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^WOTS (+adv. ace). b. come to meet one (ace.) as friend, with (3) sthg. Is 21" Dt 23 s Ne 13 s , so, as worshippers (ace. of ), Mi 6 66 ; c. ace. pers. + rei yfr 21*, so 59" Kt © 33 (ace. pers. alone Qr), ace. pers. alone ^ 79 s ; ace. '< 88 14 , ace. VJS (of *) 95 2 , cf. T2? ,D 1^: n W, n 9 n 8 9 15 ( viz -> to join themselves to thee), c. meet, receive, ace. pers., Jb 3 12 . 2. a. go before, in front + 68 M . b. be in front, 1 S 20 25 (id. ffffiM for Di£l) @ Ew Th We Dr al. 3. be beforehand, c. 3 temp, yjr 1 19 147 ; + inf. cstr. Jon 4 2 ; antici- pate, forestall, c. ace. rei i^H9 14S . Hipli. 1. Impf. 3 fs. D^pri (We Now GASm D^p?) Am 9 10 calamity . . . shall not come in front about us (UHjB). 2. Pf 3 ms. sf. W'npn Jb 4 1 3 whohas anticipated me [God]? © Me Bi Bu confronted me (rdg. D^. for foil. D^KI); Du ^P/ji?? confronted him (the crocodile). T[D7)J, c. H loc. l.P!0"?j3 adv. eastward, to, toward, the E.;— Gn25° (J), Lv 1" 16 14 Nu 3 4 3 " ,5 Jos i 9 12 -' 3 (all P), 1 K f 9 =2 Ch 4 10 , 1 K 17 3 2 K 13 17 Ez 8 1 ' 16 ; + N, S, W, Gn 13" 28" (both J), Nu 2 3 3* io 5 (N, W, in ®), 34 10 (all P); also as n. after T#Q=E. side, Ex 27 13 38 13 (both P), + W Ez 45 7 (del. Co ; rd. Dip Berthol Toy Krae), + N, S, W, Nu 35 s Jos 18 20 so? ^35 i5 5 (allP). T[!"TO"Tp]ll.f. antiquity, former state ; — 1. antiquity, beginning, sf. itJTO"]!? Is 23 7 (of Tyre). 2. former state, sf. jncnp Ez 16 6555 , !2n»-ii5 v 55 ; pi. sf. D^nicip 36 11 . ' 3. cstr. sg. = conj.&e/*r>re(temp.; Aram.) e ]?B'r)p"!i3B>^i29 6 . ' D~ 1 9" T £-1 n " f " front > Ea8t ; — °"ly cstr - TO"!p as prep.: 1. in front of, over against (cf. jftjMG^diKKiw...^ Gn 2 14 (i.e. from standpoint of writer; really, on geogr. grounds, = W. of; yet v.Di' d - 6 ),4 ,6 (bothJ). 2. on the E. of, Ez 39 n ; 1 S 1 3 5 may be either. f 11. n*2~Ip n.pr.m. K«S(f)^a, son of Ishmael Gn 25"= 1 Ch i 31 .— 1. 'p v. [Dip]. "Hp n.m. Ho13 - 15 East, east wind;— abs. 'p Gn 4i 6 +; c. n loc. ncn|J Ez ii 4 + , npip 48 4 4- ;— tl. (apart from Ez) Hast, esp.'P(n) nn wind of the East, east wind, oft. as violent and scorching, from desert on SE., = Ar. sirocco {l^i, eastern), cf. Dr Am49 : Ex io 1313 (JE), 14" (J), Je i8 17 (sim.), Jon 4 s V 48 s ; also 'p {Tp^om.)=z east wind Gn4i°- 2357 (E), Hoi2 2 i3 15 Is 27 s Jbis 2 27 2 ' 38" ^ 78 28 .— TOHij Hb i* is dub., usu. eastward, i.e. forward, but text prob. corrupt, cf. We Now Da, GASm prop. D^PP (v. also [TO:pj P- '^9 su P r -)- 2. in Ez (52 t.): a. East 'pn nn east wind 17 10 19 12 2 7 M ; east side 42 16 ( + N, S, W); Jf "WJ^o 44 (+ N,S); 'P nm 47' 8 ,+W 4 8 6 - 7 - 8 , cf. v 1 ('p 'b □;n ; but rd. .TO 'B tjn 'p 'BO @ Co Toy al.), + N,S,W, v 16 ; 'pn fJJ 'i.e. toward the E. 40 10 + 7 t., 'pn 'TO 43=; ^ 40 23 eastward ( + N) 4 1 14 ; 'POP 4 2 9 on </* £W. b. I^ejol .• 'pn -]ti 4 o 6 ; npnp ^35 45 7 4 8 2 ' ( + W); nsa n 9Hi? 4 7 18 , + W 48 3 4- 8 t., + N, S, W, v 32 . c. as adv. npHp eastward n 1 44 1 47 1 ; +W45 7 (del. Berthol Krae), 4 8 19 , + N,S,W, v 1017 ; also CHiX?) easiwari 40 19 43 I7 46 ,12 47 1 - 3 , + N v 2 . tO^-ip n.[m.]pl. only'P fa}) Ju5 21 , meaning dub.; © A n.pr. Ka&rja-eifi, ©LKaSq/ifip; © B apaiu>v, so %, AV ancient river (lit. of antiquity), Bachm al.; Be al. of attach (cf. D"!iJ 1 a) ; v. further GFM Bu Now Cook 2 " 1 ' 8 " 1 - 2683 . t[pn"Tj5] adj. eastern; — fs. r)^iT njlCHpn Ez 47 s the eastern circuit. fL^JQIp adj. former, eastern (on format. v. Lag BN195 'Ba NB ' !227d );— abs. 'P 1 S 24 14 (Gi v 13 ), Jo 2 20 ; "Jto. Ez io 19 + ; mpl. trap-ip Jb 18 20 , D"3it3- Ez 38 17 ; fpl. ni>3bl? Is 43 >* Mai 3 4 ;— 1. former, ancient, 'p D*PJ Ez 38 17 former days ; 'P D»3f> Mai 3 4 (|| D^J> ^): fpl. as n., former tilings Is 43 18 (|| rtSWn); ms. as n. coll. Hr*? '3"]S0 1 S 24 14 a proverb of the ancients. 2. eastern: ofW Ez io 19 n l , DJ (i.e. Dead Sea) 47 18 and (opp. fnnNn &n) Zc 14 8 Jo 2 20 ; mpl. as n. Easterns, those oftlie E. (opp. W) Jb 18 20 (so Ew De Hi Di Bae Du ; Vrss earlier and later, so Da al. [both future], informer gener- ations [now in Sh e '61], and future).

11. Jfolp adj . gent. c. art. 'pn , as n.pr.coll. 

{Easterners}; — Gn 15 19 the Kadmonites (in list of peoples); tuvs KtKjicovalovs, ©L Kf8/ia)»aiour. tjlbtp n.pr.loc. in Beuben(Moab) KeS(a)- pwd, KaSrifxad, etc.; Jos i3 ,s , niD- 21 37 1 Ch6 M ; hence ritonp "I?"]?? Dt 2 26 of contiguous desert ; — 'p lay N. of upper Arnon ; not identified; Buhl G. gr.268 con j Umm-er-rasAs, c. 10 m. ENE. from Dibon (cf. Tristr»°' b,40ff - Bd ^ * 1 • 3(,898) ■ ,77 ). t^^TpIp n.pr.m. KaSp>)X, ©L KtS/i'v^; Levite name [El is the ancient one; cf. Sab. mpi>K DHM ZMG »«"'(K»).»r^ ; _Ezr 2 40 =Ne 7", Ezr 3 9 Ne9 4S io 10 12 824 .