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read also 3" 19 with © Ruet ^ Wild, for MT nipt?) ; — 1. accident, chance, 1 S 6 9 20 26 ; c. nip Ru 2 s (v. 'p 1). 2. in Ec, fortune, fate, 'D Db-DK nip? ins Ec 2 14 cf. v 15 , 3 1919 ' 9 9 s - 3 . tmip n.f. rafter, beam (prop, a thing meeting, fitting into, another); — sf. Wp Gn 19 8 (J)=my roof-tree; pi. nil'p rafters, abs. 2 CI13 7 , cstr. || 1 K 6 16b (reading JEBH nMp © Th Kit Benz, for MT niTp), + f> (reading nillpn for V$$n, v. r p) ; Ct i 17 <JI UD'ni Kt, vtrni Q r ) ; more gen. beam, sg. abs. niip 2 K 6 2 ' 6 . t[rnp] vb. denoni. Pi. lay the beams of, furnish with beams; — c. ace. of the building : Pf 3 pi. sf. W»E Ne 3 36 ; Inf. cstr. rtn$ Ne 2 8 2 Ch 34 11 ; P<. niptpn f I04 3 (fig.). tn"ipp n.[m.] beam- work; — Ec io 18 . tfinp n.f. town, city (syn. of I" 1 ?, chiefly poet., and in the higher style; perhaps from above /as meeting-place of men; cf. n.pr.loc. MI 13 nnp, l.'° |nnp; JAram. nnp);— abs. 'p Is i si + ; cstr. nnp Nu 2i 28 +;— i- in gen. Dt 2 36 3 4 . 2. of specif, towns, Ho 6 8 (IV^, © Codd - TaXyoXa, cf. Now); jn'p nnp NU2I 28 ; Damascus, 'WtoO 'p Je 49 25 (|| "&>? TJ) J esp. of Jerus. Mi 4 10 ' Is 29 1 33 20 , 'p nuhl La 2", 32 1)^0 'p ,/, 4 8 3 , city for inhab. 1 K i 4145 , 'p njow is i 21 '- 6 (|| pivn tjj), nri>y 'p 2 2 2 (|| T? n , nin) ) 32 13 . 3. in Is 2 4-2 6 coll., i.e. denoting various, representative, cities, VW 'p 24 10 , 'p rrynra 25', dtiv D ^ 3 "P v 3 , naa'eo 'p 2 6 6 ; so prob! Hb 2 8 - 17 . ' 4. mdef.,Hb2 ,1! (l|l , V); Pr 29 s , ft T 18 19 a city of strength, so ti? "P io 15 (infig.) = i8 11 (i<i.);=inhab.,ii 10 /ppon ! Jb39 7 . nnp v. D^V: n -1i?-

(Symbol missingHebrew characters) n.pr.loc. (Symbol missingGreek characters) (perh. double city (du.), yet in gen. on (Symbol missingHebrew characters) missing}} in n.pr.loc. v. Ges§ 88 c);—1. in Moab (MI10) Je:48:1 ((Symbol missingHebrew characters)), v:23, so (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Ez:25:9 Qr (Kt (Symbol missingHebrew characters)); Reubenite city acc.to Nu:32:37 ((Symbol missingHebrew characters)) Jos:13:9; (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Gn 14:5 plain of Ḳiryathaim (v. (Symbol missingHebrew characters)); mod. Ḳurêyât, c. ¼m. SE. from (Mt.) 'Aṭṭarus (nhcy), and 6¾ m. NNW. from Dibon ; GASmGeogr. 567 f. BuhlGeogr. 267. 2. Levit. city in Naphtali 1Ch:6:61, = (Symbol missingHebrew characters) (Symbol missingsymbol characters) Jos:21:32 ((Symbol missingGreek characters), (Symbol missingsymbol characters)L (Symbol missingGreek characters)).

t JTipN n^p n.pr.loc. older name of Hebron ; wdXir Apj3o(«), Kap(t)a<ty>/3oK, etc. (prob. = fourfold city (otherwise Jos 14 16 15 13 21 1 '), imp v. esp. GFM) j— Jos 1 4 15 (JED), Jui ,ob (y3lK V), also Gn 23* Jos I5 ,3M 20 7 21 11 (all P); 'RH 'p Gn 35 117 (P) Ne 1 1 25 .— Vid. ffon. t^ya nnp v. prSR n -1P- Tn'iJin nnp n.pr.loc. in Moab, n6us (irai(a>v, Nu 2 2 39 , site unknown. tony' nnp n.pr.loc. 7rdx(c)is iap«p[*], Kapia^iapti/i, etc. (city of forests ; — city of the Gibeonites Jos 9 17 , assigned to Judah Jos 1 5 60 cf. Ju i8 12lJ , on border of Benj. Jos 15 9 (in BTJ^J v 10 , © n6iv lapw, v. D , "!^)» l8 "> assigned to Benj. v 28 (Ciy? m. by text. err. before D'ly, v. ©); near Beth Shemesh i S 6 21 , long the abode of ark 7 12 1 Ch 13 66 2 Ch i 4 ; named in genealogical list 1 Ch 2 s0 - 5253 ; named also Ne 7 M = D^V 'p Ezr 2 25 (read Dn£) ; c. art. D^JH 'p Je 26 20 ; abbreviated (in poet.) ("HP) " 1 .^^i32 6 ; called also ^SfTCTB (Kapia8Paa) Jos 15 60 i8 ,4 + v is (where read for &*"!$ 'p, so © Di Benn Steuern) ; this abbrev. into '"VV3, 15 910 [(l«)3aaX], also v 11 - 29 , and HW h>3» 2 S6 2 (rd. 'n; Vya, or *HJ ha»), nri'pya y 'i Ch 13 s (v. on these ll. n ?5!l). Identif. uncertain ; Bob 8 " 1 -" conj. Kiry'at el-'Enab, 8m. + W. of Jerusalem (cf. Kaptadiapcip, Lag " ™- 271 ); 'Erma (Henderson p * 1 - 85 - " 2 - 210 Conder 8urvw Mem - '"• "»•), cf. GASm G « OBT - 226r - Buhl Geo « r - ,Mt . narnnp v. foil, n^v 'p v. foreg. T - - :'• • t T 1QD - nnp n.pr.loc. wdXis (ra>v)ypappaTav, + (® B Ju 1 ") Kapiao-aaxpap : ancient name of TO" 5 ] (v. 11. '*1 2 c) (perh. 1Bb~'p scribe-town, cf. © supr., also (Symbol missingsymbol characters) and Egyptian Ba'-litu-pa-'irq, house of scribe, WMM A "- U - Kur - 174 Buhi Ge<>1!r - 274 °cf. GFM Ju );— Jos 15 1516 Ju i 1112 ; another name is i13D"'p Jos 15 49 (but © woXit ypapparav, hence rd. perh. lSD"'p, so Steuern), in S. Judah ; on site (prob. Dhoherlye, 5 h. SW. from Hebron) v. n. f^] 2 c and Buhl GMgrI64 . t[n")p] n.f. town, city (late poet.) (cf.Ph. nnn nip n.pr.loc. in Cyprus, also=CartAa<7«, and perhaps Cirta, Tigranocerta ; cp.Thes); — always nip; — of Job's city, Jb 29 7 ; indef. Pr 8 3 9 314 ; city as a corporate body of men 11". tnnip n.pr.loc. Kadr)S, KapiOa, etc.: Levit. city in Zebulun Jos 21 34 , site unknown. jrnp v. o^nnp 2.