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Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/799

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3. I5?!3' |V-, q. d. because and by the cause 

(that), sq. perf., Lv 2 6 43 (H) 'BBBtoa fJWI |V

  • DKO, Ez 13 10 ; n?!3 JS! sq. inf., Ez 3 6 3 . (In all,

reckoning Jjra(l) JJP once each, 93 t., of which 20 are in 1-2 K, 11 in Je, 38 in Ez ; and only 9 in G11-2 S.) t rOl^O n.m. Pr15 - 1 answer, response; — abs. ■SJl-'D Pri5' a gentle answer; cstr. VB n?.JJP v 23 , cf. |te6 '» 16 1 (i.e. ability to answer); D , |p!!? '° Mi 3 7 i. e. response for guidance ; abs. also Pr 2 9 19 response = obedience ; Jb 3 2 3,5 reply, refutation; sf. V?.V1?? i6 4 = for its purpose, that for which it answers (v. Toy). [W?2] subst. purpose, intent, only with p, in15??37 prep, and conj. for the sake of, on account of, to the intent or in order that (abbrev. from njyp : cf. bvi; Kb" 1 ' 6 ) ;— with sf. *?$£, 1?S>9?, and DMPDp;— 1. prep.:— a. Gn 1 8 24 wilt thou . . . not spare the place D^'IVH D'BTSn [yD7 for the sake of the 50 righteous 1 Dt 30 6 T'.O for thy life's sake, 1 K 8 41 the foreigner who comes from afar ice> '7, Is 43 14 nbii vujfcpP CD3yp!>, 45* 62' in*?, 63 w Tn3P^,65« Ez 3 6 ajB Jb i8 4 f 122 s ' 9 ; p nay) in jypb, i.e. for the sake of David's memory, and the promises given to him, 1 1 K n 1213 - 32 - 34 i5 4 2K8 ,9 i9 34 (=l837 35 ),20 6 (allD 2 ); "oypp (of '^ for my own sake, i.e. to vindicate my name, ta K 19 34 (=Is 37 s5 ), 20 6 Is 43 s5 48 11 n'B'H? '^ *$$' B0 W$ Dn ° I9 > ^ ^ y "'> is said (or entreated) to act {^OV,^?) to# jypp i.e. to maintain his reputation, or character, +^23 3 25 11 31 4 79" 106 8 109 31 143 11 Je 14" 1 Ez 20 9.i;.22.« Ig 4 g9. s i mi i_ ^rjen '7 (i.e. to maintain it consistently) t* 6 5 44*, tyO '? t2 5 7 , ipl* '? tls42 21 . b. /w OTew 0/, on account of (but not ex- pressing causation distinctly, like IP 2 f, or "JBO), Dt 3 26 D5?8p!» ,3 " ">aym on your account, 1 K 1 1 39 nNl '7 iw w'e«; of this, T$? '? ore account of my watchful foes, t^5° »7 U . I*™* $ V' 8 *> simil. 69 19 ; 48 12 (97 s ) TDBE'O ^ . . . (WW TOB" tn «?ew? o/thy judgments. c. Sq. inf. Gn i8 19 "» tP?n jypi) /or «Ae purpose of J.'s bringing =s io </te intent that J. »M<//i< bring, 37 s2 yxn '? m order to rescue, 50 20 Ex i 11 9 16 io 1 , etc., Dt 2 30 e 23 , etc., 2 K io' 9 , Je 7 1018 1 1 5 50 34 (on JWfin, v. 15? 2 a 6), Ez 14 5

16 22», etc., 36 s (v. p. i76), + oft.(Ko ML " 1 ). 

Once, pleon., 3$ VK>b jypp Ez 21 s0 (cf. p .l«J|a 1 Ch 19 3 ; but rd. prob. aten). . Conj.(sq.impf.):— a.i^ |yppGni8 19 I have known him TO5P ~i#K 'b to the end that he nyght command, etc., Dt 2 7 3 Jos 3 4 2 S 1 3 s Je42 6 ; more oft. b. without ~W#, as Gn 12 13 •b ae« m), 27 B Ex 4 5 WB# '7, 8 618 9 M io 2 Is 5" 23 16 ^9 15 30 13 48" + oft. (Kb" 1571 ). c. Sq. »6: («) *6 "«?« '7 tNu 17 5 Dt 20 18 Ez3i 14 3 6 so 46 18 ; (6) »b h fEzi4 u 19 9 25 10 26 20 Zechi2 7 VH9 11 - 80 125 3 (Ko" 1S74 . Less common than ^pa? or IP with inf., or "If). Note 1. — !5?P? is always in. order that, never merely so that (tV/SanKis) ; but sts., in rhetorical passages, the issue of a line of action, though really undesigned, is represented by it ironically as if it were designed: Dt 29 18 (v. Dr) "iai ntop h , . , iaapa Gianni and he congratulate himself . . . in order to sweep away the moistened with the dry (i.e. to destroy all together), Is 30 1 44 9 Wto *> 15TV 731 1XT 73 in order that they may be put to shame, Je 7 18 ^Diyan 'b, v' 9 Dn'SB nE'a 2 f Ai 32 s9 H08 4 their silver, etc., they have made into idols rna? '? in order that it may be cut off (of course, not the real purpose of the idolatry), Am 2 7 Mi6 16 : cf. V'Si 6 (v. Comm.) in order that thou mightest be just when thou judgest (sc. by manifesting thy justice in judgment on my sin). Cf. J Qor 28 7 (F1 K1 - **»•'■»"■). Note 2.— In Jos 4 24 for the anom. DHK'V 'b, rd. inf. D^INT O in order that they might fear (Dr'" 01 "-): Neh6 13 in* jypb N,n ""MP W& (si vera 1.) the first '7 points forwards, to this intent was he hired, to the intent that I should be afraid.— On Pr 16 4 , v. njyp. f II. [H^] vb. be occupied, busied with (3), only Ec (perh. Aram, loan-word; Syr. hx. be occupied with, ..'1 occupation, affair; cf. Ar. ig-z, *±i concern one, also be occupied by; Ecclus 42 8mw );— Qallnf. ni3J? Ec i 13 3 10 . t^JJ 4 n.m. Kc, ' ls occupation, task, only Ec (Aram, loan-word Lag BS205 ; common inNH); — 'y abs. Ec a 26 3 10 5 2 8' 6 ; sf. X$ Dy? 2 23 Ais task is (sheer) vexation; JH )J3y i 13 an evil (worth- less) task, so 4 s (Mass. "3y as if cstr., v. Baer 1 ' 13 but Kb" 1 ' 99 ), and, in weakened sense, 5 13 a bad business, bad affair.