Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/870

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rtaro (E), i K 5 80 ; Ju 4 6 . e. abs. Gn 50 16 (E), La 3 s7 . 3. charge, command, ace. pers. in phr. 'X "^N? Ex 2 3 ,s (E) Gn 7 9 (P) + ; 'X -m W3 Gn f (J) Ex29 M (P) + ; neto "• 'x ->b*o Ex 12 s850 39 15 + 37 t. P; (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 3932.42 + 5 t. P; t'X "lEW W Jos i 18 22 2 Je 35 8 ; ace. pers. om. 'X -IB>K3 Ex 7 10 Nu 32 26 (P) + ; 'X IBN i>33

K n 9 =2 Ch 23 s + ; t'X -VX b!> Ex 36 1 (P). 

+4. cAar<7e, with command to others, commission, a. ace. pers. + ?$ pers. (sts. 4- ace. rei) Ex 6 1S 2 5" Lv 27" (P) Dt i 3 Je 27 4 Est 4 10 ; ace. pers. om. Gn 50 16 (E) Est 3" 8 9 . b. T? of agent, + ty, NU15 23 36 13 (P); b« om. Lv'8 36 (P), Ezr 9 !1 Ne 8 14 . c. ace. pers. + ^5? for b» Ezr 8 17 1 Ch 22 13 Mai 3 21 Est 4 s . d. c. ace. rei, *? TO-B 'XI Lv 25 21 (P) and I will command my blessing to you, c. *m Dt 28 s , cf. ^133'; hDfl 'X 42", ">p3 Jb 38 12 , t?ro, yvn Am 9". +5. command, appoint, ordain, of divine act : in creation Is 45 12 V33 9 148 5 , providence 2 S 17" Am 6" 9' Jb 37 12 f 78* Is 34 16 , redemption + f 44 s 68 w 7 1 3 ; so of idol Is 48 s (|| fiby). t Pu. Pf. 3 ms. niX Nu 3 16 36 s ; 2 ms. nn*W Gn 45 19 , etc.; Impf.

ms. !TCP EX34 34 ; — be commanded, i.e. receive 

command, subj. pers., Gn 45 19 (E), c. ? by whom Nu 3 6 2 (P); 'X -IBta Ex 34 s4 (P), 'X ]h^3 Lv 8 M io 13 (P), 'X -Wta Nu 3 16 (P) Ez 12 7 24 18 37'. T p s !J n.m. sign-post, monument (NH id. (P?. x Pi- denom.); prob. from V in orig. physi- cal sense, v. esp. Ar. ij^>, yj*° Syr. )>Jo%, cf. Schulth HomWu " S7 Kb"- 1 - 154 ; > -/pxBuhl);— abs. 'X, grave-stone 2K23"; sign-post EZ39 16 ; guide-posts, pi. D'JJf Je 31 21 (|| D^-ion). PPSQ n.f . commandment ; — 'o Pr 6 s3 + ; t: • 181 cstr. niXD Jos 2 2 3 + ; sf. injXO Dt 2 6 13 V' 1 1 9 96 ; inixt? Nu 15 31 ; pi. nixp abs. Lv 26 14 + (rfixo Ne'9 14 ); cstr. 4 2 + ; sf>niXO Gn 26' + , etc.;— not used before D and Je ; in Je only of man's commands ; not Ez nor Minor Proph., exc. Mai; — 1. commandment, of man: king, 1 K ° 2Ki8 36 =Is 3 6 21 , 2 Ch8 ls +i 4 t.; 3N 'o j e35 n.i6..s Pr6 2o. Dn £, N / D l829 ». p i. on i y Je 35" Pr io* Ne io 33 ; mxon, the order (title of property) Je 3 2 11 . 2. of God: a. sg. the commandment, code of law : 2 Ch 8 13 Ezr io 3 f 19 9 ; esp. of D 'on not? Dt 8 1J +5 t. D; 'on rfov Dt6 a 15 6 ; nw -ib>k 'D(n) Dt 26" 30" 3 i»; 'on |o -no Dt 17 20 ; isn '» Nu 15 31 (P) ; jinnin E x 24" (R D ) Jos 22 s "(D) 2 Ch 14 s 31 21 ; + D'jj>n,tri?BK>DDt5 28 6 , + . b. pi. of commands of D and later codes c. 2 pi. (ye shall, shall not; Br""-""' •*••*•*), Lv4 2 +5t. P, Is48 18 +25t. (late; esp. ^119, 20 t.); '» -I0B> Ex 20 6 (R) Lv22 31 (H)Dt4 2 + iot.D,iKi4 8 2 Ki8 6 +5t.; 'D n'B'VLv26 ,4 (H)-)-5t.; 'DSWDtii"+4t.; nix nw '»n Lv 2 7 34 (H); 'm3V Dt 26 I3 2 Ch 24 20 ; 'D 3TV 1K18 18 2 K17 16 Ezr 9 '°; "d isn Ezr 9 14 ; in combinations, esp. by Redactors and late writers; order various : (1) with D'ipn Ex 15 26 (R D )Dt4 40 Ezr7 ,l + ; , n + D<DSB'DDt26' 7 iK8 58 Ne i 7 io 30 ; +D , B2B'D, nnin Ne 9 13 ; + min Ne 9 14 ; + nny Dt 6 17 1 Ch 29 19 2 Ch 34 31 . (2) with nipn Lv26 3 (H) Dt6 2 io 13 +9t.; 'n + Q'asBis Lv26 15 Dt8" n l 30 16 1 K6 12 + nim, D'UBtro ^8 9 32 , + ei , dbb>d, ninj? iK2 3 ;+nhin Gn26 5 (R D );+nny 2K23 3 . (3) with O'BBB'D Nu 36 13 (P) 1 Ch 28 7 Ne 9 19 Dn 9 5 ; with nmn Ex 1 6 2S (R), with nviy Ne g M . c. of special com- mands of God 1 S 13 13 1K13" 2Ch2 9 2S Nei 3 6 Mai 2 14 Jb 23 12 . 3. commandment, sg., of code of wisdom Pr 19 16 , ||fi"WI 6 a , -Qf 13 13 ; pi. of special commands 2 1 3 1 4 4 7 12 . T12 appar. n.[m.], dub. word; — in ^n IJPID?? Ho 5 11 usu. command, ordinance; < ©€> Che Now GASm *ff ; elsewh. only 1$ IX 1$ IX (|| 1|?? 12 MJ? 12), Is 28 10 in mocking mimicry of Is.'s words, and, v 13 , of the unintelligible speech of י׳ a foreign agents of judgment; Ges CheComm al. (cf. AV RV) render command upon command; Ew Di (carpenter's) rule (+ (Symbol missingHebrew characters) = line and rule), fr. √ (Symbol missingHebrew characters) (whence (Symbol missingHebrew characters)); Du CheHpt explain as mocking sounds without sense.

t[rllX] vb. cry aloud (NH id. J so As. sdlj,u(1), Ar. (-^-o), p^o, Aram, nix, w.o.; Eth. Ro>0: caW) ;—Qal Zmp/. 3 mpl. Wgf» Is42 u (injoy, ||^). tnrnit n.f. outcry; — in distress, grief, abs. 'X ^i4 T 4"; cstr. nniX Jei 4 2 ; sf. TOPI1X 4 6 12 ; abs. also Is 24 11 (c. ty/or, because of). /"]}£ (/of foil., cf. miswal (in Syria), a stone-lined hollow, or basin, for washing grain, Wetzst Bleb<!ZPVll,(1891) ' 3 ). Ti"17' ; l2 n.f. ocean-deep; — Is 44 s7 . T f[r fo S 03 , Tfowf n.f. depth, deep;— abs. nSlXt? ^41^+; pi. abs. riirtXD Exi5 6 Ne 911,(Symbol missingHebrew characters) 887; cstr. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Zc 1011, (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Mi 719 ψ 6823;—depth, pl. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) depths of the sea Mi 719 6823; abs. Ex 155 (of Red Sea) Ne 911