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nps crws/*);— P5'. /«/>/. 3 ms. 1&D fJ*] Je 2 3 M a hammer which sJiatters rock. Pilp. Impf. 3 ms. sf. , ???By?^ Jb 1 6 12 A« [God] dashed me in pieces (fig.). t VJtD only 10 n.pr.m. priestly name i Ch 24 15 ; tu #rrnia. A A<£fo-<rij, ©L A<£to-<m. y-S3 v. psaivap. 112. t [™)XS] vb. push, press (perh. related, by transp., to Ar. (J^j appoint, prescribe, As. parsu, command, cf. Ba ZMGl,m(1889, • ,88 );— Qal imp/ 3 ms.~>XS»! Gn i 9 3 +, 3 mpl. IXfgl v 9 2 K 2 17 ; — push, press, upon (3 pers.) physically Gni9 9 ;=Mrgfev 3 33 n Jui9 7 2K2 17 , +inf. 5 16 ; read also prob. tir^l 2 S 13"* 2K5 3 (for -p T B>l), i3-nSS»l 1 S 28 s3 (for "VJ^l), Tanchum (cf! The), Wei'r in Dr 1828 ' 23 Kit 1 "- Bu HPS Lbhr. Hiph. Inf. aia.lVSn 1 S 1 S 23 <o display pushing (i.e. arrogance, presumption; || -'"JO; cf. Dr). t rn , Sl appar. n.f.fr. -/nVS, 1 S 13 21 ; dub.; prob. incurably crpt.; AV file fr. 3! @ Rabb., Ke bluntness; both lack philol. ground ; v. esp. Dr. PS v. P"3.

  • 7pD vb. attend to, visit, muster,

)- T S03 appoint (NH id., visit, enjoin; Ph. Ipa attend to, provide; As. pakddu = HH ; Ar. Sii /ose, )»!«; also (Dozy) give heed, attention, to; Eth. AA'Ai visit, muster, desire, need, etc. ; Nab. IpB command (Cook), so £"lpB Pa,, Syr. »n9, also w'jif);- Qal 234 />/. 3 ms. 'a Ex 4 31 + ;u. 'PnpB 3 16 +, etc.; /mp/. 3 ms. "IpB? Gn 5o 24 +, etc.; 7mw.ms.1pS Nu3 15 + ,etc; Inf. abs. "lpB Gn 5o 24 + ; cstr. 1pS^> 2 S 24 4 +, etc.; Pt. acOp.3 Ex 20* + ; pass. D'HpB(n) 30" 4- , cstr. 'H'pB Nu 31" + , etc.; — A. 1. a. pay attention to, observe (with care, practical interest), of '* c. ace. pers. + rei Ex 3> 6 (J), c. ace. pers. 4 31 (J ; || nsn), f 8 5 (with providence, cf. H^pB Jb 10 12 ; || "*?J); c. ace. rei jSi5*+8o tt (fl&»?n,m<n),l*4«(|piJ nb), Dnxisn "lp£n Djijj "ibr Ho8 I3 =9 l, =Jei4 w ; iS 1 7 18 observe thy brothers as to well-being {BV&?; i. e. see how they fare). b. attend to, in act, see to, c. ace. pers. 2 K g M ; ace. of sheep Je 23 2 (in fig.); cf. Zcio 3b n 16 . c. seek (with interest, desire), seek Is 26 16 ; in bad sense, look about for Ez 23 21 . Hence d. seek in vain, need, miss, lack (cf. Niph., and Ar. Eth. supr.), c. ace. pers. 1 S 20 6 Is 34 16 , rei 1 S 25 15 Je 3 16 . 2. specif. visit, c. ace, for different purposes : with (3) a present Ju 15 1 ; esp. of , visit graciously Gn ■2i 1 50 24 - 25 =Exi 3 19 (allE),Is23 17 Je I 5 15 (||-i3J), <J7 22 29 10 ^8 ^065 ,0 +;™ ,Bn3 i°6 4 (IP 3 !); visit to search, test, ace. pers. Jb 7 18 (|| 103), ^ 1 f 3 (|| id.; obj. om.), abs. Jb3i"; to punish Je 6 1S 49 s 5° 31 V'59 6 ; acc - P ers - om - Ex 32 s4 * Is 26 14 , c. ?y rei (of sin) Je 5 s - 29 9' (here 4- 3 pers.); ace. rei ^ 89 s3 ; abs., of v s anger Jb 3s' 6 . 3. c. s* pers., visit upon, subj., +acc. rei (of sin) Am3 214 Hoi 4 2 ld Ex20 5 34 r Dt5 9 +iot.; ace. rei om., =punish Is io 12 Je 9" n 22 13 21 + 10 t. Je, +8 t.; +3 rei Ho 12 3 Je2i"; +cl. of sin H04 14 ; c. 5>Spers.Je5o" U8 ,^ + ^ , 46 18 ; indef. subj. c. ?y of vineyard = injure Is 27 s . 4. pass in review, muster (nearly = number), c. ace., iSii 8 i3 ,5 2S24 2 - 4 +n t. + Nui 3 "- 44 - 49 +i6t. Nu (P); ace. om. 1 S u' 717 Nu «•; obj. OJJ Jb 5 24 ; esp. pt. pass., persons or things mustered (numbered), Ex 30' 21314 3 8 2 " 6 Nui 21 - 22 + 67 t. Nu, + 1 Ch 2 3 24 . • B. appoint : 1. c. ace. pers. 4. DF1N Gn 40 4 , + ?5? pers. over whom Je 1 5 3 5 1 27 NU27", +b« (for b) Je 49 19 = 50 44 ; c. ace. pers. alone Nu 3 10 , + nyn B%n| Dt 20 9 ; pt.pass. pi. appointed ones, officers, of (fighting) host Nu 3 1 14 - 48 2 K n 15 2 Ch 23". 2. c. ace. rei, appoint, assign, + ?y pers. to whom, Nu 4 s7 (on text v. Di); c. ace. rei only, v 32 ; cf. Jb34 13 36 23 ; lay wy<m(?5?pers.) as a charge, Zp 3 7 (rdg. vp**3^J?^?, @ We Now, for QfVO); +inf. 2 Ch 3 6 23 = Ezr 1 2 ; = deposit, c. ace. rei + 3 loc, 2 K 5 s4 (cf. |ftg»). tWiph. Pf. 3 ms. fpSi 1 S 25 7 + ;

ms. J?1P?^1 20 18 ; Impf. 3 ms. 1£B* v 18 + , etc.; 

Inf. IpBn abs. 1 K 20™; cstr. Ju 21 3 ; — 1. be (sought, i. e. needed) missed, lacking l S 20 18 -f v 19 (ffl, for MT T?n, We Dr al.), 25 7 1 K 20 39 ( + inf. abs.), 2 K io 1919 Je 23 4 (Gr Gie conj. nnf!), + JO part. Ju2i 3 1 S25 21 2S 2 30 Nu 3 1 49 ; of seat 1 S 20 18 , place v 2527 (i.e. be empty). 2. be visited (graciously) Ez 38 s Is 24 s2 , cf. 29 s (3 accomp.; v. Di). 3. be visited upon, ?y pers., Nu 1 6 M (subj. n-nps) ; yn 'b; i>a Pr 1 9 a evil shall not be visited (sc. upon him ; rd. perh. Ivy "Ofe' for PJ5J 3??V v - T °y)- *■ * e appointed Ne 7 1 , + ?y 1 2 44 . t Pi. (intens.) muster a host, /V.tgBD Is 1 3 4 (of >). fPn. 6e passed in review, Pf.

ms. 1i23 Ex 38 s '; be caused to miss, deprived 

of, 1 s. VHB3 Is 38 10 c. ace. rei. tHithp. be mustered, Pf 3 pi. ^pBnn Ju 2o IS17 ; Impf 3 ms.lpBnjl 2 1 9 ; 3inpl. 2o' 5 (on form v.Ges !M1 ). tHothp." id., Pf. 3 pi. Vipann z k 20 s7 Nu i 47 2 33 26 s2 (Ges Lc ). Hiph. 2 j Pf 3 ms.Tpan Gn 39 5 + , 2 ms. sf. fongan 1 S 29 4 , etc.; Impf. 3 ms. TpD! Is io 28 , etc.;'/m».ms.npBn Nu 1 50 V' 109", etc.; — 1. c. ace. pers., set (over), make overseer, 2 K 25 23 ; + ^y Gn 39 4 Je i 10 Nu i M + 8 t., fig.,