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T»aa . inform of (play the informer concerning) Jos2 UM Jezo 10 Jbi7 s Lv5 l Pr2 9 M . 4. publish, declare, proclaim, esp. of proclaiming wisdom, power, loving-kindness, etc., of ' (esp. W): *9 12 22 M 51 17 92 316 i45 4 + . sub J- heavens f 19 2 50 8 gf; Is 42" 57 12 . 5. avow, acknowledge, confess: Is 3' ^38", cf. Is 48 s . — Pt.= messenger 2S15 13 Jesi 3131 cf. "W T?pn 2 S i 5 - 6 - 13 ; 'an (tojdl 2 S 18". tHoph. Pf. ^n Jos9 M + ; Impf. *>|J) Gn2 2 !0 + ; /»/ aft*, "tt'n Jos 9 s4 Eu 2"; — be told, announced, reported, alw. sq. f (sts. impers., logical subj. inacc, cf. Gn2'7 42 2S21 11 , c. fern. Is 2 1 2 ; not in P): Gn 2 7 42 (J), 3 1 22 (E), Dt 17 4 Jos 9 2424 (D), Ru 2 11 " Ju 9 25 2S10" 19 2 2i" 1K10 7 18 13 1 Ch 19" 2 Ch 9 s Is 2 1 2 4 o 21 ; sq. lbK> Gn 22 20 38 1324 (all J), Jos io 17 (JE), 1 S 15 12 19 19 2 S 6 12 1 K i 51 2 K 6 13 8 7 Is7 2 ; sq.cl.with"3Exi4 5 (J), JU 9 47 lS2 3 713 2 7 4 lK2 29 ' 41 . < "TO subst. what is conspicuous or in v v 151 front, always as adv. or prep, in front of, in sight of, opposite to, "lj3, cstr. *T33, sf. ^H ^38 n + , T1?? 38 10 +, etc.; with n loc. TKll t^ 116 1418 ;— 1. as adv. accus. in front of, a. locally (rather stronger and distincter than )BJ>), (a) Gnsi 32 W-Ol 1 WW 133 to front of our brethren own it, now, v 37 47 15 J11D3 n»71 1133 why should we die in thy sight? Ex 19 2 Isr. encamped inn 133 in front of the mountain, 34 10 nsC^M nbl'K T,Ojr5>3 133 &e/ore, t» sight of, all thy people (cf. ^ 78 12 ), Jos 3 16 the people passed over MTV 133 in front of J., 1 K 20 27 ,etc.; Ne 3 s3 to /ro»i« of their house, v 29 ; (!>3) 133 bvcto* Dt 3 i n Jos 8 s6 1S15 30 2 Si2 12 + ; iK 2 1 13 set Naboth DJW TJJ; '" 133 1 S 12 3 16 6 ir^Eto " n?.3 i]K, so ^ ^89 37 , ft» 18 13 ; 133 ttotfn Nu 25 4 2 S 12 12 ;'* 22 20 WT'Jj 5* 11 (so poet, ? ni33^ n6 1419 ); hostilely, Jb 10"; with collat. idea of to the mortification of, ^23° 3i 20 ,cf. Jo i ls ; with collat. idea of being open or known to, Pr 15" *■ 133J113K1 blNB>, Jb 26 s ; if 38 10 ♦nwrio -pu (||rnnw vb tod), 69 20 (yriyr),

1 9 168 Is 59"; so Vn «3B 133 Ho 7 2 . (b) with 

reflex, sf., and vb. of motion, to go in front of oneself i.e. straightforward, Jos 6 5 STN DIM £jn 1133 each straightforward, v 20 Am 4 3 Je3i 39 Ne 1 2 s7 , cf. Pr 4 s *. b. mentally, = vividly present to, f 38 18 TOD H33 '31N301, 44 16 5 1 * T»n 133 TlNOni, io9 ls ' '3 (remembered by) : nearly = 175??, *ljj W? Is 4c 17 *39 6 5 so '31 WfOl DiTjB Is 5 21 . But Ex io 10 WM 133 njn »a e/or« yowr /ace is = in your view, or purpose (cf. &jW5"«n TJ *i?.3l> rrtyx t6 ^ 101*). . With preps.: a. +1333 ace. to what is in front of= corresponding to, Gn 2 18 I will make him fa??.? 1$ a help corresponding to him i.e. equal and adequate to himself, v 20 among the animals there was no 11333 1$. b. 133? in front of, before, Gn 33 12 ^J> n^KJ, Nu 22 s2 2 K i 13 fell on his knees VV^N 133^, Is i 7 your ground nniK D^3K BT8 D3133^>; with 101? Jos 5 13 Dn8 15 io 16 , in a hostile sense v 13 , cf. Pr2i M ; in the sight or presence of, Hb I 3 'I??? DDm 1B1 , ^39 2 n33^ yen iijn, 50 8 Ton n33$> Trfrijn, Ne 3 37 ; opposite to (prob. of opposite choirs), Ne 1 2 9 ' 24 ;= parallel to, 1 Ch 5"; = over, for, a business (peculiar) Ne n 22 ; fig. of what is visible morally, ^ 18 23 '133^ NJttOfc i>3 »3 (|p3D TDK t6), with <o se« or pZace ^ 16 8 54 s D133^ trrbtt IDS? nb (cf. 86 14 ), 90 8 J oft. in the phrase . . . *JP| ^J& both lit., as Jb 4 16 nsiori

  • £8 "b, ^5 6 T3"y '3*> o^inn lassw ab (cf.101 7 );

and in a moral sense, * 18 s5 W* 'lb "V 133, 26 3 "O'JJ '3^> "]1Dn *3 i.e. is ever present to my mind, 36 s Wy '3^ DM^X inB fK i.e. he has no eye to discern God's awe-inspiring judgments (cf. 1 o 5 ); with JVBfc t6 i.e. have in view, pur- pose (flWJfcO 10 1 3 . c. •npj'? (a) adv. off (JO 1 c) the front, in front, opposite, ex adverso, Gn2i 16 133D ?lb 3SynT sat her down opposite, v w , 2 K 2 7 ; Dt 2S 66 13313 1^> D'K^n T ,f1 vm shall be hung up for thee in front (i.e. sus- pended, as by a thread, in front of thee) ; Ju 9 17 133D WS1 ~]b&1 and flung away his life in front or straight away (i.e. hazarded it) ;= some way off, from or at a distance, Nu 2 2 Dt 32 s2 Tj3D »3 psn ns nsin, 2K2" '30 WSl'l a < a distance, 3 s2 4 s5 ; aioo/, 2 S 18 13 1J30 3V"Tin imtO, Ob 1". (6) as a prep, (a) /rom the front of, away from, Ct6 5 ^MD T^5? '3Dn, r S 26 20 ib^K "3B '3D nxiN 'OT ; ^^J? 1330 ^rom before the eyes of, with verbs of removing Is i 16 , cutting off ^3 1 23 Jon 2 5 , hiding Am 9 s Je 16 17 . (0) opposite to, Ne 3 I9 ' 2s - 2 7; at a distance from, -^ io 5 11330 TDBtPD Dno, 38 12 nor *JU3 1330. (y) P 1330 /rom 6e/ore, Pr 14 7 , in front of Ju 20 34 . d. t13?. 13? as/ar a* the front of, Ne 3 1626 . tT33 n.m. leader (lit. prob. one in front), ruler, prince; — abs. 'l lS9 16 +3it.; cstr. T33(133) 2 K2C> + 6t.; pi. DH'33Jb2 9 10 +3t.;

  • T3J 2 Ch 25 s ;-^ruler, prince + 76 13 Pr 28 16 Jb