Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/868

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■nsn irn'iy 2 K 4 20 ; without 3, as adv., 'V as time of prayer ^55 18 (+li53, D'jy); as time of wasting 3Bp 9 1 6 ; 'Xn 32B>D 2 S 4 s noonday repose. 2. noon, as bright, sim. of happiness, blessing, Is58 10 (opp. rbm), + 3 f (U-rtM); cf. Jb n 17 (Ges* 133 '); v. also 'xn tfra Is i6 3 (opp. W); 'X3 Dt 28 M Is 59 10 Jb 5". fn. "ins n.f. prob.roof (cf.Ar.As.TelAm. back; >fhes Di a. light, window);— nfc>$>n 'X na?& Gn 6 16 . fi. "VET n.[m.] fresh oil (newly appeared, cf. 'Ausbruch' Lag BXI29 Kb" 1 ' 93 ; >Thes al. that which shines) ;— abs.'X? Ho2 10 +, rtW$ Dt 7 13 + ; — fresh oil, as product of land, in un- manufactured state, usu. + &WQ, Ijn etc., rich possession, gift of Ho 2 mM Je 31 12 Dt 7" 1 1 14 Jo 2 19 - 24 , so 'X? 3^n Nui8 12 ; Dt 28 61 Hgi 11 2 Ch 32™ Ne 5 11 ; tithed Dt 12 17 14 23 ; firstfruits for priest 18 4 Ne io 38 cf. v 40 13 6 (tithe for Levites), v", for priest and Levite 2Ch3i 5 ; 'T TV} 2 K 1 8 s2 oil-olive, i. e. oil-yielding olive- trees, cf. "X? alone Jo i 10 ; 'X? as anointing oil only in 'Xjn 'OS Zc 4 14 , i.e. anointed ones. [~*n!j] vb.denom. fr. foreg., Hiph. press out oil;— Impf 3 mpl. W]£ Jb 24 11 . fn. "^nS 1 l<r(a)aap : Levite, son ofKohathEx6 18 - 21 Nu3 19 16 1 iChs 28 6 3!a 2 3 12 - 18 . (■HnS" 1 adj. gent, of foreg., c. art. as subst. coll. 'XTi Nu f 1 Ch 2 4 22 26 13 - 29 . IS v. nix. N"IX (/of foil.; cf. Syr. Jj Je/oW, Eth. &*;; prob. also Ar. ^.J 6e polluted; Dl Prl6 ° Kb" 1,162 cp. also As. si', destroy, ruin; NH nKiX = BH; Aram. «"«?, )t'{ '/?</»). '[nNS] n.f. filth, specif, human excre- ment ;— sf. inter Dt 23 14 ; cstr. D^BJ nser »^J| Ez 4 1! (as fuel ; cf. [?3] p. 165 supr.). tnS& n.f. filth;— abs. 'X Is 28" (of drunkards' vomit, cf. tep) ; 'x fig. of iniquity, cstr.riSX Ig 4 4 ) gf.inx'X Pr 30"; specif, of human excrement ( = ["¥?]) sf. DflKX 2 K i8 27 =Is 36 12 (both Qr ; Kt Drp(N)nn, cf. [tfin] p. 351 supr.). tJ^NS] adj. filthy;— pi. trtrtX Zc 3 3 , Q'SX v 4 (both of garments). "■MIS v. I. "VW. "TN^iS, PQiS 2ov0a, rarely 2«>/3a(X) : an Aramaean kingdom, time of (Saul and) David X31X Q1« 2 S io 6 - 8 (elsewhere H31X), rnix EQX ^ 60 2 (title); 'X *|^C njjrnn 2 S 8**" = 1 Ch 18 35 , 1 K 1 1 23 1 Ch i««; 'x 'also 19 6 ; 'X Dpn 2 Ch 8 3 ; orig. home of one of David's heroes 2 S 23 s6 (perh. rd. also for "inzio || 1 Ch 1 1 38 , cf. Dr); 'X »3p© 1 8 14 47 (only here in Saul's time) ; No ABiM ' '" ia "- Blb - * ZMQ x " t 1871 113 * places between Hamath and Damascus (about Hums, Emesa), and so Dl Pl,279f -, who cp. As. city Subitu, cf. Schr 001 - 2883 . fi. THS vb. hunt (NH id. (rare), nniXD = BH ; As. sddu, hunt, so Ar. (x~«), 3Li, Aram. W, TX, (jo.) ?! ; OAram. NTX hunt- t«o);-Qal Pf. 3 pi. «3? La 4 18 J sf. *?TI| 3 s2 , DHX1 consec. Je 16 16 ; 7my/. 3 ms. WJ Lv 17 13 , etc.; Zmu. ms. nn?X Gn 2 7 3 ; 7n/. abs. lix La 3 s2 ; cstr. "Hx!s Gn27 5 ; i><. "IXH v 33 ; — /iwn<, c. ace. 1. TX Gn 2 7 3 Qr (>Kt flTX), v 5 - 33 (all J), n;n TX Lv 17 13 (H); tfiti Jb 3 8 39 ; c. ace. pers. Mi 7 2( + Q-in, instr.), Je'i6 16 (+i>yo), Jbio 16 , 11BX3 »jm niX La 3 s2 , subj. evil f 1 40 12 ; c. ace. «nPX La 4 18 , ni T ^ tsfcs Pr 6 26 .— Ho 9 13 rd. prob. niX 1 ? (or TX^>), for MT lixf), v . IX. Pol. hunt (keenly, eagerly?), Impf 2 fpl. njTte* Ez 13 18 ; Inf.t&Xpfy v ]8 ; P«. fpl. niT]XD v 20 - 20 , all c. ace. nitysJ (of magic arts, necromancy, etc.). < ■(•i. "PS n.m. hunting, game ; — abs. 'X Gn io 9 + " T$ 27 3 (Qr; >Kt ITTS), Ne 13 15 , cstr.TXGn27 25 ; tf*TI v 19 ,etc.;— 1. hunting Gn 27 30 ; 'X"I33 io 99 , 'X 5?f 25 s7 (all J), 2. jrawie hunted and taken (cf.Ba NBm ),Gn 25 s8 27 s (v. supr.) «"-»**"<»B J), cf. Pr 12 27 ; n;n If <yySt* LV17 13 (H). t[T*S] n.m. hunter ;— pi. && Je 16 16 . tnSp, ISn n.f. j848 - 41 fastness, stronghold (prop, hunting-place ?) ; — abs. 1XD 1 Ch 1 1" 12", 1XD 12 8 ; pi. abs. nhXO 1 S23 14 -)-, cstr. id. v 29 (Gi, 24 1 van d. H. Baer), TS33";— 1. mountain-fastness Ju 6 2 1 S 23 1419M (v.supr.), Ez 33 27 1 Ch 1 2 816 ; D'V^D nilXO Is 33". 2. more gen., slronglwld Je48" si^Ez i9 9 (Baer Gi ; van d. H. fliTX? id. [11. n^XD] Ew Hi-Sm Da al. ; nets [1. iTTiXO] Krae ; del. Co Oort Toy) ; citadel of Jerusalem 1 Ch 1 1 7 . f 1. [TiStt] n.m. in pi., dub., usu. siege- works;— &9l} DHiXD Ec 9", but read O'l^XD™*. iJ.ib y.-ito 2, p. 849 a. ■j-ll. [TiSTD] n.[m.] hunting implement, specif, net (cf. Syr. I^jW. % ^1 st ?, net);—