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BKC Niph. Pf. 1" 2S io 15 ; »3? v"+ 2 t., etc.; /mp/ «)?.?: 2 Ch 6 24 ; *&$ 1 S 4 2 + 4 1.; /n/ a&s.

  • liU Ju 20 39 ; cstr.ei.33n 1 K 8™; Pt. *133 Dt 28 25

Ju 20 39 , etc.; — 6« smitten, bef. enemy, in battle, sq. »J$ Ju 20 32 - 3939 1 S4 2 7 10 2 S io 1619 18 7 1 K8 33 2Ki 4 1J iChi 9 1619 2Ch6 24 25 22 Lv26 ,7 Nui4 42 Dt i 42 ; abs. Ju 20 36 1 S 4 10 2 S 2 17 2 Ch 20 22 ; Pt. after RJJ, sq. '|$ Dt 28 7a . Vid. PJJ Niph. Hithp. /mg/:'B33JV Je 1 3"= stumble, subj. D?^?l, sq. !>y (loc); cf. Qal (f 91 12 ) and *$ 2. trgS n.m. Kl1213 blow, striking (as judg- ment, only P);— ': abs. Ex 1 2 1S + 6 1. ;— 1. fatal blow, plague, Ex 12 13 (death of first-born); 3o' 2 Nu 8 19 (indef.) ; = pestilence Nu 1 7 1112 Jos 22 17 . . striking, '3 ?3$ Is 8" i.e. against which the foot strikes and so stumbles (|| b'KtiO "TO?). tnDilTD n.f. blow, slaughter, plague, pes- tilence; — 'D abs. Nui4 37 +23 t.; cstr. noa.D ZC14 15 ; pi. sf.'O'Ba.D Ex9 14 ;— 1. blow, = fatal stroke Ez 24 16 ; in divine judgment (plague) Ex 9 14 (J). 2. slaughter in battle, 1 S 4 17 2 S 1 f 1 8 7 . 3. plague, pestilence (divine judgment), of tumours on Philistines 1 S 6 4 ; against Isr Nu 14 37 1 7 131416 25 891819 3 i 16 2 S 24 2126 (ins. also v 16 ® Th WeKlo Dr Kit Bu), 1 Ch 2 i 22 ^ 106 29 »; specif, disease of bowels 2 Ch 2 1 14 ; 'D = infected people iCh2i 17 ; wasting of flesh, eyes and tongue, of hostile peoples Zc 14 1218 ; attacking beasts v 1616 . T [ 'JJj vb. pour, flow, run (Aram, j^ be long (of time), Aph. prolong, protract; 133 endure, flow, stream) ; — Niph. Pf. 3 fs. i"Pa3

  • 77 s La 3 49 ; Pt. pi. ana 2 S 14 14 ; rfrSj

Jb 20 28 ; — 1. be poured, spilt, 2 S 14 14 (D)l?3 niPX CiaD in sim. of mortality). 2. j>our oneself, flow, trickle, of eye (in tears) La 3 49 . . fig. vanish, Jb 20 28 (|| >Vt). 4. bestretched out (?) ma nb$ n; ^ 7 7 3 (or rd. T8 1). Hiph. -P/ ; 'W^Hj Mil 6 ; Impf Tgl ^, 75"; TffiJ Ez 35 s ; vn'a: ,/, 63"; Imo.dXr&n Je 18 21 ;— pur down, hurl down the stones of Samaria, subj/' Mi i 6 ; pour out, fig. of '»'s wine-cup, ^ 75 9 ; sq. '3J/8 "in = deKi«r over to Je 18 21 V' 6 3 n Ez 35 s . Hoph. />«. Tltoa Bnao B<103 Mi i 4 in sim., of mountains melting at theophany. T [CJJ] vb. press, drive, oppress, exact (As. na-jdsu, throw down, overthrow, D1 HWB448 ; Ar. ^jiij rowseand driveg&me, driveveliemently; Eth. ilWl reign, wield power, TW; king) ; — Qal Pf '3 2K23*; Impf #a> Dt 15 2 ; 2 ms. WW Dt 15 3 ; 2 mpl. fen L358 3 ;— P<. fc*# Is9 3 + , etc.; — 1. press, drive to work (obj. D3'3Xy your workmen), Is 58 3 (Ges 0omn ', De DiDu; exact [changing 'V, q.v.]Che,etc); v. 3. 2. exact c. ace. ^191' 2 K 23 s5 ; sq. ace. pers. only Dti5 213 . 3. Pt. (=subst.) driver, task- master Ex 3 7 5 6101314 Jb 3 18 ; (ass-)driver Jb 39 7 ; of (arbitrary) ruler Is 3 12 , ruler (good sense) Zc 1 o 4 ; = foreign oppressor, tyrant Is 9 3 (c. 3) 1 4 24 Zc 9 8 ; exactor of tribute, Dn n 20 ; pi. abstr. lordship = lord, ruler, fig. of n[J"1ijr (personif.) Is 60 17 (II Qi^ W5®. Niph. Pf. t«3

S i3 6 + 2 t. + Is 3 5 (| consec); — /win/ 2 wessea ' 

by enemy 1 S 1 3", and so 1 4 s4 (but om. by emend., after ©, Th We Dr Kit Bu HPS); treated harshly, of suffering servant of '< Is 53 7 ; recipr. tyrannize over {'2) each other Is 3'. rtWJl vb. draw near, approach, less L - T J 126 freq. syn. of 3"ip q.v. (NH id. Hiph. (rare) and deriv.) ;— Qal 68 Impf B$ Ex 24 14 4- , B>£ + 9 1 7 ,

  1. 3$ GniS 2 ^; 3fs. ttefi Gn 3 3 7 ; 2 ms. "TO

Is 65 s ; 3 mpl. Vffi) Is 41" + , WW Ex 24 s , «£ Jb 4 i 8 (Baer; van d. H. «£); 3 fpl. ,f0«! Gn 33 6 , etc.; Imv. #3 2 S i' "VJ Gn 19 9 , ne>3 Gn2 7 21 -(-2t.; fs. ^3 Ku 2 14 , etc.; Inf. cstr. Mfft Ju20 23 4-; sf. W?Gn33 3 ; BnfaEx28 43 4-2t.; — draw or come near, 1. human subj.: sq. "ty pers. Gn 27 21 43 19 44 18 45 4 (all J), Ex 19 15 (of sexual intercourse), 24 s Nu 32 16 Jos 14 6 (all E), Ex 34 s * Jos 21 1 (P), + 10 t. elsewh. (not D), + yjr 91 7 (subj. pestilence personif.) ; of priestly approach to '*■ Ez 44 13 , cf. Je 30 21b , also sq. "^K of altar Ex 28" 30 20 Lv 21 23 and abs., v 21 (all P or H); sq. "?K rei also Nu 8 16 ; sq. "1J? pers. Gn 33 3 (J), rei Ju 9 s2 ; sq. "vj? pers. Ez 9 s , rei 44 13 ; sq. 3 pers. Is 65 s (-b* 3115); in Am 9 10 rd. UnjQ t^PI (for MT IT» Hiph. cf. We GASm Dr Now ; || BJg) ; sq. no^rW draw near for battle Ju 20 23 Je 46 s

S io 13 =i Ch i9 14 (4- , 3Sppers.); sq. ace. pers. 

iS 9 ,8 30 21 , rei Nu 4 19 (P),' but ace. difficult; Dr rds. - bs for -m 1 S 9 18 Nu 4 19 , cf. Klo HPS; in i S30 21 Dr takes Ti8=with; sq. D^l! hither,

S 14 38 Ru 2 14 ; abs. Gn I8 23 27 21 29 10 33" 45* 

(all J), Ex 24 s (E), Jos 8" (E; 4- W3*,),4- 9 t. (not P, D),-f-Gn 27 M27 (E), Jos 3 8 (J), 2 S i 15

Ch 29 31 (all Imv. sq. 2nd Imv.), 4- Gn 1 9" (J), 

Lv2i 21SI (H), 2 K 4 27 (all sq. Inf. purpose). Note esp. "IKpn'e'a Gn 1 9* lit. approach thither !