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656 403 MES Impf. n Gn 27; Imv. fs. Ez 37º; Inf. | parov, A Nepovel, GL Nepwoeµ ; =D'DUID] nn) Ez 22%; Pt. act. 16. Is 54¹; pass. TAD M Ne 752 Kt, Qr D'O, & Netwoare, etc., &L Nedovoe;-Kt Ezr and Qr Ne, respectively, are prob. to be preferred (cf. sub ), but Ne has mixture of two variants, D'D'D], D'V'D). Dv. D'OU'D v. foregoing. 13 16 Je 1¹ Jb 41¹;-breathe, blow, men Dº Gn 2¹ (J); sq. 1 also Ez 37º Is 54¹ and Hg 1' blow into it (to scatter it); sq.y: n MEN A™ Ez 2220 to blow fire upon it (ore, for melting), so fig. Ez 22" and I will blow upon you with (1) the fire of my wrath; AYDI 'I Je 15º she hath breathed out her life (of a mother, cf. Hiph.); abs. Mª J 1" a blown (i. e. 'Je well-heated, boiling) pot, cf. 77 Jb 41¹ (sim.). Pu. Pf. Mªi ³ x Jb 20% a fire not blown (by any human breath). So perh. also Nu 2150 (reading Ey until fire was blown [hot] as far as Medeba), cf. Di. Hiph. Pf. 1 s. en nya vp? Jb 31³ (or if) the life of its (the land's) owners I have caused them to breathe out, inix orṇeni Mal 1¹³ and ye have sniffed at it (in contempt). 30 naj perhaps appar. n.pr.loc. Nu 21³0 (= ?) 21³⁰ (6ñpooekékavoav), v. NĐ) Pu. †[52] n.[m.] breathing out;-only cstr. .30 Jhi1⁰ a breathing out of life = ex- piring (cf. ) Jb 31s⁹ Je 15¹). 39 † MEN n.m. bellows;—'Je 6 (fig. of vain prophetic labour). 140. †1. MDM n.[m.] apple-tree, apple (from aromatic scent (breath), Thes Lag BN 111, 129 Post BN 111, 12⁹ Post (v. infr.); Ar. is loan-wd. Fra "º; on mean- Ĉ ing apple v. Löw No. 109 RS JPh xlll. 684. Post Hast. Dict. Bib. Apple')-1. sg. En apple-tree Jo 1¹ Ct 2³ 8º. 2. pl. De apples C 25 E7; a ¹³ Pr 25¹ (in sim.). 7º; †11. ME♬ n.pr.m. son of Hebron, acc. to 1 Ch 2¹³; & еanovs, A Gapþov, GL ÞeOpovo. 43 11. En.pr.loc. 1. in lowland of Judah Jos 12 ( Tabour, A apdov, GL Đanþov), 15³¹ (& IλovÀw¤, GL Ðupþova). 2. on border between Ephraim and Manasseh Jos 168 (6 Tagov, L Đanpove), 1788 (& Ðaþel, A eadowl, GL eadwo), ='n 1 v (Geapbwe, v² GL Napowe); so read also perh. 2 K 15¹6 (for MT AD; GL Th Kmp Kau Benz; & ¤epoa, A Gaipa, but GL Tiv Tupwe). On locality v. Buhl Geogr. 17-Vid. also A n'a. "J too') n.pr. Kt, in phr. Ezr 20, Qr D'DE, of family of returned exiles; & Na- ta n.[m.] a precious stone which Tyre gained by trade Ez 27¹ (where 's doubted by Berthol, queried by Toy t), cf. 2813 (symbol. of wealth and honour of king of Tyre); in high priest's breastplate Ex 2818 39". Perh.=ruby or carbuncle & Joseph. avopak, V carbunculus, cf. Di E Kau E Sgfrek Co Berthol; AV emerald. SAJ vb. fall, lie (NH = BH, b, - T 4.83 Syr. ; cf. also Ar. Je dedit praedam (Nö ZMG x1 (1888), 725 Fra 15 ), Min. b_remove 28) Qal 366 Pf. ' Ju 5+, 3 fs. 2 Gn 15+, etc.; Impf. 1814"+, Sudar. Chrest. 128 Hom 45 ? S» Ju 4¹+; I 8. SEN1 Ch 21¹s (needless I change fr. 1 pl. || 2 S 24" We Dr); 3 mpl. 16 Ho7+, 11 Is 35+, 13¹¹ 30%, etc.; Imv.mpl. Inf. abs. Si Est 6; cstr. 49 Je 51+; sf. i 1829, Ez 3 fpl. Ho 10³ Je 25%; 3 Is 30²5+; 25 i5 21 22 12 18 p 2 S1¹0, D Je 492¹ (on these forms cf. Ba NB 104); Pt. 55 Ju 4+; f. Gn15¹+; pl. 5 Jos 825 + (ins. also 1 S 28¹⁹h & Th We Dr Kit Bu HPS; Klo D¹y?), etc.; 1. fall, by accident, p Ex 2133 (E) and there full into it (a pit) an ox or an ass, cf. Dt 22ª (77, on the way), bird y Am 3º; subj. pers., IS 4¹8 (fr. seat, byp), ng-by Dt 2283 (fr. roof, 2); oft. into (3) pit (usu. fig.) Pr 267 281, also (abs.), 22¹, Ec 10 577 (in), cf. 358 141¹0,(net), also, c. , Is 24¹8-Je 4844; fall Daha Ez 27 (of Tyrian people); abs. 2 S 4* Gn 14" Je 25%; opp. DP Je 8¹ cf. Ec 410.10; c. in fall backward Gn 49¹7 (poem); c. ¹ through 2 K 1³ cf. (of locusts) causing death 1S 31¹5- 716 18 = = 49 I 19 1 Ch 10¹5; y 1 $ 17" (Goliath); subj. rei, 2 K 213.14 (yp), 6 ( into water), v6 (abs.); c. by LvII; abs. of tent Ju 7¹³ + v¹ (gloss, GFM, Bu); of wall Jos 6³ (JE), Je 51", fig. Ez 13¹¹ (del. & S Sm Co Berthol), v¹2.14, Ez 389; + i.e. flat Jos 680; 3 of bricks Is 9' (in fig.), 30, towers v25, foundations Je 50"; wall fell upon 11 TV: