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s5 ; K-l 'V 88 15 ; [| h Is 2 6 6 Zp 3 1:: ; nrrn231 'V Is 

66 2 ; — Zc 1 1 '•" v. ii. '?Jtt3 ; — God does not forget them ^9 1319 io' 2 (Kt) 74 19 , but has compassion on them Is 49 13 , saves yjr 34', delivers 35 10 , and bestows various favours 68" 140 13 , the king also judges 72 2 - 4 , and delivers 72 12 . 4. hum- ble, lowly, Zc 9' (victorious king); opp. D*|2 Pr 3 M (Kt); opp.D'K3i6 19 (Kt); <3y Dyopp.D'3'y niD-l Vl8 48 =2S22 28 . t "01> n.m. affliction, poverty; — 'y Ex 3 7 + ; "ft Dt 16*+, 1$ V' 107 41 , »Jlp 2 S 16 12 (Kt, but id. *$i >Qr *r?i); sf - *?? Gn 3 l42 +- ^V

11 , etc.; — 1. affliction, Jb 36 1521 + 44 25 88"> 

io7 4I ii9 6<UB Lai !, 3 1 '; '»psGn 4 i B (E); HV Jb 30 1627 La 1 7 ; ^ "W Is 48 10 ; '» ^3PI Jb 3 6 8 ; 'VTDK^io? 10 ; 'y VaPrsi 6 ; 'y nth Gn 31 42 (E), Ex 3 7 4 31 (J), Dt 2 6 7 2 K 14 28 Ne 9" Jb io 15 •^■9" 25 18 31 8 ii9 153 Lai 9 3', ins. also before ^V 1 S 9 16b © Th We Dr Kit Bu HPS ; 'ya ntO Gn 2 9 32 (J), 1 S i 11 2 S 16 12 (v. supr.) ; 'y yOB> Gn i6"(J); 'yo rhyn Ex 3 17 (J); yy on$> Dti6 3 . 2. ^owr<y, ani *nwwi ^ya i Ch 22 14 . t [iTO J*.F1 J n.f . humiliation, by fasting (cf. -/Pi. Hithp. ;NH'n = fasting), sf. W3yn Ez 9 s . -j-IV. (™UJ/vb. sing (^Ar. l g^£ sing, chant, "Ala singing, chanting, etc.; Syr. wlx sing respon- sively, j&Uo'.v. hymn, refrain; poss. As. ew$, resound (?); Egypt, armi is loan-word ace. to Bondi 80 );— Qal Pf 3 ms. V))) consec. Je 51 14 ; 7«ip/. 3 ms. njjp Je 25 30 ; 3 fs. fflSl Ex 15 21 ; 3 fpl. nj'Syni VSi8 7 , etc.; Imv. "J Nu2i" ^ 147"; Inf. cstr. fliJg Ex 32 1818 ; — sing, utter tunefully, Ex 1 5 21 (E) and Miriam sang to (?) them ; of uttering shout (TV Q), as in vintage Je 2 5 M ( subj.; + "b« pers.), in attack 5 1 14 ( +"^5? pers.); (ne*6q) TTVOi ni3y ; i>ip Ex 3 2 I8I8 (E); c? rei vel pers. laudat. Nu 2 1 17 (JE ; well); ^ 147 7 (A; II V1D|), Ezr 3"; +10N 1 S 18 7 the women sang, and said; iteN.b ni^hea «jf 21 12 29 s ; c. ace. rei laudat. V "9 172 ( cf - Jl v 171 ).— Is 14 22 v. |iy. Pi. intens.: Imv. Hpisy Is 2 7 2 sing sweetly of it; Inf. nSiV bp Ex 32 18 (E) </ie «<wni of distinct singing; cf. nisy? ^88'. n2V n.pr.m. Horites : — 1. Gn 36 s (read ■nnrTfor 2 «inn v. Di) V l418 - 20!SBW = 1 Ch i 38 - 41 . 2. (' nephew ' of X) Gn 3 6 2424 = 1 Ch i 40 .— A™, A(.>a(") (of- n-pr-m. |J, Safa, HaF A,7,S74 ).

  • Kt v. *J|. pi3V v. 1. P5V : .

UJ? (/of foil.; Ko'^-^cp. Ar. jli turn


aside, whence [fr. movements] llc <7oa<, cf. As. enzu ; Syr. Jiik., cstr. jJLi* ; also )jLoL ; Jl»- goat-herd; Ph. Palm, ty; NH tj? (rare)). II? n.f. " 1 •• 74 she-goat; — abs. ']) Gn 15" + 6 t.; pi. any 27 9 +65 t.; sf. TJV 31 s8 ;— tl. as property Gn 30 3 " 3 - 36 (J), 3I 16 - 38 (E), 1 S 25 s . 2. as food : D<# (H?) H3 &<*(«) / she-goats Gn 27 91 » (J)+ 7 t., D^y Tyb 37 3 ' (J) a 6ucA; of goats, he-goat, D'^V nb Dt 14 4 a(n individual) goat ; cf. Lv >f (P; fat forbidden); also 'V 3^ Pr 27 s7 yoais' Mttifc. 3. as sacrificial victim, chiefly P: a. in gen. Lv2 2 27 (H), NU15". tb. in nna Gn 1 5» (JE ; cf. v 18 ). t c. np| Ex 1 2 5 (n"B>), ffJJ '33 2 Ch 3 5 7 . td. <T>iy Lv 22 19 (H), i ,0 Nu28 30 ( / » Tyb). te. D'o^ naj LV3 12 17 3 (H ; cf. v s ), n^K Nu 18 17 ('V liaa). f. riNen, 'y Ty'p Ez 43 s2 45 s3 Lv 4 23 + 3 t.'Lv, Nu 7 16 + 19 t. Nu; D^y Tyy& a single she-goat Lv 4® 5 s ; D'?y iy$f 2 Ch 29 21 ' he-goats. 4. D"^ = ^oaig hair, as material 1 S 19 1316 Ex 25 4 + 6 t. P (35 M obj. of «B !). +5. in sim. D^y 'Bfc'n

K 20 27 (v. [I^n]) ; 'Vn Tiys Ct 4 1 6 s , of flow- 

ing, undulating hair. t6. 'V TBS Dn 8 58 he-goat in vision. t"»ay n.pr.m.Levites:— 1. iChi5 18M ,Qi-«, ®L A»a«ai. 2. Ne I 2 s Qr (Kt Uy), Iai»a(i). tiTM n.pr.ni. Ne 8 4 io 23 , Ara«a(s). T»» v. i?V sub III. my. L3"oy v . p. 745. ];:j* v. II. [ray]. Q2V v. 2^33 py. t Q' , TD3y n.pr.gent. in (or near) Egypt Gn io 13 = iCh i", Anmafunp, MveiKTuin, etc.; form dub. and locality unknown, v. conj. in Di. t-iJ^Q^ n.pr.di*/. of D^TeO (q.v.) 2 K 17", vrjii((x, (om. ©L); =As. Anu-malik ace. to Schr 001 * 4100 -, but dub., v. Kit*""*- and reff. ; Che Expo,T " nM -"" M>1898 ' 429 rds.l^»13y, and ins. also

K 1 9 37 (bef. ViT>s) ; cf. also Hal cited sub nsy. 

I. J J^7 (■/of foil., peril, orig. cover, as Sab. |3y=^t5 (Heb. bb-i), DHM I * D » k »- i,t ; or< Ar. °-c appear, present oneself, specif, intervene as an obstacle (Lane ; cf. Lag Bs m ), hence JjLIc clouds, as intervening, and so obstructing ; cf. NH [J? cloud=.BYS. (rare), vb.denom. Pi. '3.V as BH ; k N?3V, Syr. )ii^ rfowfe). . P2* n.m. Kl1916 cloud-mass, cloud; — • T r 87 J 'V(H) abs. Ex i 9 9 + ; cstr. F3J| Ho6 4 + ; sf. 133g