Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/726

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H3D presented to י׳ Nu 810 (P); on head of blasphemer Lv 24 14 (P; as witnesses of his guilt); on head of Joshua in consecration (Moses subj.) Nu 27 18 - 23 Dt34 9 (nil P). b. intrans. ^ 88 8 thy wrath hath rested upon me ( vV) ; also 'HPp ~?H ?33~!]7p Ez 24 s hath leaned against, rested his weight upon, Jerusalem, i.e. invested (Toy), begun the siege of it. +2. support, uphold, sustain, only fig.: c. 2 ace. Gn27 37 (J) with corn and must have I sustained him, provided sustenance for him, cf. (of י׳) ψ 5114 uphold Egypt Ez 30 6 ; abs. Is 63 s ; esp. of ^ upholding, sustaining Is 59 16 63 s i/' 3* 37 1724 54 6 (on 3 es- sentiae v. Ges' 1191 , 3 supr. 7 a), 1 19 116 145"; so pt. pass. |iii g they are sustained, i.e. main- tained (י׳'s commands), 13? ^Op 1 1 2 9 his heart is sustained, firm, and so '0 "WJ Is 26 s . tWiph. Pf. 1 s. 'MS©? ^7 1 6 ; 3 pi. ttOBJ I848 2 ; Imp/, V8& 2 K 1 8 21 Is 36", 'qOEi?! Ju 1 o 29 ; 3 mpl. ^OB^l 2 Ch 32 s ; — reflex, support, or brace oneself, also c. "7? : Ju 1 6 M and he braced himself against (upon) them (the pillars); 2K 18 21 (if) a man support himself on it (Egypt as a cracked reed) = Is 36 s ; on cheering words 2CI132 8 ; on God Is 4 8 2 ^ 7 1 6 . tPi. Imv. mpl. sf. + 3 instr.: ♦JOttO Ct 2 5 sustain (refresh, revive) me with raisin-cakes. tirrODD (cf. Gray PropN - 294 ' No "; = י׳ hath sustained}; — Korahite name 1 Ch 267; © 2a/3^(in, A©L 2afiax'a(s). TirTCQP"] ('< sustaineth, butperh. rd. 'DD T .is foreg. Gray Pro * N - 29, ' N °'* 6,) ); — Levite name 2 Ch 3 1 13 ; ® 2a/xn^(f )ia. T70D n.m. E ' 8 ' 5 perh. orig., then gen. image, statue (Ph. 7J0D id., f. riPDD, Lzb 151 - 329 , also n7DD:B Id 329 ; Bau"" 11 - 88 under- stands 'd to be design, of foreign god) ; — abs. '»n 2 Ch 33 716 , 70D Dt 4"; cstr. 70D Ez 8 36 ;— image, figure of anything, 'D"73 rWOn PDS Dt 4 18 ; idi.l-image 'BH 7DB 2 Ch 33 7 and (?D3 om.) v 15 ; nN3pn ?ED Ez8 3 </<« sta<tte of jealousy, i.e. that routes י׳'s jealousy, =v 6 . DuD (v/of foil.; meaning dub.; if akin to Ar. Li, smell Lane 1593 , ^ . ,z 1 any fragrant plant Id ' 5M , then D must be for t? ; in that case '0 perh. loan-word in Heb.; NH id., spice, drug (Ecclus'B'38 4,n ); Aram. NBp id.; [-am drug, pigment; Ar. S* poison is appar. loan-word Era 262 ). r [Dp] n.m. spice, used in incense ; — only pi. abs. D'BD, and only P Ch; Ex 30 s434 , elsewh. D , BD(n) nibp incense of spices 25 s 4- 8 t. Ex, Lv 4 7 i6 ,2 Nu 4 16 2 Ch2 3 13". tJDD vb. whence Niph. Pt. ?OD3 Is 28 s5 (si vera 1.) barley in an appointed place, or a determined portion (cf. Ges Hi De al.), but '} lacking in © and plausibly taken as dittogr. for J1DD3 bv We Fro,,417: Gesch - ■"• '• * 09 Che Comm ' * nd Hpt ' Du; cf. Bid Gu 1 ". HDD vb. bristle up (Lag™ 106 cp. Ar. yjL contract; in that ease 'd for 'c) ; — Qal Pf. 3ms.n?'3 Tnnso 'D f 1 1 9 W from fear of thee did my flesh bristle up, ' creep.' Pi. Impf. n'ca nTjfe> -nspn jb 4 13 . t~1)DD adj. bristling, rough; — '0 py Je 5 1 27 bristling locust, perh. with allusion to horn- like sheaths enclosing wings of the pupa, v. Dr Joel.ndAmo.,58 ( Qn f orn]at c f. Lag BS51 ). t ["iTppp] n.m. Ecl2 ' n nail (connexion with above -/dub.; % T)DDO, ChrPal Aram. U '■"*> ■*• Schwally 63122 ; NH vb. 1CD nail on or up; Ar *l *.* ; is perh. loan-word Fra 89 ),; — pi. abs. D'HDpp Is 4 1 7 , D'HtDDD 1 Ch 2 2 3 (of iron ; on _ v. Ges' 86 '); also ' nriODp J e io 4 ( + ni3i3D), D'jntM nnpbp, Ec 12 11 (sim.; +rrt£lT^j, and ni-itppp 2 Ch 3 9 (of gold). tnWD appar. 'D »$ Ezr 2 35 = Ne 7 s8 , 'KJ »J| Ne 3 3 ; © 2nai/a, 2a«™a(T), etc., ® L 2 f waa ; M ey Jud< "" h - 15 °- 154 rds. HK:D ('p for V, cf. nK13p) = so?iso/</ie /taterf (rejected) woman, i.e. the poorer classes of Jerusalem.

0%3D (so Baer; vand. H. Ginsb B^P) leader of Samaritan opponents of Nehemiah: Ne 2 1019 3 33 4 1 6 12 ' 51214 13 28 ; (Bab., =Sin-uballit, Sin gave life Schr 00TN ' 2 ' 10 ). tn^D n.m. K " 3,2 a thorny bush, perh. black- berry bush (cf. Lbw No ' 219 ; rubus fruticosus Linn.; Aram. N'?P, Uiflo thorn-bush, As. sind, Meissner ZA,l ' 293 &?ac&6m - 3/6wsA(M. thinks Aram. 'D loan-word from this); Ar. 1°: '., senna, Lane 1449 );— abs. "D Ex 3 2 - 2 - 4 , TOD v 2 - 3 (all E) Dt33 16 (akin to E). TriDD (= thorny, cf. GASm oeop.2ao^HPS* dloc );— a cliff opp. the cliff called fSiS, 1 S 14 4 (Ginsb as here; Baer n3D, van d. H. H3p) ; © ?.(vvaap.