Sy^an 'n 2 s 1 6 7 , njo "k i k 2 26 , 

DDn 'S ^ 1 40 12 Pr3 31 + ; sq. word of occupation, etc.m'B"K Gn 25 s7 , nD-lNn'K Gi^cf.Zc 1 3 s ), '«  B^ flftoHMtoft l8l?< (cf. Dr) v 23 , OlfeS 'S2S 1 8 20 , "ITISV E*N Aw counsellor Is 40", cf. ^"in fc*M I K 20 J2 ; ffjl '« Pr 18 24 ; oft. distrib.='eac/», every Gn 9 s 10 s 40" Ex I2 3 + ; incl. women Jb 42" 1 Ch 16 3 iyi thxg bxyj) vfojrt$ pfeji tjnjpS? &t6 nflk; of inanim.' things iK^ 3036 '; also E*S E»K Ex 3 6 4 Nu 4 1949 Ez i4 47 + ; any one Ex 34 3 - 3:!4 + ; also E^tjt B*K Lv 15 2 2 2 418 + ; of gods 2 K 1 8 33 = Is 36 18 ; one... another "E^K ttTTII 'n'ljrns itw injn-ns eta] i , nK-nsEx32 27 , ».&*«  vntc Dt i 16 Mi y 2 (v.'nN),>nj)T...^KGn n M + (v. in) of inanimate things Gn 15 10 . tfWfi-ttT'M Ishbosheth (for B"N

  • 3J?3 man of Baal v. OB*!, i»$?3 & Di*"-**BA^

,nne1881 ) 1. son of Saul, & king of Isr., with David as rival 2 S 2 swnM f u " 4?*™, also v 12 © Dr cf. We;= SyaUJN 1 Ch S'V 9 ; cf.also 2. 2 S 23", where rd. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) for (Symbol missingHebrew characters) so g We Dr ; one of Dvd's heroes ; v. qne* 1 Ch 1 1 11 2 7 2 . TTin C^N (man of majesty) a man of Manasseh 1 Ch 7 18 . t flirt* n.[m.] pupil of eye (cf. D1 HA9 Prat LOFh.7.1,.1*^ but alg0 Ar •jjj ^Llll, & No mow*. ,»)_/„ a]1 C8tr- _f : y '« Dt 32 'o p r7S . HP 13 'K ^ 17 8 (in all, sim. of preciousness); = middle, midst of night n"?SKl n"?;*? 'K3 Pr 7"; 15" '"3 20 20 Kt i. e. in deep darkness (Qr p^N3 v.' Now). yirPN Ez 40 16 Qr v. JVT1N sub fWN. " , n ,, N, t ?N' , rv , N v. ntc with. iojvn v. "k sub 1. mn. l^^nNv.tnv

[!S! adv. (perh. from the same demonstr. root found also in '3, H3, J3). 1. surely. 2. with a restrictive force, emphasizing what fol- lows: a. in contrast to what precedes, howbeit; b. in contrast with other ideas generally, only. 1. asseverative, often introducing with emphasis the expression of a truth (or sup- posed truth) newly perceived, esp. in colloquial language, surely, no doubt (dock wohl) ; Gn 26° Kin <i|ns>K nan *]X of a surety, lo, she is thy wife ! " 29 14 44 s8 Ju 3 24 20 39 1 S 16 6 surely the anointed of * is before him ! 25 21 Je 5 4 ifr 58 12 73 113 ; but also in other cases, though rarely, Is 34"-" Zp 3 7 ^23 6 139" 140 14 Jbi6 7 18 2 ' 1 ; & rather singularly Ex 1 2 1S 31 13 Lv23 27 - 39 (all P). 2. restrictive : a. in contrast to what pre- cedes, howbeit, yet, but: G119 4 howbeit, flesh with the life thereof. . . ye shall not eat, 20 12 Ex2i si LV21 23 27 26 Nui8 1517 2S3 13 ; Jeio 24 correct me, BE^OS^S but with judgment, Jb2 6 13 16 ; sts. with anadvers. force, as Is 14 15 43 24 ; before an imper. (minimizing the request), Gn 23 13 only, if thou wilt, I pray thee, hear me ! 27 13 Juio 15 1S18 17 iKi7 13 al. So iS8 D '3 7]K (v. '3; and cf. nXi/v on), b. in contrast to other ideas generally: — (a) Gn 7^ i8 32 ^]N Dysn only this once (so Ex io' 7 al.) 34 15 Ex 1 2 16 (note accents), 1 S 18 8 ro^tsn ^ "6 1V) and there yet remains for him only the kingdom, 2 1 6 Isa 45 14 ^X 'I? ^S only in thee is God ! f 62 s etc. Jb 14 22 ; > 37 8 fret not thyeelf W int}{ (which leadeth) only to do evil, Pr n 24 he that withholdeth more than is meet "H& "liDnipp (tendeth) only to penury, 14 23 21 s 22 16 ; (/3) attaching itself closely to the foil, word (usually an adj., rarely a verb), only, i.e. ex- clusively, altogether, utterly Dt 16 10 and thou shalt be n ?E' t]N altogether rejoicing, 28 s9 (cf. t*P!) Isa 16 7 D»KM ~iX utterly stricken, 19" Jei6 19 nought but lies, 32 30 Ho 12 12 Jb 19 13 y~fi "iX are wholly estranged (wifh play on ^3N cruel). c. as an adv. of time (with inf. aba.), twice : Gn 2 7 30 K3 lb'JJ] . . . 3pj»: N£ N'r •]«  only just (or scarcely) had Jacob gone out, . . . and ( = when) Esau came in, Ju 7 19 . — ^) thrice : Gn 9 5 and only (second limitation of v 3 ); Nu 22 20 but only; Jos 22 19 but howbeit. Note. — In some passages the affirmative and restrictive senses agree equally with the context; and authorities read the Hebrew differently. Thus only = nought but, altogether, is adopted by Ges Ew Hi De in ^ 23 s 62 10 73 1 ' 13 ; byEw Hi De in 39 s - 7 (Che surely); by Ges Ew De in 39 12 (but Hi Che surely); by Ew Hi in 73 18 (De Che surely); by Ges Hi De in 139" (Ew doch). Isa45 14 Ges Ew Hi Di only ; but De Che of a truth.