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mo in battle, cf. v"= 2 Ch 25 17 ■". d. of relations with : 'B D'lO Ezr 9 s , in worship (v. also Rkfj); in spiritual sense Je 3 W 32 s3 (IT* $3 "5? D<jd sbi); "• B*VjJ> 'B jnj 2 Ch 20 s; 'btik Rjj tfitrVDn (/; D'?? ^i? D^an Ez 2 4 . e. of himself, DS*$ D^B ^9* »6 2 Ch 30 9; 'BtyS" 'JB jn ^34 17; T? a n "!^ 8o 17 .— Vid. further sub 7. 2. a.. = presence, pcrson,oi'* EX33 1415 , VJM Dt 4^ VJB T]KJ>p Is 63"; EP?Bn Dr6, v. Dn^; of '"'s angry presence La 4 16 ^ 21 10; of Absalom 2 S 17"; in weakened sense, nearly = sf. (cf. E>aJ 4 a), Pr 7 15 . tb. c. nK"i technically, see one's face, i.e. appear before one, in one's presence: before a man Gn 32 21 (+3 other uses of 'a), (God, c. ilN"V pointed as Niph., v. II 2); esp. as privilege, = have access to, man of rank Gn 43" 44!aM , king Ex io 28 - 28 cf. v 29 (all J), 2 S I4""- 28 - 32 cf. 3 13 ' 3; ^p? *2B ^i 2 K 25"= Je52 25 , Esti 14; implying favour of person seen, man Gn 3 3 10 (J), God v ,0 ,cf.Jb33 M (Hiph.),and, c. ntn, yfr 1 1 7 1 7 15 . 3. face of seraphim Is 6 2 , cherubim Ex 2^= 3 f Ez i 8U 2 Ch 3"+ . 4. /ace of animals, |KSn )B Gn 30 40; 'B1 iTHK'B "1B*3 'Bl niC' Ez i 10 (in descr. of cherubim), cf. 10"; nns 'B also 1 Ch 1 2 8 (fig.), -I'BD-'B Ez 4 1"; 'B 'nna Jb 4 1 6 of crocodile. S.face( = sur- face) of ground (nn^n) Gn 2 6 4 14 7 4 V'iO4 B0 + , so H?? 'S Gn i 29 7 3 8* 1 1 4 - 8 - 9 19 s8 Is 24 1 , ^>3n 'B Is 14 2 ' 27 6; of a field Pr 24 31; 0^1 'B Gn 1" Jb38 M , tran 'B G117 18; B&fc YF] 'B i 20; nM-'D Jb 26 s i.e. of God's throne (but Bu reads nD3 fullmoon); Bi^l'BL^v.p^]; tetab'B Jb 4 i 6 the expanse of his [the crocodile's] coat; front (esp.Ezek.),ofhouseEz4i 14 47 l ,tnp>n 'B 41 2 '; of gate 4O°- 20 - 22 42 15 4 3 4; of chamber 4 o 44 - 44 - 4S - 46; of pot (I'D) Je i 13; nonbpn 'B 2 S io 9 battle-front = 1 Ch 19 10 (vb. agrees with 'BH in gender, Ges' 140 *);=va»i of locust-army Jo2 C0 (opp. ^BD); front, i.e. edge, of sword Ez 2 I st , of axe Ecio 10; = condition, state of a thing, as denoted by its appearance; of flock Pr 27 s3; "O'nri 'B 2 S 14 20 the appearance (situation, attitude) of the affair. . as adv.loc. linKOl D^BO 2 S io 9 before and behind = 'H) 'B 1 Ch 19 10 , also Ez 2 10 2 Ch 13' 4; P.B toward Ct 7 s , also in front (to the East?) of

Ch 20' 6 (v. *2D*> d infr.); IMB^ forward Je 7" 

(opp.i'nsb); tnak) 1 K 6 s9 v. no'3Q; adv. temp. D'??!) formerly Dt 2 1220 Jos 1 1 10 Ju 1 101M3 + 12 t.; Q^P Is 4 i 2,1 /ro»n 4«/bre«ime(||^ip). . for other phrases see: "lis vb. Hiph. 5; liH n. 10; E03 Hiph.; e>p3 Pi. 3; OB'S 1, P . 102; [rrjjn], p . 648; inn 2; Qyj Nipb.; sipj i; wnia; I. nnn . i. mn . pin Pi. 5 . II. rbn; IV. icn; nan; jna; ny; Hoph.; nyitr 3, p. 447; ftt Hiph. 3; If? I, p. 497; HD3 Pi. l, 2; "lixp, p. 22; np:p p. 169; I. bW; N&p, p.673; [03:] Hipb. 3; "OJ 1, 2 c; H?i j 1?3 Hipb.; ^B3 3 b, and Hipb. 5; NE>:

b (3); T i™ 2 b; 3?D Hipb. 1 a; ino Hipb. 
1.13}? 2; TJ), 1TV Hipb.; IPV Hiph. 6 a;

II. fipyj [315?]; [D"!P t ] Pi.; tfy; 3W> Hiph.; TWp; II. n:e> pi.; nan. II. P.B, with prepositions: — 1. 'JBvS j a. to the presence of, Ex 2 3 17 pregn. V.B"- 5? • • • ^T. pixn shall appear (coming) to the presence of (=' before) * (|| 34 23 '«? "iB-m); c . N£ = to confront 2 Ch 1 9 2 . b. to tlie, front of, after a vb. of motion, Lv 6 7 naien <:s-bs . . . piVik 3-ipn ,

5 16 2 Nu 1 7 s 20 10 . C. towards or on the front 

of foj = bj): see p. 41), Ez 4 i 4 > 2 >« i 4a"**" 45' 48 21 . d. on to the surface of, Lv 14 53 nii&n 'JB-^J . . . nWi, Ez 16 5 . i 2. 'JBTIS c/ose by (II. I"IS) the face or front of: hence a. in <Ae presence of, 1 S2 11 vJ* 'BTIS 1 K 12 6 who stood fitbf 'B-DS (cf. V. a i> io 8 ), Est i'° Pr 17 24; pregn. (nisi Dn^l leg., @£ We Dral.) 1S22 4 . Spec." ,, 3.B'n?GnI9 13 (IS2 ,7 ), v 27 1 S 2 18; and with rtN"]3 cf the appearance of all males at the three annual D^D, Ex 34 s3 pt<r 'a-nx TTa*f^| h^fv, v 24 Dt i6 ,6 (cf. Dr), i' uT i S i 22 (H'> 'B-^N Ex 23 17 ); so 'Jf alone Ex

15 = 34 20 (nrjn ^b wrv ift), Is i 12 , T?.? V' 42* 

(ace. to many, as Ges T, "! ' Di Kia15 Che I,i - T,2 ' cr " n -, the vb. in all these passages was originally Qal, afterwards pointed as Nipli. to avoid the ex- pression see the face o/' /, ); I^BVIN in thy 2>resence jr 1 6 10 2 1 7 1 40 14 . b. in front of, Gn 33 18 •vjn 'btik fn»i; Lv4 6 B^n nsnsi 'B"n« " psb, v' 7 . — 'JB n«P /rom 6e/ore, v. II. "X 4 a. . 'JBS; f (a) in the face of, mostly in partic. phrases, with hostile import: thus, with PTJ to spit Nu 12 14 Dt 25"; 3¥Tin to maA;e a stand Dt 7 24 1 1 25 , and IDy Jos io 8 , I^BS C^'N 1*0% tb 2 1 42 23 s; ny!3 to answer (give evidence) against, H05 5 row bob" pnj nan, 7 10 Jb 16 8; wbfl Dn , 3S3 = feel loathing against their own selves, Ez 6 9 , so 20 43 36 31 . t (b) in front of, Ez 42". . V.??, pi op. at the face or front of, the most general word for in the presence of, before; as Gn 18 22 D-H3K <>Jjp npy, Ex 4 21 1 1 10 2 S 2" Pr i7 19 + oft.; T after a vb. of motion, G1147 2 WT1 '0 »»5> and set them 6,»/or« Ph., 27 20 ^ nnpn »3