Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/903

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rroip (0$), cf. 3 w« (both 5> pers.); king J e 3 o», no* ^? 2 3 5 . Prophet Je 29 ' 5 Dti8' 3 » priest i S 2 (all b pers.) ; shepherds, etc. Mi 5 5 (f>$? oyaiW), Zc 1 1 '•; oe» vrotj> *gn^ Dt 25 r ; p]an " t of name Ez 34* (i> pe r S .); evil (fijn) 2S12" (£y «?»»*)• +4. a. raise t^rVuse, stir up (lion, in fig.) Gn 49 9 (poem)=Nu 24' (JE). b. twtfjjroto, c. ace. pers. + ^5? against Am6» 1 S 22 8 ; + !> pers. , Kll»«; c . acc _ alone Hb ^ 1 5. raise up = constitute, DJ>i> 6 .", , *jnirEl»pn Dt2 9 ' 2 c f. 28' Jbi6 12 ; a-tnJf DWS? D'pxi Am 2» ; rrao^ iT |5)d op; ^ !o 7 » ( C f/ Qal 5 y . cat«e to stand: fa. se <, ^riioi, sentinels Ju 7 » (BR npn), je , 61 » cf . 6 >, ( ^ pers 0> 23< Ez 34*; «, feet on (ty roc k * 40 3 . tb. cause to hold one's ground f 89" (nonf>B3). +c _ establish throne 2 Ch 7 18 , pN-'DBN-^ p r 3,34' id establish (make, ratify)' covenant" of c.

dpn n ? (prep.) pers. Gn 6 18 9'" i7 'mi Ex 6 4 (aH P) E Z1 6^c.r3... r a G n9-7 l7 7 (bothp) 5 ■» 1 m .I = Carry otd - ?"» # ec < *> (Dr • ;, oath, covenant, vow, word, plan, com- mand, of man iSi 5 »-» + 6t.; of'» Gn 2 6 s Lv 2 6 9 iSi»iK6»Dt8»Jea 3 - + i8t. tg. D*pni> Mw * <0 stawrf «po» *M inheritance (cf . Qal 7 i) + Hoph. Pf. 3 ms . b ogn 2 S 23' Je r«W up (on fi$? V an d . H., v. Dr); t)j*n be set up Ex 40 (of tabern.); 'a n_3T™ QgV] Je35 » 6fl ^ upright (Ges« 12 »), i. e . observed, obeyed. nrsip, rrap^ a .f. height;— a bs. n#p Ex 38 18 +, nap a? ». cstr . npip ,. K 626+ . rf T incflp

  • + , *»P Ex 25'°+ ,etc.,-l. fcfcfc. of pei ;

sfcrfwre 1 S 16' Ez 13' 8 Ct 7 8 ; U^TWB lS 28" his full length. 2. of tree' 2 K M»= Is 3 f 2i ; in fig. Is ro 3 ' Ez 3I 3.*.>o,4. of vine (fi ) Ezi 9 "and'pn>SE' I7 6 ZoM , o/ ^ fe 3 J artificial structures : temple, its parts, furnish- ings, etc., 1 K 6 2 + 12 t. 1 K 6, 7, 2 K »=»•»- Je 6." . . Ch 4" 6- a wall Ez 40'; tabern. and furnishings Ex 25 I °*> + 8 t. Ex /all P. Noah's ark Gn 6 15 (P). ; '

  • TVS% n.f. standing grain ;— abs. 'p Ex

22 5 + ; cstr. I1DP T Dt 2 3 «*; pi. cstr. rfop J u i 5 ». —standing grain (mature) Ex 2 2 5 (E)' Dt 16° jtf" J„ 15" Is 17*. ? <jfi<, 2 K I9 Jl. Ia (i.e. before maturity); in fig. Ho 8' — Cf VogelstLandwirthsch. 51

TLCpJ n.m. adversary (prop, uprising ,E 3 A* > but P rob -orrupt;Ges'-,Du «C)0? (Pt.sf.) MeBuDDj*, PerlM*-!* nwp. H r "?' 1 p] n - f - ^ing up;— sf. OriD*p. La 3 ra (opp. DfiaE*). tpOj3 Juio 5 , Pa^ w „, A p w<0 (@L Ka« uv ) ; i n Gilead Jos AnlT - 78 (Kaw.^- prob.= k^ov, f Polvb -o. , (nameJ n ^ xt y; n.>A«); Buhl--- thinks oiKumem, Kamm (Schumacher'— A» ta ,« )f between Jarm and Jabbok, W. of /rii'o'. t ni»aQip n .f. uprightness ;-onlyas adv. Lv »6» made you go upright, i.e. as freemen. Qlp^N v. supr. p. 39. tSyi n.[m.] substance, existence "5| Wimr-aB rt«<«rfW^Gn 7 4 - 23 (man andanimal)' in more limited sense Dt 1 1 6 . tCPp; (he lifteth up; cf. Sab. DP,T Hal-);-w f(ft A (24 , 2) / Benjam.teiChS' 9 . 2. Levite 24". tnolpijl n.f. standing, power to stand (cf. </Qal 7 a);_ a bs. 'n Lv 2 6^ (c. ^{1 p ers .) JpW?]. TW*^ v- i39 ; s v. •, Hithpo^L DipO.D^O (Ex 29", etc.) M| .a.m.o»».i» (but v infr.), standing-place, pltcej-abs/o Ex ""+; P«tr. Dipt) Gn 12 o+ (oft. before^ 39 a, +);sf.iDipi ?lS 3 2+)te p I?Gni8 33 + e< ; c -; pi. usu. niDpo j u i 9 i3 + ; nto p D r g „ jj 2 ; Hb- 2Si 7 °+2t.; sf. D^nbipo Am 4 « etc' [appar f. (not Gn i8« where T| is i„ mind> ' but) Jb 2o'(emend.v.Comm.), and Codd. (either Kt or Qr) Ju , 9 " 2 S i 7 »> 2 ; mostly expl. awav r X3 i E ^ J ° T S5 EX332 ' Nu2 3' 327 (all JE), Gn 10- (J), Jos 3 3 (D ), of niasp, etc., 2 K ««  of ark (place where it is set, stands) , kV cT ; 8 -» 5 ' t art ? f 8 I3 ' 3 , Jb 96 ' rock Jb '4 18 »» 4 ; Jos 8" / fFU S* 1 ' 6 foldiers are placed Jos 8 (JE), Ju ao* 1 -; ;,o^ in battle 2 S 11". c. pos «, Jm j K 20^ Ec io 2. a. «&»» where a thing belongs Gn 29= (J), J 0S 4 » (j E) 1 S 5 Is 46^ Jb 6" 37' f the ' heart) * ^ c ^ esp of ark 1 S 5 » + 9 fc J of pers. = destination' Ju 1 1 b. esp. (1) puce of human abodg Gn i 3 » 20 .3 J U 7 r r g 220 + 42 t> + ^ Is54 2 - (2) of V B a b 0de H o 5 » in heaven