Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/728

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-iDcn PJ"Byip Ez 31 5 (of Pharaoh under fig. of tree, ci. Co Berthol Toy). tn. [rVD] (Kb 11106 ) adj. divided, half- hearted ; — pi. abs. as subst., in religious sense, 'm& D"B5?p ^ 1 1 9 113 half-Jiearted ones do I hate. I [nsyp] n.f. division, divided opinion; — pi. abs. CSypn W^y 1 K 18" how long are ye limping on the two divided opinions (as on unequal legs ; © rats lyvvats seems an attempt to interpret the fig.; ace. to Albrecht ZAW, " 0896)76 'D really = legs). t[~l^D] vb. storm, rage (Ecclus. lyD Hiph. 47 17 move tempestuously; '"QV? storm- toind 43 17 48 s ; NH Pi. stir up, blow, rnyp storm-wind; =11. "VP&, but relation obscure; As. sdru, wind, favours originality of '{?, but this only late in Heb., and for 'd Frii 199 cp. Ar. jLl kindle fire, excite, inflame, be vehemently hungry and thirsty, be mad, i?isane, etc. Lane m2 );— Qal Impf. 3 mpl. fig... V^D? Hb 3 14 they [my foes] storm along to scatter me ; Pt. act. iyb Jon 1 " the sea was growing more and more stormy, so v 13 ( + D^vSj); f. 'T]5)b Is 54 11 storm- tossed (fig. of Jerusalem). Niph. Impf. 3 ms. iyp>1 2 K 6" and the heart of the king . ..was enraged because of ("?5?) this thing. Pi. Impf. 1 s. sf. "^>y D"!5!pS) Zc 7" (on form v. Ges H23h,S2n ) and storm them away (hurl them by a storm-wind) upon the nations. Po. Impf. 3 ms. "$& flXf Ho 1 3 3 shall be like cluxff (which) is storm-driven from a threshing-floor. t-ft'D n.m.

tempest; — abs. 'd Ami" 

+ 5 t-; TJg t- 55°; Pi- sf. TW 8 3 16 ;— tempest, esp. fig.: of passionate acts of men, HVD nilD lyDD yj, 5g 9 ('Dtp here awkward, without 1) ; of '<'s wrath Je23 u (^WlD 'D), cf. 25 s2 30 53 ; tempest as instr. of '»'s wrath, ^ 83" (|| flMD) ; v. also HDID trt'S nypa Am i M and Jo i 412 . Tmj'p n.f. tempest, storm-wind; — abs. ■Tiyp Is 29 s + (so also 2K2 111 Ginsb; Baer rnyp); cstr. rnyp j e 23" 30 23 ; pi. nnyp Ez

3" 13 ; cstr. ni">J)D Zc9 14 ; — tempest, storm-wind, 

as instr. of (Symbol missingHebrew characters)'s wrath, Is 296 ( + (Symbol missingHebrew characters)), cf. 4024 4116, also (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Ez 1311.13 (against nation under fig. of wall); storm-wind of Elijah's translation 2 K 21.11; of theophany Ez 14 ((Symbol missingHebrew characters)), Jb 381 406, and (Symbol missingHebrew characters) ZC 914; (Symbol missingHebrew characters) as fig. of (Symbol missingHebrew characters)'s wrath Je 2319 3023; of ordinary tempests only in late tyf : n"iyp m 10 7 s5 148 8 , 'D opp. nDD'l 107 29 . , 11, in. f]D v. f)QD. KSD (/of foil.; cf. NH N?p, -DD give to eat, % 'BD id. ; perh. Palm. KSD /eed, nourish, Lzb 330 Cook 85 ). t NiEp73 n.m. Gn 24 - ■ fodder ;— alw. abs. 'D, Gn 24* elsewhere obj. of 1TJJ v 32 43 s4 (all J) 42 s7 (E) Ju 19 19 . tp3D] vb. wail, lament (NH id.; % IE©, ChrPalAram. Am id., Schwally™"*- 64 ; As. [sapddu], sipdu, sipittu, mourning D1 HWB507 ; cf. Amhar. {M,: dirge Pra^""" 188 ". 762 );- Qal If. 3 fs. nnsm consec. Zc 12 12 , 3 pi. V1BW consec. 1 K 14 13 Zc 12 10 ; imp/. 3 fs. "IBM?! 2 S ii 26 , 2 ms. "I'spn Ez 24 16 , 1 s. cohort. rnBDK Mil 8 , 3 mpl. VIBCr; Je6 16 + , etc.; iW. mpl. IIBD 2 S 3 31 + 2 t.; fpl. nj-lBP Je 49 3 ; Inf. abs. liBD Zc 7 5 ; cstr. 11BD Ec 3 4 , IStpb Gn 23 s I K 13 29 , ^BDJJ Je 16 6 ; P«. ac<. pi. DHBb Is 32", 'ID Ec 1 2 6 ; — u>at7, lament (with loud cries, etc., v. Mi i 8 , and cf. Dr Am6 ' 16 ), esp. for dead, c. *?, 1 S 25 1 28 s 1 K 14 1318 Gn 2 3 2 (P) Je 16 6 22 1818

5 , cf. B$ ~i'm~W) "rtspb ybr-b») 16 5 ; c.'by 

over 38 1» 1 1" I K 1 3 30 , cf. Zc 1 2 ,0 (see v 12 infr.); c.^.S? i.e. marching 6e/ore (bier) 2 S 3 s " (v. Dr); c. ace. cogn. Gn 50 10 (J); abs. 1 K 13 29 Ez 24 16 cf. v 23 Ec 3 4 (opp. ipi ; cf. yjr 30 12 ), and pt. as subst. Ec 1 2* waiters; also, with idea of guilt on part of those wailing, Zc 1 2 12 (cf. v 10 supr.); over calamity, judgment, c."?5? Mi i 8 , abs. Je 4" (both + tyn), 49 s and (with fasting) Zc 7' j ! 13. — /-lai non-HUr^y dhb'd *r$hl Is 32 12 is dub.; Thes Ew De Che al. upon the breasts smiting (1) for the fields, etc., but rd. prob. D , *l?' (nr, D^)Ges Comm - (q.v.) Buhl 1 " 13 Skinner al.: over the fields wailing, over the delightful fields, etc. Hiph. Impf. 3 mpl. ttfJR *6 Je 16 4 they shall not be bewailed, so 25 s3 . "IEDO n.m. 0n50 ' 10 wailing ;— abs. 'O Am 5" + 11 t.;' cstr. 13DO Mii n +2 t.; sf. »Tf9«? ^30 12 ; — wailing: 1. for dead, Gn5o 10 (J; as ace. cogn.), Zc 1 2 10 (c. "^ ; cf. v lul infr.). 2. for calamity experienced Am 5" 16 (|| 72«), v 17 Mi i 8 (0*191 '», || ^?K), v 11 Je 48 s8 Ez 27 31 , anti- cipated Je 6 26 Est4 3 . 3. in contrition Is 22 12 ( + '33), Jo 2 12 ( + Di5f, '33), cf. Zc I2 11U . 4. in gen., ^ 30 12 (opp. ?*inD, cf. Ec 3 4 ).