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DJ> ft Sw n.m. r " 626 labourer, sufferer;— 'y Pn6 M + 2 t.; pi. D'bog Ju 5 20 ;— 1. labourer, workman: Ju 5 s6 Pr 16 26 . 2. sufferer, Jb

  • (|| s?s3 •'in), 2 o*

fu. .C3J adj. verb, toiling, only Ec, as pred.;— Eca IM, 3 , 4V. P vJ21* n.pr.gent. Amalek (on — v. Lag bsi65 Ba Nil6 °) ;— ancient people Nu 24 s020 , S. of Canaan — in Negeb 1 3 s9 (all JE), fierce and war- like Bedawin (cf. GASm°-« r -« 8 GFM *■*»), foes of Isr. during Exodus Ex 1 7 8 + 6 t. Ex 1 7 (E), Dt 25 1719 ; later marauders in Isr. territory Ju 3 13 6 3S3 7 12 10", defeated by Saul 1 S 14 48 i5 2 +9 t. 1 S 14, 28 18 , and by David 30 18 (cf. adj. gent, infr.), 2 S 8 12 = 1 Ch 18", cf. f 8 3 8 ; also 'Vn 2 S i 1 (where read PJCflF or W»y?, v. Comm.); 'y 1 Ch 4*; as grandson of Esau Gn 3 6 12 (P) = 1 Ch i 36 , Gn 36 16 ; appar. connected with Ephr. territory Ju 5 14 (cf. 1 2 15 infr.; yet GFM conj. poy).— On Amalek v. No A ^ k " M » Encj. Bi. s.v. t^Vny adj. gent. 1 S 30" 2 S i 13 , also (as pred.) v 8 ; coll. = («Ae) Amalekites 1 S 15 615 30 1 , elsewh. c. art. '»n Nuif M (J; all + "?£??), 1 S 27 s ; 'yn nn> Gn 14 7 ; 'yn nn j u i 2 ls '(in Ephraim); rd.'yn also Jui 16 (for Dyn) BuGFM, > P.^?$| Hollenb Mey Kit**" ; on 2 S i 1 v. foreg.

1 Dft^ vb. (/of foil. cf. Ar. "c 6e cowi- 

prehensive, include; f^. company; also 'paternal uncle; perhaps As. ummanu, people; Sab. Dy either (a)people, or (b) paternal uncle CIS lTp - 2 "; pi. sf. lTODJNt = (6) Mordtm Hlm] - lMChr - 4S - 7 °; also often in n.pr. CIS"- No - 6 "' 7 etc., Prat Neu0 "•'"• 26 TT Chrest.12, 133; A.UDdA.6 ^y„GGN 1893, 480 .037, ay n.m. Gnll ' 6 (v. infr.) people (NH id., plebeian, common man; X ^V people, pi. peoples, tribes, etc.; Syr. )oa£; Ar. *« v. supr. ; orig. mng. prob. those united, connected, related, cf. We 00 " 1893 ' 480 );— abs. D5? Gnn 6 +, Dy Ju 9 3 « +) Dyn Jos8"+ ; cstr. Dy Nu2 1»+; «f.*WEx i f + ^By2 2 27 +,etc; pl.D"Byls2 3 +, D"B8y( c f. BArani^Neo 22 ; cstr. "By i K8 43 +, , S , ?5? Ne'9 24 ; pl.c.^f.v.ii.Dy;_(Thescitesfoll.asf.l'BynKBrn : Ex 5 18 [but corrupt and unintellig. ; read peril. 'vb mem , g0 @ @ Ui] ; Ju 1 8 7 [but H3B" must agree with lost word city, or the like, v. GFM] ; Je8 5 [but read 3?W for rmitf Gie]);— 1. a people, nation (sts. || "13), n. coll. (sg. Ex 21 8 Jos I? fl.iMj 2 g l7 » + it. ( or pi. Ex 20 1S 24" Je 5 31 •foft., or both in same clause Ex i 20 2 S 13 24 ): nnN Dy = all mankind Gnu 6 (J); peoples in gen. 27 s9 (J ; || D"B*6), Ex 19 6 (E), Dt 2 25 4 6 + oft. Dt, Ne !3*+oft.; D"G>y brp Gn 2 8 3 (P)a«  assembly (multitude) of peoples, 48* (P), EZ23 24 32 3 ( + D"3n); one's own people Je46' 6 ^45 n Ru I i«-'5.i6.i6 + ( on yry »ey Ct 6 i2 v esp . Bu) ; particular peoples,EgyptGn4i 40 (E), Ex ^(E), Ne9 ,0 + ; ffJ^TSS Ami 5 ; EnDB'ay (i.e. Moab) Nu 2 1 29 (JE), Je 4 8 46 ; but esp. Isr. Ex i 20 (E) + oft. ; 'b? 'JSTDS v 9 (J) ; called niff 'y Nu 1 i 2s (E), 1 S 2 24 +', and (by '") »?g Ex 3 7 5 1 (J) + oft. (all periods); D"r6xrrDy ^>np Ju2o 2 , bnijn-Qj; Lv ^(P), Dy bnp f iof 2 ; esp. mn Dyn ( ft. in contempt or disgust) Nu 1 1 11213 + ; fig. of ants Pr 30 25 , the shaphan v 26 , locusts Jo 2 2 , cf. D»?b Dyb f 74 14 (where rd. D"?X avb Hup-Now). — On Ju 1 16 v. 'p.?By . 2 . = smaller units, e. g. a. inhab. of a cit/dn 19 4 (J), 1 S 9 1213 Je 2 9 1625 2 Ch 3i 4 + (Je 8 5 del. ViV ® Gie Co Rothst). b. inhab. of a locality Je 3 7 12 [appar. not= tribe, Dt 33 3 rd. 'ley @ Di Dr, Ho 1 o 14 Ju 5 814 rd. T1V? WeNow; v. subd]. c. retainers, followers Gn I4 16 32 8 33 15 35 6 Ju 3 18 8 5 2 S 15 17 Je4i 1314 + . d. people bearing arms 1 S 1 1" iK2o 10 -(- ; *n3'y Nu2O 20 (JE), i.e. a powerful force; K3Xn DB. NU31 32 (P), nDnbt?n 'y joss 1 - 311 io 7 1 1 7 (all JE); so prob. Ju 5 8 a (fighting) band ; perh. also v u (rd. sg.? v. GFM Bu). 3. = common people Je2i 7 22 4 , LV4 27 (opp. ruler v 22 ), Ne 5 1 (opp. D , "! ,n '), 7 s (opp. rulers). 4. people in gen., persons Gn 50 s0 (E), so appar. '131 f^ Dyn"b Ex 33 16 (J), Nu 1 1 34 (J), Jos 5" (D), Ju 9 36 (as sg.), v 37 (as pi.), Je 36' ; persons labouring 1 K 9 23 ; superior persons Jb 12 2 (iron.); Dpiy Dy Ez 26 30 people of long ago (now in Sh e '61). 5. phrases are: a. (FlBy, "By, ^By) toy '31 7nembers of one's people, compatriots, fellow- countrymen, etc. Nu2 2 5 (E), Gn2 3 u (P) LV19 18 (H),Jui4 1617 Ez33 212 +. b. Dyn "33 = C ommon people (v. 3) 2 X 23° Je 2 6 23 + ; people in gen. Dyn "33 nyC' Je 17 19 i.e. 2>ublic gate 2 Ch 35 s - 12 . C. J*!?? Dy the people at large, as a body 2 K jjM.i8.imo I5 5 l6 i5 2I «« + j Je 37 2 44=' Lv20 2 (li), Gn 23 71213 (P); common people Je 34 19 , cf. 'Xn 'y n*?"* 2K24 14 ; disting. from prince EZ45 22 46", from priests Hg 2 4 Zc 7 5 ; = Cunaanites Nu I4 9 (JE), cf. n?7 ^5? 1 Chs 25 ; mixed post-exil. population Ezr 4 4 . d. H? n '?? usu - peoples of the earth J0S4 24 (D), 2 Cli 32 ,9 + ; of heathen peoples about and in Pal. after exile Ezr 10 2 "; traders Ne io 3 '; "Tisnsn "By 9 ™ 10 s 2 CI132 13 . e. D"By nins^B f 9 6 7 =i Ch 16 28 (cf. f 22 s8 ).