686 D 18³; c. pers. 2 K 8¹2 Ch 21°; oft. fig. in poetry, c. acc. Ho 7³ 2 S 226 =18, 496 8818 118; so also 17" (Kt ,15 Qr ; on text v. esp. Hup-Now); lit. of cord surrounding (measuring circumf. of), c. acc. 1 K 7¹5 = Je 52", 1 K 7 = 2 Ch 4; of ornaments, etc., surrounding something (acc.) 1 K 7 2 Ch 4³; surround one with something (2 acc.) 1 K 5" 109³; acc. +instr. Ho 12¹; Soy D 2 Ch 33¹4 (i.e. build a wall around it). -1 S 222 rd. 'nn (√), GS Th We Dr Kit Bu Löhr HPS. 14 2213.17 7,
< Niph. Pf. 3 ms. JD Jos 15³ +; 3 fs. ND? Ez 26³ (Ges¹7 St 54 K¹4²); M 41² (but rd. nepin Ew Sm Co Toy t, cf. Berthol); 3 pl. Gu19¹+; Impf. 3 mpl. 6 Ez 1³+5 t.;- ¹ 1. a. turn oneself against (v), close round upon (>y) Gn 19' (J) Jos7 (JE); c. acc. Ju 19. b. turn round (from a direct course), of wheels Ez 19.12.17 10¹¹.11, also v¹6 (but dub., Co 1¹, Toy ' Hpt leave, Symm arredeínovto); e nad] Ez 26² of Jerus. under fig. of door (Sm Co Berthol Toy Hpt). c. esp. of boundary (Hex only P): turn round from (?), toward (?) Nu 34¹, +n loc. Jos 18¹; c. 2+ loc. + 150; c. 12 alone Nu 34³; c. ♬ loc. alone Je 319 Jos 15 166; circle about, skirt, c. acc. Jos 19¹4. 2. pass. be turned over to (?), into the power of, Je 6¹². Pi. Inf. cstr. ¹ D 2 S1420 to change, transform, the aspect of the matter. Po'. Impf. 3 ms. sf. "D Jon 246, Dt 32¹0, 32; 3 fs. Je 31², etc.;-encompass, surround (poet. and chiefly late): -1. encompass (with protection), c. acc. Dt 32¹⁰ (' subj.), c. 2 acc. $ID! TON ★ 32¹, cf. vª (but 2nd obj. here dub.); similarly n 10 10 22 "AT Je 31 i.e. either shall protect (so most) or (Che, cf. Gf) the woman (fig. of Isr.), instead of holding aloof (72 nan v²), will, in the new future which creates, with affection press round her divine husband. about, assemble round (acc. pers. "¹) $ 7³. march or go about, city (acc.) 55" 59"; altar (in solemn procession) 266; go about in (?) city Ct 3³. 4. enclose, envelop, c. acc. pers. Jon 26 (of waters). come 3. Hiph. Pf. 3 ms. DN 2 K 16¹8+; 2 ms. na 1 ¹5 K 18³7; 3 pl. 1 S 59-18, etc.; Impf. 3 ins. " Ex 13¹8+, sf. " Ez 47³; 3 mpl. on Ju 18+2 t.; 1 pl. p 2 Ch 14, cohort. D "T 12 731 Ch 13³; Imv. ms. D 2 S 52 1 Ch 14¹4 (but v. infr.); fs. 3D Ct 6; Inf. cstr. D 2 S 3¹ 1 Ch 12; Pt. DJe 21¹; perh. also pl. sf. 140 (Ginsb); -1. a. turn (trans.), cause to turn: turn face (acc.) Ju 182 1 K 8=2 Ch 6³ (all-turn toward); = turn round face 1 K 21, + 2K 20²=Is 38²; +? Ez 7" (subj. "), 2 Ch 296 (of neglect), 35" (of avoiding battle); turn away eyes from (1), Ct 65; turn (back), change heart I K 1897 (recall from apostasy; +) Ezr 6²ª (+y); turn back, reverse (weapons) Je 21¹., b. bring over (i. e. to allegiance), c. acc. + pers., 2 S 3¹² 1Ch 12" (van d. H.v"); of", turn over kingdom to (?) 1 Ch 10¹ (cf. Qal 1 a, 1 K 2¹). into, of changing name, 2 acc. 2 K 232-2 Ch 364, 2 K 24¹. 364, 2 K 24¹. d. =bring round, c. acc. 1 S589; 2 S 20¹³; + 185⁰ 1Ch13³; +acc. loc. 24 c. turn = + 18 2 K 16¹8 (sense obscure). 2. a. cause to go around of carrying ark around city (2 acc.) Jos 6" (JE; but Qal GSV); lead round, i.e. by a round-about way, acc.pers.+acc. 777 Ex 13¹ (E) Ez 47²; c. acc. +inf. of purpose 2 Ch 13¹³; acc. om., lead round toward (-) 2 85², away from () || 1 Ch 14" (where, however, perh. read as S, so Be Öt, and, in both, b for 3D Dr Kit Kau Hpt Bu HPS Löhr). b. surround with (acc.) wall, 2 Ch 14 (acc. of city om.). C. perh. also encompass (as foe), DP 140⁰ those encompassing me (others sub 2 infr.). Hoph. Impf. 3 ms. Is 28; Pt. fpl. cstr. naçe Ex 28¹¹ 396; nap v¹³ Nu 32® (v. infr.); no Ez 41";-1. be turned, of cart wheel, c. -by upon, over; ninh niapin Ez 41% pt. appar. as gerundive, that can be turned, movable (Gesuse; Co rds. 'n nyby, cf. Toypt); D D Nu 32 turned (i. e. changed) as to name, but gloss, v. Di. 2. surrounded, i.e. set, of jewels (pt. cstr.) Ex 28:11 39:6.13 (all P).
te n.f. turn of affairs;-only abs. ^ DYD MAD MO' 1 K 12¹ it was a turn (an ordering) from " (=72D) q.v., in || 2 Ch 10¹). subst., used mostly as adv. and prep., circuit, round about: cstr. +Am 3"¹; pl. cstr. 3P +Je 32" 33, 8. etc. (10 t.), much oftener ni Ex 72¹ +22 t., (Hebrew characters), etc., Dt:17:14, etc. (48 t.):—1. in sg.: a. as subst. 1Ch:11:8 and to the parts round about. b. as adv. acc. (Hebrew characters) (in) a circuit, i.e. round about, Gn:23:17