Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/881

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H22 .

fin. i12S n.f. large shield (covering whole body);— abs. 'X I S if + ; pi. Tli3X 2 Ch n 12 ; —shield, larger than ??D 1 K io 1616 (cf. v' 7 ) = 2 Ch 9 ,51i ; n3X(n) Kfc>3 1 S i7"- <l ('tfn '3 (h$n), 2 Ch 14 7 , 'X *jjjfb 1 Ch i2 5i (van d. H. v 24 ); nsxi |;o W|J J e 4 6 cf. 'X *yp 1 Ch 12 9 (van d. H. v 8 ); 'Si Tipi ink 2 Ch 25' ; 'XI f3D p;nn ^, 352; (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Ez 268; + (Symbol missingHebrew characters) also 33 M 3 8 4 399; (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 1 Ch 1235 (van d. H. v34 ) 2 Ch 1112; sim. of י׳'s favour ψ 513; fig. of י׳'s faithfulness 914.

£12323 n-f- jar, or like receptacle (soVrss 

and context; perh. from above y.) > basket — X Talm. K3X);— Ex ^(P). sl v. Rip. t [y J Ik] vb. be modest, humble (perhaps prop, be retired, NH Hiph. keep close, reserve, preserve, so X V3VS ; J?^ x retiring, modesty, — Hiph. Inf.abs. J"D? J?3Xn Mi6 8 a making humble to walk ss shewing a humble walk (with God). + [jft:S] adj. modest (on format, cf. Ba B!i,sl<i );— pi. D*?«¥ Pr 1 1 2 (v. Toy; opp. (Hj). l"[nJ2i] vb. wrap, or wind up, together (cf. Ar. Li.:* hem of garment, X J S*S31f skirt (=«|J3); KB3XD, J&^ji <wr6a»,ChrPal." JkAjj tassel);— Qal Jmpf. 3 ms. <J&£ Lv 16 4 he shall wind (his head) with (a) the turban (J"IB3Xp q.v.); sf., + Inf. abs. and ace. cogn. 1?32P rfiiX '" 1 ?:!V Is 22 18 A« will wind thee entirety up (with) a winding (under fig. of ball, to be driven far off, in exile). — ep3X Is 62 s v. following. t rp32 a.m. Zc 3 - 5 turban;— abs. 'x Zc 3" 5 (for h. priest) and (fig. of righteousness) Jb 2 9 14 ; cstr. naibo tp3X Is 62 s Qr royaZ iuriaw (Kt ^wx); pi. Rto»Jfn Is 3 23 (of women's turbans). TUDpS n.f. winding; — Is 22", v. [&pX]. T]"ID]2p n.f. turban of high priest; — abs. 'D Ez 2 i 31 , T1B3XD Ex 2 8 37 29 s ; cstr. nsSxt? Lv 16 4 ;— iwr&cm'of linen Ex 38***" 29" 39 28 ' 31 Lv 8" 16 4 ; sign of royalty Ez 21 31 . pyX (v / of foil; cf. Sam. V^-tt! shut up cr in, and perh. Eth. R«fef: hedge about, p la BAS1 - 374 ; cf. also Ar. ,j:>j bind, restrain, straighten, Syr. jaj> (in Lexx; usu. throw)). tp&PS a.[m.] pillory;— Je 2 9 26 (||rDBnp). ~0¥ (^offoH.; NHli3X=BH (&ho hinge- socket), and so $ SOIS'X (rare)). I T132J n. m. pipe, spout, conduit (so NH);— abs. 113X3 Vq 2 S 5 8 (i.e., si vera 1., of Jerus., but very dubious, cf. DrHPS); pi. sf. T"j' 3 V ^P ^4 2 s </te «ourad 0/ tfty (water-) spouts fig., of sluices of heaven opened, cf. i"l3lK, 3JS. TJTVV133 n. m. pi. cstr. pipes feeding lamps with oil Zc 4 12 (in vision) (formation by inserting n ace. to Bo 4300 " Ko" 1 ' 20 '). t[TI^£] ▼*>■ step, march (NH id. (rare); Ar. iU; Jscwd);— Qal i>/ 3 fs. rnjw Gn 49 s3 (but oil text v. infr.); 3 pi. VlJfX 2 S 6 13 ; Tmp/. 3 ms. 1$* Pr 7 s , etc.; /ra/. cs<r! sf. T]?X3 J u 5 4 , 11V?3 f 68 8 ;— step, march, of '» Ju 5 4 f 68 s (c. 3 loc'.),Hb3 12 (c.acc.n.?);rd.prob.also"l5 , XIs63 1 (for MT nft, v. nyx); of men, c. ace. cogn. Q^VX 2 S6 13 they had gone six steps; c. ace. :JTj step a certain way Pr? 8 ; of idols, IVX? to Jeio — "•hfcj nnjTX ni33 Gn 49 s2 is dubious : usu. (its) daughters (twigs of bough) have climbed over the wall (on sg. vb. v. Ges ,145k ; others think n_ old fpl. ending, e.g. Nb z " "" m < 1884 '. 411 JPPeters Hbr,,1(18S7),m;Tfl,e8> - 199 ; conject. emend, of text v. in Ball Hpt Holz). Hiph. Impf. 3 fs. sf. Vnyxrn Jb 18 14 and it (an unseen power Di; disease Du, rdg.'2Q) makes him march, c. ? pers. t ["!#?] n.m. "*" step, pace ; — abs. n?X Pr 30 29 ; sf. Vljnf Je io 3 Pr 6 9 , etc. ; pi. cstr.njjX Jb 18 7 ; sf. ,- !VV Jb 31 4 , etc.;— 1. lit. step, pace, 2 S 613, (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 2 S 2237 =ψ 1837, i.e. givest me firm footing, 'X "O'Q'D Pr3o N = making a good step, stately in march ; La 4 IS (‖ (Symbol missingHebrew characters)) 2. step, steps, in fig. of course of life, fortune : sg. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Pr 412; ‖(Symbol missingHebrew characters) Je 1023 Pr 169; pl. Jbi416 314 3421, (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 187 (cf. Pr 412 supr.); (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 3137; of harlot Pr 55 fig., (Symbol missingHebrew characters).

fi. n"TV2 n.f. marching ;— 'x Mp 2 S 5" the sound of marching = 1 Ch 14'°. ["WSO] n.[m.] step;— pi. sf. Viyxpa Dn 1 1 43 i. e. at his heels, in his train ; cstr., fig. of course of life,-03-nj>XD yj, 3 ^ a (|| iani), p r 2 o 54 . II. ij/^ (v of foil.; meaning unknown). f 11. [m5!2] n.f. armlet, band clasping upper arm (so SS al.; most step-chain, from I.npx);— pl.ninyxn Is 3 20 (ladies' finery); read 'Xn also 2 K 11 12 (for MT nriyri) We B '- KlnL4 ' 258 = c mr .m.m Kmp gg Kit Benz> ' "