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ynp rap, s f. itraj? (Ko'- c - a. Ges» 10h ) n.f. stomach, belly; — 1. abs. 'PCI of sacrificial victim, assigned to priest Dt 18 3 , © t6 Znorpov, i.e. fourth stomach of ruminants (cf. Dr), 33 ventriculum. 2. sf. of woman, appar. more gen., belli/ Nu 25 s (P). t [7Zlp] vb. Pi. receive, take (late)(Aram. loan-word (and in Aram, denom.) Gerber 32 , cf. Aram, P'aPy'?) in front, "MSkM ^£ opposite, BAram. P3~7 before, OAram. Palm. 72>b over t:t . . . L L against, Nab. id., in view of; also Sab. ?3pP in view /CIS lv ' ! " , - 7iul - :M - 5 - 8 , Aa.kablu, encounter; verbs are: Sab. fap acc^i, DHM ZBG "" <1CT1S »^ »x <i876). 672. ^ r j^J j g in front, opposite, JlS accept, admit; Eth. •J'flrt;, esp. in. 2, go to meet, accept; NH ??I5 accuse, Pi.=BH; Aram. ^3p,^i« receive) ;—Pf 3 ms. %?. Est 4 4 + (9" Qr ^3p); 3 pi. I^Sp Ezr 8 3 °; Impf. 3 ms. sf. DJSBJ! 1 Ch i2 19 (v 18 van d. H.); 3 mpl. ^>3p*l 2Ch'29 16 "; 1 pi. ^ Jb2 1010 ; Imv. ms. $32 Prig 20 , "P|2 iCh2i n ; — 1. <a£e, c. ace. rei 2 Ch 29 s2 Ezr 8 30 ; ace. om. 2 Ch 29", + b reflex. = choose 1 Ch 21 11 ; receive, c. ace. pers. 12" (van d. H. v 18 ). 2. accept, c. ace. rei Jb 2 1010 ; nplO'p Pr 19 20 ; ace. om. Est4 4 . 3. accept, assume, an obligation, sq. cl., Est 9 s3 , sq. inf. v 27 ( + ^y reflex.). Hiph. Pi. fpl. rfr?P» sfow oppositeness, i.e. correspond, one to (?£) another Ex 26 s 36 12 (both P). t[72p] n.[m.] 1. something in front, spec, an attaoking-engine (cf. J^j front; ^JLo( 1 advance to attack, so p^apn Ecclus 1 2 5 ), Ez 26 9 i?3ij5 'HD the stroke of his attacking- engine (on the form kobollo, from ?3p for kubiil, see 01* 169 Kb"- 88 '-; and cf. HOf, from Jbp for fcS/tfn, ^3BP t , D331£; and on the 3, Ges* 93 "). 2. cstr. Djr?3p T (fo&oZ) 2 K 15 10 , explained for- merly as before the people, i.e. publicly (cf. BAram ?3p before); but the Aram, is surpris- ing, and MH needed : rd. W?3?3 in Ibleam, with @L (confirming earlier conj. of Gr al11 - 99 Sta 01 - 675 ), DrKloBenzKital. t^72p vb. dub., perhaps rob (syn. PtJ, so Rabb. (rare), v. De* 2 * ") ;— Qal i 5 / 3 ms. con- sec. V3|71 Pr 22 s3 , subj. ' c. ace. pers. + rei; c. ace. pers. alone 1 pi. ^Jjap nS3 Mai 3" (obj. ?»); Impf 3 ms. WPJJ D™ HfS] v 8 ; i>*. act. <Qk D'V3p DAN v 8 - 9 ; sf. DiTjnp Pr 22° <Ao««  robbing them. — In Mai ® We 3pV circumvent. Tny^P n -£ oup (perhaps loan-word from As. [kabu'tu], pi. ia6t2(i<e, prob. cwjps, goblets; cf. Ar. iils flower-cup, calyx) ; — cstr. D*i3 '> n^-inn Is 5 r " c f. v *> (both fig., and 0*13 in both prob. explanatory gloss, v. Comm.). tOD vb. gather, collect (syn. *)?«) (Ar [j~t grasp, seize; Sab. p3p harvest, in 'pi, attrib. of 'Attar, ace. to Fell 2 " "" 1 " '- 237 '-; Eth. "P-OR: is fail, despair; NH J , 3p=BH);— 1Qal Pf. 3 ms. 'p 1 K 20 1 ; 7m;>/. 3 ms. T?P! f 4i 7 , }*3P!1 Gn 4i 48 + , etc.; Imv. ms. }»3p 1 K 18 19 , mpl.' »3p iSf + ; Inf. cstr. sf. "PP t ? Zp 3 8 ; Pt. act. )*3p Ez 22 19 Pr 13 11 ; pass. pi. D'SOp Ne 5 16 ;— gather, collect : 1. c. ace. rei, grain Gn 41 3548 (E), booty Dt 13" (+^f loc), money 2 Ch 24 s ( + 19 pers.), so Ez 16 31 (Gr Toy Krae, rdg. flap? fr. ob&, cf. © <8 Symm); ace. om. )*3p Pr 1 3 11 one gathering by degrees ; fig. b (1N"'P! &$ V' 4 I? *M Aear< gathereth wickedness to itself. 2. usu. c. ace. pers. gather, assemble, + n loc. 1 S 7 s 29 1 (for battle); + ^N loc. 1 K 18 20 Ezr 8' 5 Est 2 3 ; + bit pers. 2 S 3 21 Hb 2 5 (in fig. ; || «|DK) ; + S>J? (= ^') pers. 1 K ii 24 ; + b» pers. et loc. 1 K 18 19 2 Ch 32"; + P9 loc. 2 Ch 23 s , cf. Ezr y 28 ; ace. pers. alone 1 K 2 2 6 =2 Ch 18 5 , 2 K io 18 , Ne f ( + inf. pur- pose), J02 16 (|| IpN), 2 Ch 15 9 24 s 25 s ; pass, c. DB* + ?5? of work Ne 5 16 ; fork's judgment Zp 3 8 (|| 'IP?), Ez 22 20 cf. v 19 ( + 1] , in-bS; fig. of metals into furnace); specif, for war, battle, Ju 12 4 1 S 28 1 2 S 2 s0 1 K 20 1 2 K 6 24 ; +*$ 1 S 28 1 (29 1 v. supr.). tWiph. Pf. 3 pi. W3|?3 Josio 6 + , etc.; Impf. 2ms. J'PJjri EZ29 5 ; 3 mpl. «3j»*J 1 S 7 6 + , etc.; Imv. mpl. «3pn Gn 4 9 2 +; Inf. cstr. JOi3n Ezr io 7 +; Pt. pi. D'iapJ J e 40 15 , sf. VS3p3 Is 56 s ; — 1. intrans. assemble, gather 1 S 2V Gn 4 9 2 Is 45 20 48 14 49 18 6o 4 Jo 4 11 2 Ch 20 4 ( + inf. purpose) 32 4 ; for war 1 S 28 4 Jos io 6 (c. ?$ against); c. n loc. 1 S 7 6 , ace. loc. Ezrio 7 - 9 2 Ch 15 10 ; c. PN pers. unto Je 40 15 1 Ch 13 2 Ezr io 1 Ne 4 14 , cf. 2 Ch 13 7 (!?$? for b«); b« pers. + n loc. 1 Ch n l ; c. HPT Ho 2 s Is 43 9 (II 5 !??). if 102 23 ; of birds and beasts Is 34 15 (c. Of), Ez 39 17 . 2. pass, be gathered Is 60 7 (of flocks, + b pers.), Est 2 s ( + b$ loc), v 19 ; pt. c. sf. pers. Is 56 s ; Ez 29 s (|| *]DN) rd. ■ngn Hi (not Sm) Co Berthol Toy Krae. Pi. B

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