ttttp food i Ch 12" (van d. H. v 40 ); kept in a 1? iKi7 ij.i«.k. ma debygrindingIs47 J ; ?| nos 'P nST|! Ho 8 7 . t [ZOQp] vb. seize (NH id., seize, grasp, press together; Ar. kli bind together; Aram. BDp=BH; V v«" seize, compress); — Qal Itnff. 2 ms. sf. ^BDpni Jb 16 8 and thou didst seize me. Fa. be snatched(untimey) Pf. 3 pl.ltatpi^ Jb 2 2 16 . t[70p] vb. be decayed (Syr.%i^ be mouldy, decay); — Qal Pf 3 ms. ?J2p Is 33' Lebanon mouldereth ; 3pl.^£iJ i9 6 (of ^DJ njp). tl^Op vb. enclose with the hand, grasp (NH td.=BH; X H?i?; As. kimsu, kinsu, is a part of the body occurring in pairs, Meissn Bup P ..8^._Q al P f 3 mg consec . ycp Lv 2 5 5 13 (both c. ace. iSDp^ NpD+fD of source), Nu 5 26 (c. ace. + f? of source ; all P). t[y?3p] n.[m.] closed hand, fist; — sf. sqp t6n his fist-full Lv 2 2 R M ; take up T3 6 s in his fist (all P); pi. V>VG>b Gn 41 47 the earth yielded by handfuls (i.e. abundantly; E, ace. to most ; P, Ball Holz, who questions text). tfOp ( v of following ; meaning unknown) . tteisp n.m. Ho96 coll. thistles or nettles (© Sxavdai, cf. Ki ; 33 urtica); — abs. 'p, sign of desolation, Ho o 6 ( > van d. H. E'0 , i? ; cf. Baer De co mp iat.v^.!». ||nin),i S34 13 ( + Dn'p, nin); p i. (c. i inf., Thes Nb M169 ' AnlnS Lbw ,94Anm j D^'CtpP Pr 24 31 (> van d. H. D'JitTBp ; || D'hn). ]? v. :p. NJp (/of foil.; Ar. Lis become intensely red (or black), with dye ; NH nWp jealousy; Syr. w)Ia lividus fuit, )LLLj zeal, envy (rare); vb.denom. NH NJp, Aram. Wp, Eth. #1A: all be jealous, zealous). TnN-p n.f. ardour, zeal, jealousy (frcm colour produced in face by deep emotion); — abs.'pNu5 ,4 + ; cstr. nK3pIs 9 6 ; sf. 'riwp Nu 25"+, etc.; pi. riWp Nu 5 lsl8 - 25 - M ;— 1. ardour of jealousy of husband Pr6 M 27*; 'p TtT jealous disposition Nu j 14 -"- 30 (P); offering for jealousy, 'P nmDv ,518!!4 (P); 'pn min v m (P); of rivalry EC4 4 9 8 ; Ephr. against Judah Is 11"; ardent love, || ranvt. Ct 8'. 2. ardour of zeal : a. of men for God NU25" " (P) 2 K io"; for the house of '« yjf 69 10 . b. of God for his people,
esp. in battle Is 42 15 63 15 Zc i 14 8 2 ; T H>? Is
17 ; nut nbyn '" 'p 9 6 37 32 = 2 K 19" 3 -
ardour of anger: a. of men against adversaries ^ 1 19 139 Jb 5 2 (|| B>y3), Pr 1 4 s0 (opp. KS-|P 3$ b. of God against men, || npn Ez 5 13 I6 33 - 42 2 3 25 3° 6 ; II n?V 38 19 ; || W Dt 29 19 EZ35 11 ; + W Is 26 11 Ez 36 s Zp i 18 3 8 ^ 79 5 ; nspran 'pn ^>cp Ez 8 3 <Ae anger-image provoking to anger ; 'pn 'D alone v 5 . I [N2p] vb.denom. Pi. be jealous, zealous (Gerber 131 ) ;— Pf. 3 ms. Mp Nu 25" + ; 1 s. TOg Zci ,4 + etc; Impf. *«£ Isn 13 Pr23 ,; , etc.; /»/ «6«. tig 1 K 19 1014 ; cstr. sf. iWp Nu 25 11 ; iriSOp 2 S 21 2 ; .ft. KffiD Nu n :9 ;— 1. be jealous of, c. ace. tafK-nK Nu 5 141430 (P) ; in rivalry Is 11 13 . 2. 6e envious of, c. 3 pers., Gn 30 1 (E), 37" (J) * 37' 73 s Pr 3 31 23" 24'"; c. ace. pers. Gn 26" (J), Ez 31 9 ; c. 7 pers. j/ 106 16 . 3. be zealous for: a. of man, c. 7 pers. Nu 1 1 29 (J), 2 S 2 i»j for God Nu 25 13 (P), 1 K 19 1014 ; nwp 'p Nu 25 11 (P). b. of God, 'BHp DB>S> Ez 39 25 , irixb Jo 2", 'wv'? Zc i M , )i*SP Zc 8 22 . 4. excite to jealous anger, c. a instr. Dt32 21 *(dub.; probably "OlSOpn ; cf. v 16.21 b^ j K 14 22 . Hiph. provoke to jealous anger: Impf. 3 mpl. sf. WK?p: Dt32 16 ; IITOWp: i/r 78 s8 (||lnlD^3>l); 1 s. DX^PS Dt 32 s1 "; P«. metapl. flipD Ez 8 3 (Ges S75 <, del. Co). tNDp adj. jealous;— only of God: N3p i>S Ex 20 5 (J) = Dt 5 9 (as punishing those who hate him), Ex 34 14 (J), Dt 4 24 6 15 (demanding exclusive service) ; iOB' R|g Ex 34" (J). t«i;p adj. id.; — «*i3p b« Jos2 4 19 (E) (cf. Dt6 15 supr.), Nahi 2 (||Dpi). I.HJp t vb. get, acquire (NH=BH; Ph. (Pun.) WpD, property [in cattle]; As. kanH, gain, acquire, Meissn BaM> - si ; Ar. US (_j, ij) acquire, procure; Sab. '3p acquire, possess, , jp n- progeny Id n>. no. Eth _ Qftl acquire, subjugate; Aram. NJp, Lld, ac- ,/wVe);— Qal 81 T 3 / 3 ms.'p Gn 25'° + ; sf. ^ Dt 3 2 6 , in;p Lv 27 s4 ; 3 fs. rr^ r + 78"; 2 ms. n^p Ex 1 5 10 + , etc. ; Impf. 3 ms. n3p? Lv 2 2 11 + , fljh Gn33 ,9 +, etc.; 7wir. ms. njp Gn47 19 + ; A/ a6s. nip Lv 25 14 1 Ch 2 1 24 , tip, 2 S 2 4 24 ; crfr. nip Pn6 16 , n'ap Pr i6 ,6 + , etc.; Pt. nip Dt 28 68 , niip Pri 5 32 +, etc.;— +1. get, acquire (all poet.) : a. of God as originating, creating, H?} a Vf ™.P Gn 14 1922 , Dt 32 s (Isr.),