Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/761

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737 aw

fs. nay? Ez 2 3 8 ; is. sf. T 1 ? 3 !*? Is 54 7 5 2 ¥• 

iron? Ex 2 20 , etc.; Zmp/ 3 ms. 3i$>: Ib55 7 + , "aJ5?: Gn 2 s4 , sf. 1 s. *?}}ffl 1 S 30 13 , etc. ; Imv.

  • 2. V 37 8 , n?)V Je 49". B W Je 4 g28 Pr 9 6 > ete ->"

7n/. a6s. 3*H Je 14 5 , 3TV Ex 23 s ; cstr. 3TJ? Gn 44 22 + , sf. 33$ Je 2' 7 + , etc. ; Pt. act. 3$ Pr io 17 + , cstr. *'ip (Ges » 901 ) ; f. cstr. najj? Pr 2 17 etc. ; pass. M?Dt39**+, etc.;— tl. leave,c.&cc. (on order of meanings cf. No ZMG ' * am - m ) : a. = depart from, ace. pers. Gn 44 M ( J >> *£■**** J* Nu io 31 (P), Ru i 16 Je 9' (111*9 V*); ace. loc.

K 8 6 Je 25 s8 (^ as lion leaving lair) ; c. f? 

loc. intrans. (strangely) Je 1 8" (of snow), b. leave behind, ace. pers. Ex 2 20 (J), 2 S 1 5 16 ( + inf.), Ez2 4 21 ; ace. rei+T? Gn 39 12 ", + 'ft$T un (allJ); + 3loc.50 8 (J);acc.pers.etreiEx9 21 (J). c. leave in the presence of (V.??) 1 Ch i6 :17 (? of accus., cf. ? 3 b supr.), 2 Ch 28". d. leave in safety, B3"ti33 13tyn nj&l Is io 3 . e. leave in a given condition, situation, D^Pnco ink '5?

Ch 24 s5 </j«y Ze/if Awn m great suffering; c. 

adv. ace. Ez2 3 M ; a city nrnnB Jos 8 17 . f. have undisturbed, let alone Ru 2 16 . g. leave unexercised, Gn 24 s pregn./ie hath not left his kindness and his faithfulness from (being) with (DJjflO) my master; so V1K ilDn '5? Ru 2 20 (both of '1) ; non 'J? f 37 s (II HK? T35). h. feare in the hand of, entrust to, ace. rei + T? Gn 39" (j), + -^ Jb 39" (|| a nt?a), + "?3? * io 14 (ace. ora., his cause). — So also poss. (c. ?) Ne 3 34 (reading D^V? for MT Dnb), but text prob. otherwise corrupt. i. leave to (?) one (unaided), i? 3?J?D npl.m Ex 23 s * (E) thou slialt refrain from leaving it (sc. the affair) to him; cf. HT8 n?^ 3 'P Jb 39" ( of ostrlcn )- J- leave over, remaining, ace. pers. Jos 2 21 (JE) ; ace. rei + j> pers. Lv 19 10 23 s2 (H), Mai 3 19 . k. leave — have nothing to do with Pr 9 6 . 2. leave, abandon, forsake : ta. abandon, ace. rei : (1) land, house, city, tent, etc., 1 S 3i 7 = 1 Ch io 7 , 2 K f Je 9 18 4 8 M 51 9 2 Ch n» Is j 7" ( + iJBP of enemy) ; pt. pass, of cities v 2 J6 4 29 Zp'2 4 , cf. naiTJ? Isi7 9 pt. = subst. = deserted region. (2) oxen 1 K 1 g"°, idol-images (+ DB>) 2 S 5 21 = 1 Ch i4 13 , flock Zc 1 1 17 ; pt. pass, of eggB Is io H . tb. forsake, (1) human subj. and obj. : Gn 2 24 (J ; a man his parents), 1 S 30 13 Jos 22 s (D), Je 49 11 ^ 27'° (parent a child), Pr 2 17 (wife her husband, W> cf. HB>N na*lj> Is 54 6 , and 'j? of personif. Zion Is 60 15 62 4 . (2) an animal its young Je 14 5 (obj. om,). raiw to.=neglect, Levite Dti2 19 14 27 , poor Jb 20". d. esp. (1) fig. of forsaking God ('*), aposta- tizing, Ju io 10 Dt 28 20 31" Je i 16 + 38 t. (oft. Je and later); 4- Jon 2 9 (obj. ffJOH, i. e. God, v. IDri II); c. ? + inf. only "tOT Oflj '""nK Ho 4» (Oort We Now doubt "tfTji ( 2 ) obj. י׳'s law, commands, covenant, etc., Dt 2924 1 K i9 1014 + 14 1.; house of '" 2 Ch 24 18 Ne io 40 . t(3) forsake, fail to follow, obey advice, instruction, wisdom, reproof : 1 K 1 2 813 = 2 Ch io 813 Pr 2 13 4 26 io 17 15 10 27 10 . t(4) but also of forsaking idols Ez 20 8 , sins of various kinds 23 s Is 55 7 Pr 28 18 (obj. om. ; + n- jiO confess); KBTSH usury Ne 5 10 . e. of God's forsaking, abandoning men : Dt 31' 7 Is 42 16 49 14 54 7 2 Ch 12 5 Ezr 9 9 ^ 9 ,l 22 2 -r 8 t. W> + n - 3 Ne 9* ■^ 37 33 j jr 16 10 thou wilt not abandon my soul ?te6; of temporary abandonment 2CI132 31 ( + inf. of purpose) ; etc. (34 t. in all) ; + Je 127 (י׳ abandoning his house), †f. of God's leaving, i. e. ceasing to regard, the earth, thus giving impunity to crime, Ez8 12 9". tg. of strength (D3) forsaking one ty 38", courage (3?) 40 13 , kindness and faithfulness (nDW 1Dn) Pr 3 3 . t3. let loose, set free, let go 3T5?n 3W it3J? Ex 23 s b (E) thou slialt by all means free it (sc. the beast) with him, (aid him to set it free; on sense, cf. Dt 22"; DHM sub 11. 3TJ?); aityi "Wy shut up and freed, proverb, phr., = all' classes of people Dt 32 s6 1 K 14 10 21 21 2 K 9 8 1 4 26 (exact meaning dub.; prob. either = bond and free, or [v. ES 68 -"- 437 ' 2 "" 1 ^ 456 ] under taboo and free from it); let go Jb 20 13 (c. ace. of wickedness as morsel in mouth) ; let loose my complaint Jb io 1 (v5? apud me, cf. ?5? II 1 d); '33 nai}?X Jb 9 27 I will loosen, relax, my face, (cf. Thes De Me Stu Di Buhl 1 *" Bu; >abandon my [gloomy] countenance AV RV SS Bae Kau Du). fNiph. Pf. 3 ms. 3$3 Ne 13"; 3 fs. natj)? Is62 12 ; Impf. 3fs. 3$n Is7 16 Lv26 43 , at5Jji"jbi8 4 ; 3 mpl. ttflC Is'iS 6 ; Pt. 3JJJ3 Is 27 10 ^37 25 ; fpl. iTiatJJJ EZ36 4 ;— 1. be left to (p), i. e. to the possession of, Is 18 6 . 2. be forsaken, of house of God Ne 13", a city Ez 3 6 4 Is27 10 (|| nWtp), 62 12 ; the earth Jbi8 4 , land Is7 18 , Lv26 43 (+ ?P of exiles); of man jf 37 25 . tPu. (or Qal pass., v. Ges ,8Z °) be deserted, of city : Pf. 3 ms. 3$ T? jten Is 32 14 (|| B%); 3 fs- n ?^Je49 55 - fi. H— ^> n.f. forsakenness, desolation; — jnxn ai.i53 'j?n nail Is6 12 .— 17 9 v. V2 a. 3 B