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Nip Zc 7»; Bubj. (God) Is 52 s 65" 66 4 Jb 13 22 1 4 15 , !Ti5?n wip Nu i 17 Qr (Kt s $n$), 26" Kt (Qr W"!? !)• *• call and commission, appoint, ace. pers., Is 48'* 49 1 , + 0&2 6y name, specifically, Ex 31 s 35 30 Is 43 1 45 s . f. caH arid endow (with privilege) Is 51 2 54" 55 s . 6. call=nam* : a. (early and most common usage), call one's name (0&) so and so, 2 ace. : of pers. Gn 3 20 4 25 - 26 5 "- s »+ 34 t. Gn, Ex 2 10ffi Ho i 46 - 9 Is 7" 8 s c/ + iot.(Je46 ,7 read DB'WOp © Gie al.); of places, etc., Gn 4 " ii'+i7 t. Gn, Jui 1726 2 s 15" 18 29 + 2 1 1. b. c. ace. of appellation only, Ez 39". c. ace. pers. vel loc. + ace. appell. Ho 2 18 Dt 3 14 Je23 6 Is58 6 Nu32 41 . d. ace. pers. + cl. i//- 89 s7 . e.=givename io,acc.appell.4- ? pers. (loc.,velrei) : (1) pers.Ho 2 18 Gn 35 18 1 S 4 21 Je 3" 3° 17 33 16 + 9 t; (2) loc, vel rei, Ju 18 12 2 S 2 16 5 9 6 8 Jos 22" (name lost, @ Heb. Codd. ins."lJJ ; cf. Di Steuern), Gn i"-" 2 1919 Ex 33 7 + 30 t. + Jb 17" (? + sentence incl. name), f. c. 002 + 7 Is 40 26 , cf. 65" pn« DC*) ) ^i 4 7^(niDE') ) Ru 4 17 (D?' + ->b«b), Gn 2 20 26 1818 (all c. 00). g. c. 7 rei + Bg*"?S

S i8' s . h. call by (2) names the names (ace.) 

of cities NU32 18 ; call to (?) city, + appell., + ice's v 42 . i. call cities (ace.) OB'S , i. e. specify them, Jos 2 1 9 1 Ch 6 50 (niOBfe). tNiph. Pf.

ms. NTJP? Je4 20 +, 1 s. *W^J Est 4", etc.; 

Imp/. 3 ms. K3R Gn 2° + , *3R!B( 20 29 + , etc.; P«. «T?? Is 43 7 Je 44 26 ; P 1 - D ^"!i?? Is 4 8 ' Est 6';—l. reflex., T? Bhpn TKJ Is 48 s ,/row the Iwly city they call themselves. 2. pass, be called: a. be proclaimed (cf. Qal 3), of "" 00 Je 44 26 (nD3instr.); of man's name = be famous Ru 4 14 ; = be announced Je 4 20 . b. be read aloud (cf. Qal 4) : impers. c. 3 of book, + *3JK3 Nei3'; subj. records Est 6' (V.??). c. be summoned (cf. Qal 5): IS31 4 (?J? against); Est3 ,! 4"" 8"; + Q «? i3 , i.e. specifically, 2". d. be named (cf. Qal 6): (1) appell. subj. + 7 pers. Gn 2 21 to her shall be called ' woman,' 1 S 9* Is * s 62 412 Pn6 21 ; 4-7 loc. 2S18 18 Is i 26 35 s Je 19°. (2) *WI to? K-JP31 Dt 25'°, so Gn 35'° Dn io 1 Ez 20 28 (of place); 1»trnS Ez 20 29 . (3) 151 IBtaJ nanpJI Zc 8 s , so of land Dt 3 13 , temple Is 56L (4) esp. 7J? " 00 K$Q , denoting ownership, of pers. Je 15 16 , people Dt 28 10 Je 14" Am 9 12 Is 63 19 2 Ch 7 14 , ark 2 S 6 s (del. 2nd 00 © We Dr al.), = I Ch 1 3 6 (adding VPV Oettli Kau ; > Kit Hp * Of O0) t temple 1 K 8 4:, = 2 Ch Je7 ,(

s4 34 15 , city Je 25 N Dn 9" 

city + people v 19 ; so name of man 2 S I2 ! , given to his wife IS4 1 . (5) be called 00 ?$?, i.e. reckoned to, Gn 4 8 6 Is54 5 6i 6 ; tS3tr78 iCh23 14 , cf. Ezr2 , '=Ne7 63 . (6) be called

Is 43 7 4 8 l . (7) jnr,^ T. POP* Gn 21", 

i. e. in (through) 'X? shall seed be reckoned to thee ; , l?f 0r Klfc} 48" through them shall my name be called, i. e. perpetuated. (8) be named= mentioned, of pers. Is 14 20 . (9) subj. 00 Ec 6 10 , i.e. thing is known. tPu. (Ez and Is 2 ) Pf. 3 ms. N"5P be called, subj. appell. + 7 pers. vel rei = be named, Is 48 s Ez 10" ('ip); iOp) consec. Is 58 12 6 1* 62 2 (BHH Dt?); N"p X7 "M •>rs0k 65 1 ( < »TJ5 or S-I.P [Qal T 2 cj, Vrss Lo Ew Che Di al.) ; be called and privileged (cf. Qal 5 f ), Pt. •*$$ 'V 4 8 12 . fl. N"lp n.m. J ° I7,,1 usu. partridge (fr. call- ing; v. Gray in FFP 123 p st H " tta «' DB ""- Tristr v.»ii> i-.-.i. nif. . otherwise Ikj 1 "'"" n * ** r ' ** *""'" " ll * •«),wS 26 20 Je 17", cf. 'ipn rf Ju 15 19 . fn. N~pp n. pr. m. Kw/n/ft Kaprj, etc.; Levites : 1. 1 Ch 9 19 26 1 (top). 2. 2 Ch 31 4 . T[S^1p] adj. called, summoned; — pi. cstr. as subst. ; "IJ?iO '^"Ip Nu 1 6 2 <Ae summoned ones of assembly, term, techn. for representa- tives, councillors ; so rnjffi "K^p i"> Kt (Qr WP), 26 9 Qr (Kt <MTP ! cf. /Qal 5 d). TnN^lp n.f. proclamation ; — Jon 3". fcOPTS n.m. Exl2,16 convocation, oonvok- t': • 2S ing, reading ; — 'ti abs. Is I 13 Ne 8 8 ; cstr. Ex I2 16 4-; pi- cstr. "s-jpo Lv2 3 2 + ; sf. !#$? (Ges S91k ) Is 4 6 ; — 1. convocation, sacred assem- bly Is i IS (after top), 4 5 ; usu. explicitly EHp '», term, techn. in P for religious gathering on Sabbath and certain sacred days, Ex i2 1616 + 14 t. Lv 23 Nu 28, 29, + (pi.) Lv 23 2437 . 2. (n. verbi, as Aram. Inf., Ges »«•.<*■»") con- voking, nnjJn 'a Nu io 2 . 3. reading Ne 8 8 . II. [i^")p] vb. encounter, befall (|| form of iTl^. q.v. ; SI 4 J"Pp7 to meet, opposite; At. Yyi, jmt part to part; Min. X~ip set opposite, Horn ch»t.n7j._Q al]ii py. 5 3ms . s f. ^Sip ; Je^ 22 Jb 4 2 ; 3 fs. nsnp T Dt 31 s9 Je 44 21 , etc.; Impf. ,

ms. Mrj£ Gn4 9 ', sf. MK^ Gn 4 2 4 ; 3 fpl. 

f^fJPB Lv io 19 ; Ex i 10 rd. 3 fs. sf. «snpn (Sam Vrss Di Ges 547k So K '" Baen); Inf. cstr. 121 ntqp? (Ge8 il9k Ol* ,s7 ),Gni5 10 +,etc.;P<.fpl.sf.Tnk-|p Is 5 1 l9 ; — 1. n»«e<, encounter, only inf. cstr. HKlp? oft. = prep, toward, against (Kb" 1 ' 317 ), almost always c. ace. pers., after vb. of motion, Is 7 s Gn 19 1 24 17 Ju 4 1822 1 K 2 s 4-; in war, battle,