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Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/820

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796 etc. Is 5 U * 28* 92' + 4 t.; W&JJ "0 in gen. Ec 7" 8 17 ii 6 of. 3". 2. a. (1) work, thing made, by man, nSK 'D Gn40 17 (E) baker's work; "flrt' H» 'D La 4 s ; oft. of furnishings of tabern., 3B*n 'D Ex 26'+ 7 t., Di5T 'D 26 M + 5 t., JQfr '»

s2 + 2 1., enn 'o 28", cf. m V, ' D c * f> of 

holy oil, etc. 0J5T 'D Ex 30 26 + 2 t. (ins. Opn perh. also 2Chi6 14 ); hence 'y^—work of art Is 3" (of coiffure), cf. '» '!>? Nu 31 51 ; sq. n. of material, pattern, etc., 0'$ ' D v 20 (i e. goats' hair), v. also Ex 27 4 28"+; in temple, r03$» tS 1 K 7", 'D JBW v 19 , etc.; D'jrajjS '» 2 Ch 3'°, cf. EPrnnn 'D

Ch 9 s1 the work of (consisting in) bread- 

wafers; = materials of (prepared for) nbtyn

Ch 4 6 ; in theoph. "M»B0 n?nb 'D Ex 24'° 

(J); 'O of ships 2 Ch 20 s7 ; in gen. Is 29 16 ; Ez 27 1618 = thy manufactures, wares; ^JiP ^45 2 = my verses (n-oiij/xa, poem) ; (2) workman- ship Ez i 1616 (v 16 * del. Co Toy) 1 K 7 s Ex 28 s + II t; (3) B1K *T '° of idols (contemptuously) Dt4 28 2Ki 9 ' 8 =is37 19 =2Ch 3 2 19 ,^ii5 4 i35 15 , cf. Is 2 8 (VT '»), Ho 1 4 4 Mi 5 12 Je 1 16 ; so fT) '» enn Dt 2 7 15 Je io 3 9 , cf. Ho 1 3 2 ; B^jq 'D Je ib 9 ; Divnyn 'D v 15 5 1 18 ; appar. also Csri&^p IS41 29 cf. 57 12 Ez 6 6 ; VT 'D of altars Is 17 8 . ' b. work (made by) God Ex32 16 (E); esp. (poet, and late), of created things, f 103 22 io4 24 + 4 t. •f ; ^njiasN '» 8 4 , TT ' D i°2 26 (hoth of heavens), cf. 19 2 (heavenly bodies), 8 7 (animals); of man Jb 14 15 34 19 , cf. in^JJO , B'3K"i'| njn!> 37 7 (but rd. prob. D'BfatC 93 01 Di al.); of a nation Is 19 25 60 21 64 7 ; of weights Pr 1 6 11 (but rd. perh. ^Qn for '•> Gr Toy), c. product of olive-tree, HM "0 Hb 3 17 ; fig. product of righteousness Is 32 17 . ttflMfflgO, 5T-, 1&3XQ n.pr.m. (work of '» ; cf. n. pr. lff^O on Isr. seal, Cl-Gann, v. Lzb 315 ); — Ma(a)<T<raia(s), etc., ® B Ezr IO 21 Ma- <raijX:—l. priest, Je.'stime,n;'BT?PJe2i , 29 25 37 3 ; perh. 35 4 (W». 2. 29 21 . WJKJIP 3. Levites : a. iChis 18 - 20 . b. 2 Ch 23'. ' 4. officials: a. 26 11 . b. 34 8 . 5. sonof Ahaz 2 8 7 . 6. Levite 1 Ch 6^ rdg. rWgD for MT rv't^a q.v., cf. Kit. njfe^O of various post-exil. men : 7. Ne 3 ffl (Ma8a<ri;X, A Maaorot/). 8. a. 8 4 ' 7 . b. io 26 . c. ii 6 . d. v 7 . e. 12 41 . f. v 42 . 9. a. Ezr IO 18 . b. V 21 (M<z<rai;X, Ma<r«iar). C. V 22 . d. V 30 . 10. "WW (van d. H. ^VQ) Ma(a)<rcu(a), a priest I Ch 9". j-II. [Hti^] vb. Pi. press, squeeze (NH nf^y Pi. compel; X % ?y Pa. crush, gnash (teeth); cf. Ar. /%~c compress a woman) ; — Pf 3 pi. -toy D^na "Tl #g Ez 23 38 (unchaste act); /n/. cs<r. 'flf* . . . nYe'ga v 21 rd. Pi. rrifrya (Ew Co Toy, aL). y<DV n.pr.m. Esau, Ho-au ; — Esau, elder son of Isaac Gn 2 5 25M + 7 t. 25, 26 s4 27 1 + 24 1. 27, 28, 32 4 + 15 t. 32, 33, 35, Jos 2 4 44 Mai i 2 - 3 1 Ch i 34 ; identif. with DV1K Gn 36 1819 , ancestor of Edomites v 943 , cf. 1 Chi 35 ; dwelling in Mi Seir Gn 3 6 8 (25 t. in all, Gn 36) Dt 2 5 Jos 2 4 4 ; VCJJ "33 = Edomites Dt 2 4 - 812 - 22 - 29 ; VB>J? = Edom J T e 4 9 8 '0b 6 , ^8 n*| v 1818 , VB'JJ "in v 8 - 919 - 21 . t [pt^] vl) - Hitbp. contend (perh. orig. cling to (in strife), cf. Ar. Ja» cling with love (Lag EN143 ); Syr. amy, Ethpa. be difficult (i.e. indignant, hostile); NH pDV, X PPi{, busy one- self, NH pDJJ business, occupation) ; — P/. 3 pi. ioy IpS'ynri Gn 26 20 ifoy contended with him. t ptoJP n.pr.font. in SW. Pal. Gn 2 6 20 (expl. as contention);— locality unknown, ® 'ASiia'a. "lt£^ (-/of foil.; appar. gather, unite, cf. Ar *■ ?.p kinsman, i?J-— c <ri6e,J-LLT assembly; hence ten = collection, union). -|®y, nito^ n.m. and f. ten (NH=BH; V V ' T T -: 176 x perh. MI 33 yff$; Ph.ntrj?, nDy, rCWJ, etc.; Ar. tic, Hi* ; Sab.lCV SabDenkm NoUb ' 1 - ,s ' 6 , mcy andcpds.Ho.n 011 '-" 4 - 48 ; Eth. 0^4-: OwCfc; As. efertu; Sipj;, N-JDy; IB'J), K^Tf; Syr. tix, ]f~C • Nab. •&)}, all = ten; Palm. Nmt5T> </w Pot (rulers)) ;— m. (c.n.f.)-»fy 2Si5' 6 +53 *• (abs. and cstr. usu. indistinguishable); ~&$ 1 K

451 1 Ch 6 46 ; f. (c. n.m.): abs. fntojj Gn 24'° + 
1.; cstr. (prob.) nn»g 1 S i7 18 + 46 t.; f.pl. 

nn'B'JJ Exi8 21 + 2 t.; — on pi. 0")^, 20, y. infr.; — tl. a <e«, only f.pl. tens in phr. 'S If! captains of tens Ex 1 8 2125 (E), Dt i 15 . 2. ten, enumerating pers. or things, usually without other num. : a. "$ bef. n.f.pl., Gn 4s 23 + 43 t. ; after n. fl K 7 27 - 43 + late passages J0S15 57 21 526 (all P), 1 Ch 6 46 2 Ch 4 7 ; bef. HBS3 = ten cubits fi K 6 3 - 2526 7 s3 - 24 . b. n-l'B'j; bef. n.m.pl., Gn 45 s3 + 25 t. (incl. D"?^ '»= 10,000 2 S 18 3 2 K 24 14 Kt, n^ Qr); bef. n. coll. lp T 3 1 K 5 3 , 3?3 2 K

7 ; also njn Dn? 0) 1 S 17 17 these ten loaves, 

cf. 1 K 14 3 ; '^«V Ez 45 1 rd. 'N D^? © Hi Co Berthol Toy; after n.m.pl. tGn 32 1616 43 3 (all E), Jos 17 6 (JE), Nu 2 9 23 (P), 1 K 7 43 2 Ch

6 - 8 Dni 121415 t; after n.coll. |^X 2 Ch 30 24 ; n. 

om., sc. men, tGni8 32 (J) Am 5 3 Ezr 8'; sc. shekels (weight) Gn 24" (J) Nu 7" + 1 3 t. Nu 7