no oftener, as organ of speech, of man : 'a speaks Gn 45 1 - 2 Si 16 Is 9 ' 6 Jb 9=° 15" f 3 7 30 + ; speak ■>EriC3 Jb 19 16 ; open 'B, "--^8 Ju 1 1 35 ' 36 , abs. Jb 3 1 33 2 + ; shut 'S (be silent) Is 52 15 , cf.'B WJ Jb 7", and (of iniquity, personif.) '3 S|XiJ Jb 5" f 107 42 ; guard 'a, Pr 1 3 3 pX?), 21 3 ("»?>), cf. 'a 'nna -ip# Mi 7 s , also//-39 :: (v.nDB i ); words, etc., are in (3) mouth 2 S 17 s 18 25 Dt 30'" 1 K if*; 'B3 Dn31 D'to 2 S I4 319 Ex4 15 , also (God subj.) Nu 22* , '23 1 - A6 +; of utterance 'SO K£ Ju 1 1 36 Nu 30 3 32" 1 Jos 6 10 + ; depart fr. mouth (cease to be mentioned) '30 55*10 Jos I s Is 59 21 , cf. '3D maj Je 7 s8 , T?~^? 9Bfl K$> Ex 23"; 'B "HON Dt 32 1 words of my mouth, so Jb 8 ! •^ 19' 5 54 4 ; 'B 'H3 ,! ! yj, 36 1 Ec io 12 ; of agency, '33 by the moutli of 2 Ch36 2 '- 22 ='B? Ezr I 1 ; V3"Dy V3 131 J e $2* speak mouth to mouth= 34 s ; 'B=speec/t, sayings Is29 ,3 ^49 14 Ec io 3 ; 'B "133 Ex 4 1 " lieavy of speech (not eloquent); 'B~Dy !"PnN v 1215 , i.e. aid thee in speaking; 'B^> ^^TW v 16 he shall be mouth for thee; *& #%»?& Je36 18 , i.e. dictate ; 'BO 3D3 v. 3H3 1 b (3) ; bad quali- ties ascribed to it, 'arwjpy Pi- 4 24 6 12 ; ntesrn "3 8' 3 ; phn HS 2 6 s8 ; 'a hirr^s Ob 12 , cf. Mi 6 12 EZ35 13 . b. as laughing Jb8 2I i^ 1 26 2 ; panting 119 131 . c. of God; his mouth speaks Is i 20 4O 5 Je 9 11 + ; he speaks 'B3 1 K8' 5 - 34 ; wd. proceeds '30 Dt8 3 Is45 23 + ; ta '-13-1K rfi-i>K nS Nu 12 8 ; he creates V3 Pfl^V'33*; he executes judgment V3 B3E>3Isii 4 ; esp. = command.- '"BVItpay 1 S i5 24 'Nu 14", cf. 22 ls Pr 8 M ; 'B ("JIN) nip 1 S 1 2 141S Nu 20 24 1 K 1 3 21 +; cf. 6 d. d. of idols', yjr 115 5 I36 16 ' 1 ". e. of musical instr. = sound Am 6 s (cf. 6 d). 3. of animals : bird Gn 8" (carrying), Is io 14 (chirping); ass Nu 22 2S (speaking); bear, lion 1 S 1 7 s5 (seizing), Am 3 12 (id.), hippop. Jl)40 23 (drinking), crocod. 4i"- 13 (breathing flame) ; also of human foes, under fig. of ravenous beasts ty 22 12 Ez 2 1 27 34 10 ; i"ISB ?V 'B yfr 22 14 La 2 16 3 4li ; lience of edge of sword, rri'B 3"in Pr 5 4 a sword with edges (in sim.), = 'n rt»f*f$ 149"; c f. Ju 3"; v. also 60(2), infr.; ni>B"3 ^y3Is4i ,5 ,ofniO. 4. mouth= opening, orifice; of well Gn 29 2 - 33810 ; cave Jos io ls2 "" 7 ; ravine, abyss Je 48 c ' ^si vera 1., cf. Gie); also of Sh e '61 ^ 141"; of a sack Gn 42 27 43' 221 44***J ephah Zc 5 s ; high-priest's robe Ex 28 : ' 2 + 5t.,cf. prob.^133 2 ; tunic Jb30 13 ; ofaround opening also 1 K f' ilM (on text and meaning v. Benz Kit); of mouth of Nile Is 19" (others brink); gate of city Pr8 3 (but rd. perhaps , J a A v. Toy). 5. a. extremity, end HB? 7&from end to end, of a temple 2 K io 21 ; city 21 16 , fifty nap f land Ezr 9". b. =portion, *? B^tDtai 11 2K2 ZC13 8 . 6. with preps.:— a. '3 b$, v. infr. d(2). b. 'B3 ; (a) ace. to the command of, 1 Ch 1 2 2 ' 1 ; (b) ace. to the mouth of, i.e. in proportion to (cf. As. ki-i pi-i, Dl HWBa2i ), tExi6 21 they gathered it ta« "B3 STK each in proportion to his eating (v 16 ' a ^Bp), Lv 25 s - N B3 I'JB' ace. to the number of his years (cf. v 16 '??); Nu 6 21 7 5 SnpV "'B? t^K (so 2 Ch 3 1 2 ), 7 M 35 8 (all P); Jb 33 6 %b T?3 *HTTO 1 am *• <*« jw>- portion of thee as regards God, i.e. I stand towards God even as thou dost. As conj., 'B3 yfe tMi 2 9 'Typ^ Dnc'e'oayx -©>« "a? a cc. as ye do not keep, etc.; and without 1£'K Zc 2* Wtfl K&O |6tS^I "B3 in such proportion that none did lift up his head (but We Now "itW for t^K, that it, Judah, did not, etc.). C. "B>, nearly i.q. 'B3 (v. p 5 i 6), but more common (cf. Aram. D*fc UaX) : (1) t Gn 4 7 i: «|ttn -s 1 ?, Exi2 4 ye shall compute '?3^ *?? E"K each acc. <o his eating (acc. to the quantity which his family will consume), i6 ,6 "Lv 2 5' 6 D-Jtfn 3i <3p, v i fi .M 2 7 16, isrirBp, Nu26 M Josi8 4 1K17 1 except n3n ••Bp, Ho io 12 iDn "sb rv^p (J| n^nsb), p r i2 8 2 7 21 : sq. inf. Nu 9 17 )V} ni^i'n 'Bbrzacc. as the cloud was lifted up, Je 29"'. (2) in the phr. 3"in 'Bp acc. to the mouth, or measure, of the sword, i. e. as the sword devours, without quarter, Gn 34 s6 Ex 17 13 Nu 2i 54 +oft. d. ^5? ^B: (i) fa) the mouth of, i.e. (a) the command of, Gn 4I 4 " 45 21 Ex 17 1 38=' Nu 3 16a ' + (esp. P), 2 K 23 :r '; (0) the evidence or sen- tence of, Dt 17 6 ins ny "3-^ , 9 >» 2I - ( on f)^3n ,, 3"75J Am 6*, v. 2 e supr.). (2) acc. to tlie measure of, in accordance with, 1 Gn 43' we told him ibxn D*"Oin "B by acc. to these words (i.e. the questions Joseph asked), Ex 34 2 ' in accordance with these words, Lv 27 s ^ ; N s S~b]l "nin 11 J^n acc. to what the hand of the vower can reach to, v'^cf.'B? 25 ,6il ), l)ti7'°" 2S13 32 (but v. ncfl'c), p r 22" tt"n »b i>y nys? ljin. in the same sense '? 7X ; +Jos 15' 3 17 4 21 3 . nSr,», and (Ez 40-41, 23 out of 35 t.) 12, also tJb38" b KD, adv.loc. here, hither (prob. from the same demonst. V found in ^i so, then (oft. in apod.), ^K, NIBS : c f. Ko"- 1 - 247 243 - 33 "):— 1. here: a. Gn i 9 12 limply n'B whom hast thou still here? 22 s n'3 DaS «B»,