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mrntsf 80 ° " JViritfiy n.pr.deae. 'Astoreth, < 'Astart, 'Aitereth (v. infr.) (MI 17 E>D3 "irW ; Ph. mne>y ( + oft. in n.pr.), n.pr. IflBT? "135? Cook* *""""-

  • •>*« Sab. n.pr. dei inny v. esp. Os ZMOM(1866) '

S7»t r)Wf lb. XMTli (18«S). 376 J> gllSlb. ttOttenuunen, ZMG llv (1900). sjnr.. M p.2S7(r.. ^ s Jkar ; OAram. Palm. "iny (=nnny) in n. pr. ; in Egypt, 'astirati WMM A* u .Eur.3i3. Gk. 'Aorapri; ; on other Gk. equivalents (e. g. 'AQpohhr,) cf. Lewy Fren " 1 "- 148> i96ts«>^.__ L . prol3> artificial, to suggest flffc, orig. ^TTI., lYJR-, cf. /tor, Aorapi-ij, etc.; '$) i K n*+at.; pl.'nhn- Ju2 13 -r3t.-r-rn- lS 7 4 ; i S 3 1 10 id. prob. sg. (Dr al.) ; — 'Astart, 'AStereth (Ao-ropm,pl. Aarraprai, but Ju IO 6 I S j* A(rrapu>6), ancient Sem. goddess (with male counterpart in Moab., Sab. and appar. Ph.); Phoenician deity, D'ris v6n ron^y i k i i 5 - 33 , '* f i3B> 'V 2 K 23 13 ; so prob. 'V JT3 1 S 3 1 10 (rdg. sg.; v. esp. Dr); elsewhere pi., of various local goddesses, called nnne'V (cf. As. ildni u islarat = gods and Istars (i. e. goddesses), usu. + (D^SH, as Canaanitish deities Ju 2 13 10 6 iS 7 4 12 10 ; |p33n V$% f.— Vid. esp. Dr A8htore,h in Hast DB ; on Istar Jastr B,LB.b. »«...«,. 202 1. on'AthtarBae™™'-; on Ph. 'Astart Pietschm G " ,<,hFMn - 184 '-; on 'Ashtoreth Barton JBLia891, ' 73ff - GFM Enc '- Blb - . ]"Yi"^£TOy v. foregoing. f 11. [n^rttTJ?] n.pl.f. only cstr. in phr. 13NX n^TTlf'Si Dt 7 13 28 4 - 18 - 61 (all ||T?^? "W) usu. interpr. either as a. = ewes (Thes) or as b. = young (cf. veneres gregis; in either case with ref. to 'Astart as goddess of fecundity ; R g Bern. 1.292, 457 f.. 2nd .0.310,476^ a d p t i n g b, thinks one type of 'Ast. in Canaan had form of sheep, so Dr"* 7,13 ); cf. also <^lc as name of land fertilized by dew and rain We 8 "™"""'. f in. ni^ntCy n.pr.loc. A<rrapa>6, etc., E. of Jordan (name from worship of diff. forms of 'Astart ; in Egypt, 'astiratu, as E. Jordan loc. WMM a,. u.Eur. 162, 3i3. cf TelAm. n.pr.loc. As- tarti) ; —in Bashan (near Edrei) Dt I 4 (rH-), Jos 12* i3 1231 (all + 'VJ]?), 9 10 iCh6 M = rnne'ya (i.e. rnnc'y jva) j s 21 s7 ; also niwy iT?T> Gn 14 s (© AarapuB Kapvatv, cf. GFM JBL xri(iw7).iMt wno eX pi, name as 'Ashtereth of the two-peaked mt.); cf. further, D??"]J? Am 6' 3 ; — site prob. either Tel 'Aitara, 2 1 miles E. of Sea of Galilee, or Muzeirib, 8 miles further S.; poss. both occur in OT ; cf. esp. Dr A,M * ro,h in Hast DB JjJi.uM, g un JOeoir.2««r. Q^g m Encj. Bib. 836£ t^mPitiV adj. gent, of foreg/Vn 1 Ch 1 i 44 . ny v. I. ruy. fl. Hi")!?] vb. be ready (NH adj. Tny future (as prepared); Ar. j.c be ready, pre- pared (also great, bulky); Syr. ?k^X, % in der. spec, and deriv.) ; — Pi. Imv. ms. sf. ■'TRS} Pr 24 s7 and make it ready i.e. thy work (||'?n). Hithp. Pf. 3 pi. D^?i> vwynn Jb 15 28 which [houses] were prepared (destined) for (i. e. to be) heaps of ruin. TTrty, ["liny] adj. ready, prepared; — 1. abs. "riT?b Tny Jb 15 24 a king ready for the onset; pi. Di>? D^inj? Est 3 14 ready for the day, so 8 13 Qr (Kt tTTiny). 2. ready = skilled Tiy CTn^? Jb 3 s those skilled in rous- ing Leviathan. 3. prepared = impending (cf. NH= future), fpl. Tinny tfrn Dt 3 2 35 tfie im- pending things are hastening (||DTN Di* 3*1113). 4. prepared = stored up, Dnwriyi Is io 13 Kt (Qr DmnhViyi, to differentiate it from above) and their stores have I plundered. [Tiny] 2|) n.m. Gn31,(> he-goat (NH=BH; As. atud-d; Ar. Sjjlc young he-goat; relation to above V not clear ; Thes well-developed, cp. Ar. lie horse fit for running (cf. / mng. great, i.e. perh. full-grown); ace. to Horn" 8247 animal ready to fight); — only pi. DHWy Is 1"+ 13 1.; DHriy Gn3i IO +i3t.; cstr. nWJ Is 34 s ;— as property Gn 3 1 1012 Ez 2 7 21 Pr 27 s6 , food Dt 3 2 14 ; as leaders of flock Je 50 8 (sim.), hence fig. of princes and chief men IS14 9 Ez 34 17 , v. also infr.; as sacrif. victims Is 1" Nu7 I7 + I2t. Nu7, ylr 66 15 and (iron.) 50 913 ; fig. of people and princes in 's great sacrifice Is 34" Je 5 i 40 (sim.), Ez 39 18 , and (idea of sacrif. dropped) Zc io 3 . nro, ^y, "W v. ny sub I. ruy. tnTIS? n.pr.m. Ne II 4 , A8ea, ©L Adapa- adas (very dub.); =TViy 1 Ch 9 4 . tljny n.pr .loc. in Judah 1 S30 30 @ A Aday, ®L Naytk; HPS prop. iny : ; v. iny. /J"^J/ (-/of foil.; peril. = As. atdlu, grow great, cl.etellu, great, exalted ; so Che E, " ,<> ' TimM ' VII. 484. 568 ; Till. 4«  t(l)n^ny, *hrV n.pr.f. et m. (? *< is exalted); — 1. f. Athaliah, daughter of Ahab and Jezebel, mother of Ahaziah king of Judah,