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t H3D2 n.pr.mont. Pisgah (prob. cleft, fr. a natural feature of mt.; Dr Dt3 - 17 );— alw. 'Bn : 'an vth Nu 2i M 23" Dt 3 s7 34 1 ; 'an mfx 3" 4 4 * Jos 12 3 13 20 ; mt. in Moab, on NE. shore of Dead Sea, exact loc. unknown (cf. Fesha as a cliff on NW. shore, v-Di*" 21 ' 20 ); *»<ryaDt 3 "+, T. Xa£fvri7>> 4 49 , AfXalfUfie'xoii Nu 2I 20 + . [nDEl v. DDB. T * •j-I. nDS vb. pass or spring over ; — Qal Pf. 3 ms. 'a Ex 12 27 , 'B1 consec. v°(J); 1 s. ^rinps* v 13 (P), all c. ?5?, of ** passing over (spar- ing) houses of Isr. ; Inf. abs. niDB Is 3 1 5 a passing over (sc. tfoffff 7g). TPID2 n.m. passover (usu.(Thes and most) from I. nDS, with reference to Ex 12 13 etc.; Reuss Ge8Ch ' AT * 58 passing over into new year; Schaefer '•"»'>-»*"»"> «**»■ 316 cp. As. paslhu, soothe, placate [deity], < be sootlted, Pi. trans., T„ ZA iv (1889). 275 2Am Bab - KeL ' (1896) ' 01 °"-: " < 1899 >. * • Schwally Id ""' 24 fr. II. riDB, of sacred dance); — abs. 'D Ex 12" + ; nps v 21 + ; pi. D'npa 2 Ch3o + 3 t.; — 1. sacrifice of passover, in- volving communion-meal, hence a species of peace-offering (cf. 1. rnj II. 2), "6 MOT "B IT?! Ex^J), cf.v"(P); 'B n?j Dti6" 6 ; 'an fet»

Ch 3o' 8 ; the special feature lay in the appli- 

cation of blood to homes to consecrate them; cf. aim. Bab. rite of purification Zim ">• "• 12fr7 . 2. tlie animal victim of tlie passover : 'a DntJ* Exi2 21 (J) 2 Ch 3 o 15 35 16 " Ez G»j£.2Ch 3c. 17 ; B»sa 'an btsa 2 Ch 35"; D»nD?a? 2 Ch 3 5 7 - 8 - 9 . [Passover animals (cf. Br""- 206 ) were ?«V /oe& Ex I2 21 (J), nfe> v 3 - 4 - 5 , incl. EOS and 1J> v 5 (P); "Ip31 |K¥ Dt 16 2 ; large numbers of all these (ns* not used) in Josiah's passo er, ace. to 2 Ch 35 7s ' 8 » hut evident mingling of whole burnt- offerings for the passover with special passover victim.] 3. festival of the passover : 'an 3n Ex 34* (J); 'a(n) Lv2 3 5 Nu 28' 6 33 3 Jos 5" (P) Ez 4 5 21 ; 'sn ngn Ex 12 43 Nu9 1214 (P); 'a rivy Ex 1 2« Nu 9 2 - 4S " 6 101314 Jos5 10 (P) Dti6' 2K 23 21 22a 2 Ch 30 1 " 35 '»"' s ' 8 '9 Ezr 6 :9 ; it was held in month 3'atjin Dt 16 1 , 3T.V3 v«; on 14th day Jos 5'° (P), of 1st month Ez 45" ; tPTm fS (Ex 1 2 6 ) Lv 23 s Nu 9 5 (P); if impossible at that time, then on 1 4th of 2nd month Nu 9 1012 . [No ref. to npa in E ; J subordinates it to niSD (the great feast of JE) ; in D it predom. over niVD ; P makes it first in importance (Br"""- 1 * 5 '-).] tnpCFI a.pr.loc. on Euphrates (prob. ford (though Lag BNm doubts); Lewy F " mdw - "« cp.

^i DD 

A.a/j.jfaKos (on Bosphorus), expl. as HpS?); —

K 5 4 , NE. limit of Sol.'s dominion ; = Gk 

e<ifaKorXen An * b - l - 4 etc.;identif.withA'ara</)i68e, at the great easterly bend of <he river, c. Lat. 35 55' N, Long. 38 20' E, JPPeters 1 "" "- MMris '

Nippur I. 96 ff.

fll. [FIDS] ▼*>• limp (Thes sub I. 'a, but dub.; Ar. 'JU is dislocate; ace. to Gerber 73 II. 'a is denom. fr. DBS [and this sub I.'B? J);— Qal Pt. pi. D^yen "ne^y D^IOS 1K18 21 fig. (v. ["By!?]). ITiph. Impf. 3 ms. DpSJI b'3>l

S 4" arid he fell and was made limping (lame). 

Pi. Impf. 3 mpl. nansn-by Wl^W 1 K i$*they went limping (along by the altar), i.e. prob. in their dance, v. Kit Pietschm rh <">- 220 (Gr iyDB'1 [sa^f!!] stepped). t npS n.pr.m. (limper) ; — 1. in Judah 1 Ch 4 12 , B«<ro-r)(, *f<To-r;, etc. 2. head of post-ex. family Ezr 2 49 = Ne 7 51 , *i<tok, etc., ®L *«<ro-<i. 3. father of wall-builder Ne 3 s , *a<r«, *eirc™. tnpS adj. lame;— abs. 'a 2 89"+; pi Cnpa 5 6 + ;— as attrib. Lv 2 1 1S ( + ">?.?) J P led - 2 S 19 27 , »7JQ 7nE> 'B 9 13 /arne as to both his feet; cf. also (of animal) Dt 15 21 (+ n ?.y); as subst. 2 S 5 68 8 Je 3 1 8 Mai i 813 Jb 29 15 (all + 1$), also Is33 23 35 6 Pr26'. tT|D3 (van d. H. 'HP?) n.pr.m. Asherite I Ch 7 33 , Baicn;x<, A *«otjx'» ®L #a<rf;c

7D3 vb. hew, hew into shape (NH Pi. 

liew o^boughs ; Aram. bpB, , *^tt3 = BH ; Nab. Ni'DB stone-cutter); — Qal Pf. 3 ms. sf. i?pB Hb2 18 ; Impf. 3 ms. ^DB>1 Ex 34', etc.; Imv. ms.'i'pB Ex 34 1 Dt 10'J — A«w <«** stone tablets Ex 34 1 - 4 Dt io 1 - 3 ; building-stones 1 K 5 ra ; c. cogn. ace. (sf. referring to 705) Hb 2 18 . ^DS n.m. Bb 2 ' ,8 idol, image ;— abs. 'a Ju l7 3 +) Vpais 4 2 17 ; cstr.^PB Jul8 3, + ; sf.^DB Is 48 s , etc.; pi. supplied by C^DB, v. foil.;— idol, as likeness of man or animal Ex 2o 4 =Dt 5 8 , Dt 4 16 - 2325 , also 27 1S 2 K 2 1 7 2 Ch 3 3 7 Is 4 2 17 44 9 4 8 5 Na i 14 Hb 2 18 (of wood or stone, cf. v 19 ); of metal Jui7 s - 4 +6t. 18 (cf. GFM), Is 40 19 44 10 (c. TDl), Je 10" 5! 17 (c. 17»); of wood Is 40 20 44 16 ; 17 45 s0 - ["T^p-T] n-m.^'^id.;— pi. (>°$ serving as sg.) D'^DB Ju 3 ,9 + ; B>faf Ho n 2 + ; cstr. ^DB Je5i 47 + ; sf.^^'DB Mi5 12 , etc.;— idols, Ho i! 2 Is io ,0 + io t,, +(of wood, c. Itift Dt