imnrra one of +8. of Ezra from Babylon Ezr 8 16 . +7. those who ionk strange wives io 39 . head of a family Zc 1 2 12 . t^T^'irO n.pr.m. an official of Judah, Josiah's time 2K23"; © Nadav /WiAews (tov tiivov)(ov ©L Na8*tt eivov^ov tov $ao"iAe<os. TO^TO njil.pl. Nethinim (prop, those given to the service of the sanctuary, as Levites are called DWO Nu 3 9 , 8 1619 ) ;— only 1 Ch 9 2 (where disting. from priests and Levites) + 1 6 1. Ezr Ne (oft. disting. from priests, Levites and porters ; Ezr 8 17 Kt has OWUn, Qr D , ? , r 1 ??). viz.: Ezr 2 4368 - 70 =Ne 7 46 - 6072 (so Baer, Ginsb; van d. H. v 73 ), Ezr f 8 1720 (appointment ascribed to David, cf. 1 CI19 2 ), v 20 Ne io 29 u 3 ; living on the Ophel 3 26 1 1 21 , with their own overseers v 21 , having a house known (in part) by their name 3" .—On ') v. further Bau Pr ' Mterthum 10 °' m ' t^N:n5 n.pr.m. (v. Gray Pr <x , - N18, ' 192 ' 2 ° 5 ; on n.pr.'of this kind cf. RS 8 """- 100 -- 2 ""^ m , Q rav Prop.N.26^ ._© Ka6ava n ; — 1. a chief of Issachar Nu i 8 2 5 7 ia2S io 15 . 2. 4th son of Jesse 1 Ch 2". 3. name of priests : a. 1 Ch 1 5 24 . b. Ne 1 2 21 . 4. priest's son (who had strange wife) Ezr io 22 , perh. = Ne 12 36 . 5. Levite name : a. 1 Ch 24 s . b. 26*. c. 2 Ch 35 s1 . 6. a prince of Jehoshaphat 2 Ch 1 f. tTnrQ, rP3rQ n.pr.m. (cf. Gray Prop! '- 29, Y © NuAiwnr ; — 1. in^ana father of Jehudi Je 36". 2. ') father of Islimael Gedaliah's murderer Je 40 8 41 9 = "$>? 2 K 25** Je 40 w.» 4 i> + 9 t. Je4i. 3. vtifQi Levite name : a. 2 Ch 1 7 s . b. 1 Ch 25 12 = rwu v 2 . fi. ]nn n.m. Pr1816 coll. gift(s);— abs. 'o Gn 3 4 ,2 +2 t; cstr. id. Pr 18 16 (v. Baer*"""- Ges i92,I Ko 111,98 ); sf. MfflD Nui8";— marriage- gifts Gn 34 12 (J; +inb); offerings Nu 18" (P; 'D np*" ); elsewh. gen., gifts, 2>resents, Pri8 16 2 1 14 (IPOS'); ftP &** 19° = a giver of gifts. ■j-n. rVO n.pr.m. 1. priest of Baal at Jerusalem 2 K 1 1 18 = 2 Ch 23 17 ; © Maydav, Mardav, ©L yimdav. 2. father of Shephatiah, in Judah Je 38 1 ; ® Nafla*, Madda. f 1. n:;TO n.f. gift;— abs. '» Nu i8 6 + 4 t.; cstr. IWID Dti6' 7 ; pi. nlnp Gn25 e +, cstr. ninp Ex 28 M , sf. na^ninp Ez2o 31 + , etc.;— gift, Gn2 5 6 (J) EZ46 16 " 17 2 Ch2i 3 ; offerings to Ex 28 38 (OyyiP, ninp), Lv 23 38 (disting. from VJJ and nznj), i8 :9 (cf. DWp v n ;— all P) ; rejected' (idolatrous) offerings Ez 20 26 - 31 - 39 ; th$ iT n?rip| Dt 1 6 17 each man ace. to the gift of his Irnnd, i.e. ace. to his ability ; cf. 0^X3 'TO nnp? ifr 68 19 thou ('») hast received gifts among men (i.e. either tribute gained by battle, cf. Che, or the offerings of those who turn to Hup-Now; > gifts consixting of men JDMich Hgst Bo Ew DeWette) ; 'd used of Levites, as God's gift to Aaron and his sons, Nu 18 6 , whose priesthood is 'D JT13V v 7 , i.e. a service which is a gift from God; D^*3$ nfonp Est g 22 gifts to the poor; = bribe Pr 15 27 Ec 7'. tn. ronQ n.pr.loc. a station of Isr. E. of T T - Jordan Nu 2 1 1819 (JE), © tHav6avaetv. "'JiTO v. ."WHO infr. t[nPQ] n.f. id.;— abs. nnp 1K13 7 ; cstr. nnp Pr 25 14 + 4 t.; — gift = reward 1 K 13 7 ; IT nop tlie gift of his hand, i. e. of his power, what he is able to give Ez 46 511 (cf. njFID and T 2); Vlfa 'O Ec 3 13 the gift of God (of the enjoyment of man), so 5 18 ; "Wr "0 Pr 25 14 a gift of falsity, i. e. one promised and not given. tvrawp, srarra n. P r.m. (cf. Gray pro,,N - ,No.82^. — (JJ MaMas, MavBavuxs, Mardavias, etc.; — 1. il^Pip, last king of Judah, name changed to Zede'kiah 2 K 24". 2. *rwnp, Levite name : a. son of Heman 1 Ch 25 4 . b. Asaphite 1 Ch 25 16 . c. id., 2 Ch 29 13 (Hezekiah's time). 3. HJ3PP, Levite name: a. Asaphite 1CI19 15 Ne 1 1 17 - 22 1 2 835 , perh. = 2 b, c (but much con- fusion and uncertainty; e.g. 'd is of Hezekiah's time 2 Ch 29 13 , and 4th generation before Neh., Ne 1 1 22 1 2 s5 ; while contemp. of Zerub. 1 2 8 and of Neh. 11 17 ). b. other Levites : (1) 2 Ch 20 14 , ( 2 )Nei2 25 , (3) i3 13 . 4. rnrip, name of several who took strange wives : a. Ezr 1 o 26 . b. v 27 . c. v 30 . d. v 37 . "PiFip n.pr.m. (abbrev. fr. foregoing); — © Ma6(8)avia, Muddavui; — 1. a priest Nei2 19 . 2. name of two who took strange wives : a. Ezr io 33 . b. v 37 . tirnnnn, HVtffla n.pr.m. (cf. Gray Vmp - N.2M.No.8iy._@ yiaTTaBiat, etc.; — 1. a Levitical musician, inVinp i Ch 15 1821 25 321 =iTnrip 16 6 . 2. nwip, Levitical name 1 Ch9 si . 3. '©, attendant of Ezra (also Levite ?) Ne 8 4 . 4. one of those who took strange wives Ezrio 43 .