Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/879

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pMQS TpNTSS n.[m.] thirsty ground; — abs. 'x Dt8 l5 Is35 7 ^io7 5S . t[iP^] vb. bind, join (Ar. JLw bind, wind, specif, of girl with two lovers We 00N 1893 '

  • "; fasten (cattle) to yoke Dozy, a'»1* yoke, Id.;

As. samddu, bind, harness, so Eth. Qaofi.: and in. be attached, attach oneself, specif, be (re- ligiously) devoted; Aram. "IDS, *&>, bind); — Niph. Impf. 3 ms. *1B1T*1 Nu 25'; 3 mpl. VTOX'l f 106 28 ; Pt. pi. b , "!»M NU25 5 ; join, attach, oneself to (7) Baal Peor, i.e. adopt his worship Nu 25 3S (Jii!), whence ^ I06 28 . Pu. Pi. f. ITTOXD 2 S 20 8 a sword bound upon (?5?) his loins. Hiph. Impf. 3 fs. npn» TOXn •^ 50" </*y tongue combineth (fitteth together, frameth) deceit (>denom. fr. "1BX Gerber 170 ). t"7n2n.m. ltt ""couple, pair;— 'X cstr. Ju i9 3 +; sf. VTOX Je 51 23 ; pi. CPTOX 1 K 19" 2 K 9 2i (but v.infr.); cstr. *3^P Is 5'° (Ges* 93 -);— 1. couple, pair, usu. of animals, E'lOn '2? Ju 19" 2 S 16 1 ; "ii?3(n) 'X span of oxen iSii' 1 K 19 21 , pi. of more than one span v 19 (plough- ing), Jb i 3 4 2 1J ; D<-na -ipx 2 K 5 17 ; n^na 'x Is 2i~* a pair of horsemen; pi. also of one pair of riders 2 K 9 s5 (but rd. prob. "TO?, so Kit); 'X alone = span (of oxen) Je 51 23 . 2. a measure of land (only square measure in OT) like acre; orig. appar. what a span can plough (in a day; v. Now*"*' 1 '* 8 Benz Arch208 ; cf. mod. /ad<&m, = what can be ploughed in a season Schumacher 2PVlUcl889> - im - Acros,,or,Un2!! , or in a day Bergheim^* 18 "' 192 , Ency. Bib. ACBE ), rn.B>'X 1 S 14 14 (on text v. DrHPS); Cn?""!?? Is 5 10 . fiTCS n.m. a ° 24 ' 22 bracelet (bound on wrist);— abs. 'V Nu 3 i M ; pi. D'TDX Gn 2 4 ra + 1 —bracelet Gn 24 s2 - 30 - 7 (J), Nu 31 50 (P); in fig. Ez i6" 23 42 . f 11. TD2 n.[m.] cover, of vessel, Nui9 is . nss v. d»v. T ** t TltyH vb. sprout, spring up (NH id., so % ITQX ; Syr. —<«. spring or shine forth, Llx>j shining, also sprout; Ph. ITOX posterity); — Qal yy. 3 ms. te-npv Lv 13 37 ; 3 pi. *n?X1 consec. Is 44*; Impf. 3 ms. noy Jb 5 6 , 3 fpl. njnpxn i s 42', etc.; P<. no's Ex io 5 , nioix Ec

6 ; fpl. rrintpjf Gn 41 623 ; — sprout, spring up: 

1. of plants, trees, etc. Gn 2 5 Ex io 3 (both J), Gn4i 623 (E), Ez 17 6 (in fig.); once (late) 15?!

pes D^XJJ noix Ec 2" wood sprouting with trees (full of growing trees); fig. of future ruler (v. n ?S) Zc6 12 , posterity Is 4 4 4 ,cf. Jb 8 ", trouble (^»V)5 6 - truth (HEM) f 85 12 , restoration flJ^l*) Is 58", future events Is 42". 2. of hair Lv 13 37 (P ; cf. Pi.). Pi. grow abundantly, always of hair; — Pf. 3 ms. 09* Ez 16 7 (in fig.): Impf. 3 ms. ni?r 2 S io 5 =i Ch 19 6 (of beard); Inf. cstr. ntssp J u 1 6 22 (Samson's hair). Hiph. Pf. 3 ms. sf. FWVlpXni Is 55 10 ; Impf. 3 ms. UVf- 2 S 2 3* Is 61", no'?!! Gn 2 9 , etc.; Inf. cstr. D'OXnb Jb 38 s7 ; Pt. JTDXD ^ 104" 147 8 ;— 1. cause to grow, c. ace. of plant, subj. Gn 2 9 ^ 104", cf. Jb38 27 , c. 2 ace. |c 147 9 who causeth mts. to sprout grass; fig., obj.. '"IJ31X HDX Je 33 15 ; horn (Qp) of Isr. Ez 29 21 , of David i/' 132 17 ; righteousness, etc. Is 6i llb ; cf. also 2 S 23 s (if interrog., v. Dr Bu; otherwise HPS); subj. ground Gn 3 18 cf. Is6i" 4 (aim.), Dt 29^ (obj. om.); also (fig.) Is 45 s (cf. Di Kit). 2. of rain, cause the earth to sprout (abs.), Is 55 10 . trTOir n.m. Je23 ' 5 sprout, growth;— abs. 'x Ho 8 7 + , nov Zc 3 8 ; cstr. npx Gn 1 9 s5 + ; sf. HTOS Ez 17° + ; — !■ coll. sprouting, growth, '"ID"1Nn 'X Gn 19 25 (J), IT^n 'X Ez 16 7 (sim.), cfc Is 61" ^ 65"; so nW 'X Is 4 2 , 'v abs. Ho 8 7 ; growth (=foliage) of vine, 'X 'a-iB Ez 1 7 9 . 2. pro- cess of growth, of vine, '^HOX Fling Ez 1 7 10 = <Ae beds where it grew. 3. future ruler, under fig. of sprout from Davidic tree (cf. i//- 1 32 17 ) 'flbprn P^X 'X "llTp Je 23 s a righteous sprout, slu>ot,= Tm 'X T$ n^DXS 33 ' 5 ; hence (as '* TJJ Ze 3 8 , of Zerub. tea* 'X e*j* 6 12 . cpes v. nnx. nrvps v . nox. D*Ji (v of foil.; cf. Ar. J* draw togetlier, or ~^> bandage (a wound), be compact; NH Oppress; S Jer Palp. Ithpalp. veil (Uenom.)). tnQS n.f. woman's veil ; sf. WlSS ;— Is 47 s CtV' 3 6 7 . TD' , QSn.m. doubtful word,usu. snare, trap (fr. || na Jb 1 8 9 ) ;— D^n 'X tK# I Jb 5 s and a snare snappeth at his wealth (so Bu Bev JPh ' 1 ■ OT, •' l,,, ■; Vrss DiDu and most mod. D'NOX, or K»X, the thirsty, sometimes with change of 1^?'!); 18 9 (|| n?; Che 1 * 1 " 1 **-™ 0"yX pangs, cf.Isi 3 8 ). ttpQX] vb. dry up, shrivel (NH id.; %' Nu 6 3 f i? ,? ? x , for D^?);— Qal Pt. act. pi. D'pOX QHK/ Hoy 11 shrivelling breasts (of women; || 7'3B>p Drn).