Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/897

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XCTtp profane use, or forfeited to sanctuary Ex 20, 37 30 29 Lv 6 liM Nu 17" (P), Hg 2 12 . 3. con- secrated, tabooed (supr.) Dt 2 2 9 (law against mix- tures). Kiph. Pf 3 ms. Vft$ Is 5 16 Ex 29", etc.; Imp/. 3 ms. rjRl Nu 20 13 ; 1 s. I^R(J Lv - ; /«/. cs<r. sf. Vyg} Ez 36 s3 38 16 ; oneself sacred, majestic: c. ? pers . shew +W Ez Ex 29" (P). 2 9 133 « 3 o 30 4O " 28 25 36 s3 38 16 39 s ; c. 3 Is 5" 1 Ez Z8 23 , cf. Nu 20 13 (P). 2. ie honoured or treated as sacred ||T133Lvio 3 (P); opp.Dt}'^nLv22 32 (P). . be consecrated, dedicated, by '< 1133 Ex 29" (P). Pi. Pf. 3 ms. KHp Nu 6" 1 K 8 M , etc.; Impf. 3 ms. t?lp? Qn 2 3 + , etc.; Imv. ms. E>1p Jos7 13 ; "Pip Ex 1 3', etc.; 7n/.cs<r.C5'ipEx29 1 -|-, etc.; i J «. BhpO Ex 37 s9 ; sf. tMBnpt? Ex 31"+ , etc.; — 1. s«< apart as sacred, consecrate, dedi- cate : a. places : Sinai Ex 19 23 (J), altar, etc., Ex 29 36 - 37 30 29 (P), tabern., etc. Ex 40 91011 Lv 8 Nu yw ( P ). tent of m eeting Ex 29" (P); place of sacrifice 1 K 8 H =2 Ch 7'; gate Ne 3 11 ; — Ez 7" v. BHpf? infr. b. wave-offering c. persons: priests Ex 28 311 Lv8 i2.3o. fi rst born Ex I3 2 (P); keepers of ark 1 S 7 1 . fd. 7th day (by God) Gn 2 3 Ex 20" (P). 2. observe as holy, keep sacred : feasts, Sabbath Ex20 8 =Dt5 ,2 (Decal.), Je 17 222427 Ez 20 20 44 24 Ne if 2 ; fast Jo i 14 2"; year of Jubilee Lv 25 10 (P); so bvib tngg 2 K io 20 . 3. honour as sacred, hallow : a. God Dt32 51 ,hisnameEz36 23 . b. priest Lv 2 1 8 (H). . consecrate by purification : a. places, house of' 2 Ch 2 9 5 -' 717 , altar nNDtSD, Lvi6 19 . b. people DJjn Jos 7 13 (J), Ez 44 19 46 20 ; by wash- ing Ex 19 1014 (E); bnp for fast Jo 2 16 ; Nazirite Nu 6" (P), sons of Job Jb i 6 ; family for sacrif. 1 S 1 6 5 . c. war, or warriors, fr. custom of open- ing campaign by sacrifice, (.-5?) '""??!"? T Je 6 4 Jo 4 9 Mi 3 6 ; Je 22 7 5i 2728 . d. of God, keeping his people pure and sacred : BHpD ffltt* "OK Ex 3 i 13 Lv 20 9 2i 8isa 2 2 916:B (H), Ez 20 12 37 28 . Pu. Pt. SPIp? Ez 48", etc.; — consecrated, dedicated: priests 2 Ch 26' 8 Ez 48" (rd. pi.), things 2 Ch 31 6 , feasts Ezr3 5 , warriors Is 13*. Hipb. Pf. 3 ms. B»ipn Zp i 7 +, etc.; Impf. WW. Lv 27 16 + 4 t., Pip! Lv 27", etc.; Imv. sf. DB>1pn Jei2 3 ; Inf. abs. W?i><l Ju 17 3 ; cstr. 5?np'n 2Ch2 3 + , etc.; Pt. B^PP Lv27 16 + , etc. 1. set apart,devote,consecrate : a. places, temple 2 Ch 2 3 , city Jos 20 7 (P). b. things Ex 2^ Lv 22 2 - 3 (P) 2 K 1 2 19 1 Ch 23 13 2 6 26 - 27 - 28 - 28 Nei2 47 - 47 ; money Jui 7 33 ; spoil 2S8""=iCh i8 u ; field Lv 27 16171819 ' 22 (H); house Lv 27 I418 (H); firstlings Dt 15 19 (D) Lv 27^ (H). c. of God : consecrate temple 1 K 9 3 - 7 = 2 Ch 7 1620 ,

Ch 30 8 36"; prophet Je i s ; firstborn Nu 3 15 

8 17 (P); devote wicked (as sheep) for sacrifice Je 12 3 . 2. regard, or treat, as sacred, hal- low: God Is 8 13 2 9 2323 ;-|- , '?. , J^ pers. Nu 20" 27 14 . 3. consecrate by purification : vessels 2CI129 19 ; persons for passover 30 17 ; guests for sacrif. feast Zp 1 7 (God subj.). Hithp. Pf. 1 s. ""fiprin Ez 38 s3 , 2 mpl. (consec.) OR^- Lv 1 1 44 20 7 , 3 pi. IBHpnn 2 Ch 5 11 30 17 , etc.; Impf 3 ms. Vh&V 2 Ch 2 9 34 + ; «?1pJT Exig 22 ; Imv.mpl. &$$) Nu 1 1 ,8 + ; IBHpYiri Jos 3 s ; Inf. cstr. BHpnn 2 Ch

s4 ; "&lPJvi*is 30 29 ; Pt. fs. nfjpno 2 S n 4 ; 

pi. D'Enpnp Is 66 17 ; — 1. keep oneself apart from unclean things Lv 1 1 44 20 7 (P). 2. of God, cause himself to be hallowed, O'fQ , 3 , J/|' Ez 38 s3 . 3. be observed as holy, of feast Is 30 29 . 4. consecrate oneself by purification, of priests and Levites Ex 19 22 (J), 1 Ch 15 1214 2 Ch 5" 29 s 15 - 34.W 30 3.i5.24 3I i8 35 6. of p e0 pi e n u XI i8 Jos 35

13 (J) 1 S 16 s 2 Ch 3 o 17 Is 66 17 ; woman 2 S 

1 1 4 site having (just) purified /jerse 7 / fi^NDED IIS*- 276 Dr HPS. fi.ttHp n.m. temple-prostitute (man) (cf. RS Froph.i 1 .>iT.. j and v Ag gub V);— 'P Dt 23 18 ; coll.iKi4 !4 22 47 ; pl.D , ? i lPi5 ,2 2K23 7 Jb36 14 ; also f. nEhp (woman) Dt23 18 ; pi. niehp H04 14 ; =harlot,}s. Gn 3 8 21 - 2l:s (J). T!?1p (sanctuary) KaSrjs : 1. in Galilee Jos 20 7 2 1 32 (P), 1 Ch6 61 ; Naphtali Jos 19 s7 (P), 'briM 'p Ju4 6 ; = tf|5 alone Jos 12 22 (D ; with king) ; Ju 4 910 + v" (where poss. different place on sea of Galilee, v. GFM JU " 7 - 1I9 ), also2Ki5 M ; TelAm. Kidsi; Eg. #<#e WMM ^ u. Eur. m, 217 . rao d. Kades, N W. of Lake Huleh ; v. Eob BB11L366ff - Survey wpl226,r - Buhl ""*'*". 2. K«8(£ : city of refuge in Issachar 1 Ch 6 57 = fF&> J0S21 28 ; poss. Tel Abu Kudeis [Survey WP 169 ], c. 2 miles SE.fromZeywn (Megiddo) : cf. Buhl G TO1! r.2l» 3 Ka8r]s . in g J udah . J os t g23 (P) ( = 11. BHp T 1 ? if so, then Mass. distinction from #1p in N. was here neglected). •fn. ©7p (sacred; but perh. orig. E^.P, and pointing artif. to disting. fr. 'p in N); — 1. Ka8r,s: inS.of Judah Gn 16" (J), 2o'(E), in HNS 13T? Nui 3 M (P), specif. ?V '» 20 1 33 s6 , cf. B»np 'D f 29 s ; on W. border of Edom Nu 2o' 6 (E), 33 37 (P). cf. 2o' 4 (E), v 22 (P), Ju 1 i 1S17 (hence Hob™"' 175 94 sought it at 'Ain Weibeh, in W. of Arabah); long abode of Isr. during Exod. Dt i 46 ; 'P ri3np ^ Nu 27 14 (cf. 20 1 - 13 ), Dt 32 s1 (P), Ez 47' 9 (rd. nanD), 4s 28 , cf. Dt 33 2