UNIVE 653 ty n.pr.loc. on border of Asher Jos 19; Ivan, A Avind, GOL Naeind. †yɔ vb. bar, bolt, look (N.H id.);—Qal Pf. 3 ms. 213", 3; Imo y S13¹, y Ju 3²; Imv. ›yş 2 S13"; Pt. pass. Ct 412.1; fpl. ny? Ju 324; -bar, bolt, lock, usu. c. acc. , ni: Ju 3", +" after, behind, vª 2 S13¹7-18; elsewh. only bayi Ct 4¹2 a garden barred (fig. of Shulamite), so also vzb (reading for 2, Vrss Gr Bu). Die Ct 5° (of house-dcor); pl. sf. w Ne 3³, "hvnd, all of city-gates, in phr. ) 1 MAY †1. [DY)] vb. be pleasant, delightful, lovely (Ph. by good Lzb (and many n.pr.); Ar. be plentiful, easy, pleasant; de Jos 9,5 tys n.f.3o9. sandal, shoe (NH id.; Ar. jid. (also horse-shoe, etc.); Syr. appar. only horse-shoe (rare; also NS) PS 2406; cf. poss. Eth. 70-AT: (obsol.) wife of Levirate marriage Di66);-abs. 3 Gn 14%, y Dt 25¹0; sf. Sy 600 1080, Jos 5", etc.; du. Dy Am 26 86; pl. D Is 11¹ Ct 7², niby Jos 96; f. Ex 35 Ez 24¹, Vºy? Is 52,9 shall be delight. dyby. 26 > Ex 12¹¹ Ez 24;-sandal Ju 9", Am 26 86 (du. = pair of sandals; mentioned as of little worth); Dt 29¹; on (1) feet Jos 95 (JE), 1 K 2³ Ez 24² Ex 12¹¹ (P); cf. ¹³? Is 11¹5; put on sandal isa Ez 24"; loose the sandal is r Is 20³ Dt 25 cf. vº; (Imv.) Ex 3³ (E), Jos 5¹ (JE); Ru 4s (cf. Burton Midian 11. 197); sandal-thong is 14 18 5; 600 upon Edom do I cast my sandal=108¹0, 108¹0, denotes either contempt (Hup; y=unto, fig. of slave), or taking possession of (F1 in De, Che Bae), favours former.-On symbolic use of sandal v. further Goldziher Abh. z. Arab. Philol. f. 47 f. Jacob Arb. Dicht. Iv. 23 Gn +[ym] n.m. id., only sf. y 25 Dt 33 (song). shew gracious favour toward, oft. in Qor; Sab. be lovely, agreeable, well Levy-OgZMG zix (1960), 178 nging bıra lv. CIS 19, 11, so Min. Hom Badar. Chrest. 128; Aram. > = in n.pr. Lzb 2, 2 Cook (nys my darling [or my songs, cf. II.']); T D'Y) pleasant, lovely, py loveliness; Pra BAB 1.46 cp. Eth. ALøv: be pleasant, **70ap:);-Qal Pf. 3 fs. Gn 49¹ (poem in J; of land); 2 ms. (of delightful ¹ friend) y 2 S12, also (of physical beauty) Ez 32¹; 2 fs. (id.) noy-p Ct 7² how lovely art thou ! (||¹²); 3 pl., of pleasant words, WY) & 141º; Impf. 3 ms. DY) : Pr 2¹⁰ (of knowledge); ' ` ons 9 (P); 24" is impers. c. 5, to them...
10 23 18 ti. Dy adj.pleasant,delightful (poet.);- abs. ' Pr 22¹8+; cstr. D¹y 2 S 23¹; pl. D'DY] 16, D 2 S 12, DPy? Pr 23³; f. niny 16¹¹; 1. delightful Di”na 'am 23 †[hy] vb.denom. furnish with sandals, 12 (of Saul and Jonath.); of wealth, in Pr 24¹; words Pr23³; of acts, etc.: ² Di shoe (y (rare), bind on sandal; Ar. 133; singing praises to furnish with sandals, shoe horse or camel; Syr. 135³ 147¹; keeping wise teachings Pr 22¹; as subst. delight D -AY shoe horse);-Qal Impf. I 8. sf. 75ını Ez 16" and I shod thee with vinn (q.v.). Hiph. Impf. 3 mpl. sf. Dy 2 Ch 28¹ and gave them sandals. AT Jb 36" (of earthly prosperity); of spiritual delights 166.11. 2. lovely, beautiful (phy- sically), Ct 1¹6 (1)-81³ 2 S 23¹ v. 11. D' sub II. Dy. thayn n.[m.] bolt;-abs. toys n.m.90, 17 delightfulness, pleasant- ness (Ecclus 'n Dy 32); abs. Zc 117 +4 t.; cstr. 27¹ 90";—1. delightfulness of": contemplated in temple 27, shewn in his favour, .... 2. name 3. of one of two symbol. staves Zc 117-1⁰. pleasantness, as defining genit.: 7377 Pr 3¹; 15% 16². 26 toy n.pr.m. son of Caleb, 1 Ch 4"; & Noou, A Naap. †1. ¯ n.pr.f. 1. sister of Tubal Cain Gn 4 Noeμa, &L Noeμμa. 2. Ammonitess, 21 & mother of Rehoboam 1 K 14"¹1 Mauxap, A Naapa, L Naava = 2 Ch 12¹³, & Nooppa,
- also 1 K 14" but prob. gloss (om. GB,
Naapa; &L, etc.). L 31 TH T-