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Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/838

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° t [D73] vb. Pi- denom. weigh, make level (Ph. d!>B K- make level (?) in n.pr.); — Impf. 3 ras. D.^ ^ 78 M ; 2 mpl. JVj^PJ ^ 5 8 3 (v. infr.), etc.; Imv. ms. D.^a Pr 4 26 ; Pt. BJBO 5 1 ';— »• wei^A oi/< 'an M" 1 ^ D»n ^, 58 s (fig.; hut read perh. '13D ?BT1 D2'H? Don violence do your hands weigh out, so © © £ Bae Kau We). 2. make level, smooth (cf. Gerber 32 ), c. ace. of path (fig.), h^Q Pr 4 16 5" Is 26 7 , 3'nj ^ 78 50 , n ^ Pr 5 6 . t[to7i-rp] n.[m.] swaying, poising; — apbbso'jb 37 16 ; Bu (plausibly) ^"lao, as 3 6 M . t[r73] vb. Hithp. shudder; — Impf. 3 mpl. PX^SJT Jb 9 6 its (earth's) pillars shudder. trftS^E n.f. shuddering ;— 's abs. Jb 21 6 Is2i < Ez T 7' ,8 V55 6 - tp27CQ n.f. horrid thing (thing to shudder It);— f^3 '» nrf»>J> i K 1 5" (of some abominable object of idolatry, not precisely known), so sf. WI$BO v ,3 =2 Ch 15 1616 . t [nU7n.Fl] n.f. shuddering, horror ; — sf. 7BF1 Je 49 16 horror at thee! (exclam.); not quite certain, v. Gie. to7D v. D^S. t[tiv2] vb. Hithp. act of mourning, poss. roll in (dust, etc. ; weakened fr. burrow into) (NH Pi. break open, or through; Ap. paldsu, dig a hole; Syr. a^S dig or break through; but connexion dub.,Vrss mostly be- sprinkle oneself, Aqr oil oneselj '); — Pf. 1 s."l?y VlB^ann Mii w Kt (Qr Imv. v ^i-, others mpl. rc$B-); Impf. 3- mpl. V-^aJT -ibs?3 Ez2 7 30 , so Imv. fOBta "b-iann Je6 26 (cf.Mii 10 Qr); abs., mpl. ^ann 2 ^. tnCJ^E n.pr.terr. Philistia, poet, and late ;— TOJrB (^f>) Ex 1 5" (*uX«rr« £ M ; elsewh. (o2) dXX^Xo.), Jo 4 elsewhere TlB^B Is 14 2931 yfr 60 10 = 108 10 , 83 s 87*; As. Palastu, Pilistu, COT 0nl °-»Dl p * 288 '- Gk. nakaiorivr, Herod."' 04 - io.,vii.a. Jos A„t. 1 .6,2( also ^x.crr.Vov); v.Rel Pal - 73f - « ■'OIPT'E^ adj. gent. Philistine, (<>l)<J>vio- Tuifi, and (not in Hex) (6) aXXdoJuXos, (oi) <iXXd- (fivkoi ; — only as subst.: 'BPI <Ae Philistine (Goliath) slain by David 1 S 17"+ 27 t. 17, 18 6 I9 6 2i'°22 10 ; one slain byAbishai 2S21 1 '; else- where pi. the Philistines. M , usu. DVltypB without art., rarely 'Sn 1 S 4' 7"+ (esp. c. prep. '33 v 13 +, and then perh. due to punctuators), Gn io 14 = 1 Ch i 12 , Gn 26 141518 Ju 3 31 + 33 *■ Ju, 1 S 4>'+n8 t. iS, aSi M +28 t. 2 S, +; 'B fJv Gn2i 32 - 34 +i2t.;'Bnn'e'iS6 1 27 7n ;'B^OGn 26 i.s. ' B nfc> ! S 1 8 S0 + 5 t. ; 'B "np Jos 1 3 3 Ju 3 s + 13 t.; 'B BJ Ex2 3 31 ; 'B Hp|| Ju 10 6 .— Cf. Tn| , 11. liriB3 . On Philistines v. also WMM As.u.Eur.S87f. £' vans Creta.nl'lctographs,100tf. Schwully ZWT xixiv. 103 f., 255 Tri7S n. pr. m. 1. Reubenite Nu 16 1 ,

  • aX^[ K ]'; rd. prob. W&B (q. v.) so Gf Dr al.

2. Judahite 1 Ch 2 33 , GnXftf, *hX.(5[<it]. t^ri/3 adj. gent, from unknown n.pr.; only c. art. as n. coll. with 'rnan (q.v.) of David's guard 2 S 8> 8 1 5 18 20- 23 1 K i 3844 1 Ch 1 8' 7 .

  • TS (alw. with Makkeph) conj. (averting,

or deprecating), lest (origin dub. : Thes Ko ii.334 f rom pja, prop, subst. cstr. in accus. for tlie aversion of; but njB is intrans.: No M ' 474 cps. the enclitic particle pS in $, <Aerc, ax, ' etwa,' thinking that a part, with the mug. ' es mochte etwa,' spoken in a tone of alarm, might readily acquire a deprecatory force); — lest: 1. with impf. G113 3 ye shall not eat thereof. . . pnorrfB lest ye die, 1 I 4 let us build a city pBrfB lest we be scattered, i 9 ' 5 ' 7 - 19 3 8 23 45" Ex i 10 2 3 59 - 33 etc., 2 K 10 23 (sq. ty, Is6'° 27 s 28 s2 48" V 2" 7 3 etc.; oft. after ^"^e'n take heed to thyself Gn 2 4 6 3 1 24 , and esp. in Dt, as 4 9i3 6 12 8" al.; after a vb. of fearing Gn 32 12 , and once, even, of swearing Ju 1 5 12 ; deprecating pathetically, Gn 44 s4 how shall I go up, etc.? lest I look upon the evil that will befal my father. Once, un- usually, preceding the principal clause, Pr 5 6 D?Brrf3 D^n rPX lest she should make level the path of life, her ways are unstable, etc. (Ew Be Now ; v. also Toy). Note esp. a. the idiom -;3 (NTIDK) ION , ? for he (I) said, Lest . . ., implying always that some precaution has been taken to avert the dreaded contingency, tGn 26 s for I said, Lest I die on account of her (to obviate which, I?aac had called Rebecca his sister), 3 i 31 38 u 42 4 Exi 3 17 NU16 34 1 S i3 19 27" (lb*?), >/>3 817 ; with ntK »3 implied Gn 26 7 ; cf., with an aposiop., 3 s2 and now, lest he put forth his hand, etc. (implying that measures are taken to prevent this, see v 23 ) : cf. Tob 8 9 . b. "I# at the beg. of a sentence, with a dis- suasive force, (Beware) lest: -rls36 18 frfT|| 1iTptn dans (beware) Z«s£ Hezekiah deceive you, Dt29 ,MT (»q.«ty, Jesi 46 Jb 3 2 l:, 36 18 . 2. with