tmfi a.m. ">«■" (f. **»») way> path ( As «rAw COT G,0 », Aram. mk, L^A_'j, a bs. T>« VT9 6 +; cstr. Pr 4 ,8 +; sf. TO Jb 19 8 ^ 139 3 etc.; pi. abs. H^rnx Jus 6 - 6 ; cs 'tr. nirnx Jb 8" +; s f - Tftjt Jb 13 27 33"; Qnin-iK j »* p r 9 15 ; DrpnhrjN p r2 15 ,- also vnrnk i s2 3 +; I'nh-ik V' H9 IS + etc.; — way, ^>a<A (in Heb. mostiy poet.) 1. lit. Ju 5 6 ' 6 song of Deb. (alone = highways, opp. riipppgj) 'X crooked (by-)pat/is; cf. alsoD^n? , ?|>'n l -6.);'l833 9/ Nn3"y= W ay/ara- (||ni->DD), v. also Gn49 17 (blessing of Jacob) (II TO) & Drrtrm Dn^Dri «Aose wAo make straight their ways (|| !JT1 naj?) p r 9 15 , 'X Ni3 ^ (tread) a ;>a<A I841 3 ; of course of locusts J02 7 'X |M33y* si? they confuse not their paths( tfSVti; B**E 'X pa<As 0/ the seas f 8 9 ; mk pn rMm afo,^ a path, fig. of sun ^ 19 6 . 2. fig. pa«A, way, of course & fortunes of life Jb 8 13 i^"=^ n I9 8 (II ™ a ™) * I39 3 (II TO) 142 4 (|| "?<*?) p r 3 6 (II TO) 4 18 I5 19 (both || id.) Is 26' (H^VP) so T?rnk ^ i s 3 » ; p i a i n or even j )at h "tohf 'x V' 27"; in two cases with a special ref. (1) BtyS mk Gn 18" (J) of menstruation; (2) V%* 3*^ *6 rnk a jpa<A (tnt«A) / *Aa« M0 « return, I am going Jb 16^ i.e. to Sh6l, cf. As. name of lower world irsit Id tdrat, land without return, v. Jr 1065 . 3. fig. way, of mode of living, or of character Jb 34" (|| ?5?3) ^ 119 9 . Specif.: a..waysof' his mode of action ^25'°; b. of man's righteousness, called ways of'i jr
5 4 (|| D<rn) 44 i» „ 9 » (|| nnipsi) i s 2 3 =Mi 4 2
(II D,3 "H) cf. yVQp? 'N Is 2 6 8 ; also way of justice, uprightness, etc. DBK>D 'X Pr 2 8 (|| IfH) 17 23 ls 4 o 14 (BTO), T§* t* Pr 2 13 (Ijid), njrjj r x 8 20 (|| rtwru), I2 » (y nyru ^. g0 m_X alone Is 30" (||TfTJ) Pr I5 ' ; note esp. Q"0 ITjJ; ^>a<A of life, in righteousness & enjoyment of God ^ 16 11 Pr2 19 5 6 15 24 (opp. Wp), also D«ni> 'X I0 17 (on these cf. Str Pr 1 4 32 ) ; C. of wickedness, J"T| 'X way, path of the violent -^if, cf. also Pr2 2 2S ; D'JEn 'X Pr4 14 (II TO). ?# ' x i 19 ; «q. abstr. "ip^'X | n f, so v 128 (|| OHIpS), also c. adj. Jn 'X ^ii 9 101 cf. Pr2 15 (D'B'ipV crooked) called D$yKn Jb 22 16 ; note also DTX 'X <Aei'r destructive ways, i. e. ways that cause destruction Jb 30 12 (cf. 19 12 ). 4. by meton. traveller, wayfarer Jb
1 32 (cf. ?Jjn 2 S 12 4 ) & in pi. caravans 6 18 ";
but rd. perh. rnt6 31^ rtTTTfe 6 l81 ». TrnN (traveller]) 1. a man of Asher 1 Ch 7 39 . 2. head of a family of return- ing exiles Ezr 2 5 =Ne 7 10 ; perh. = rn_X Ne 6 1S . '""7"? ~ a-f - meal > allowance (of food) abs. Je 40'; cstr. P11 nrnx Pr 1 5" « portion of herbs, i.e. a slender meal ; elsewh. of allowance given to captive king Jehoiachin, TDTI 'X a continual allowance 2 K 25 M = Je 52"; *JVV)X ib.=id. ' [^"7"]^] a-f- travelling company, cara- van (strictly Pt. of rnx), cs t r . firrk Gn 37 1 *; pi. cstr. ninix Is 21"; cf. also sub rnk, 4. ^HM, ^M^M etc, v. I. & II. mx. tljtHM king of Ellasar Gn 14", ally of Chedorlaomer in his western foray (prob. = Rim-Aku, Elamite king of Larsa= Ellasar; cf. COT"- 297 '). tppN, *T]N] vb. be long, almost alw. of time (As. ardku COT G1 °", Aram. ^X, J?* — Qal Pf 13-iX Gn 26 s ; Impf. VFj£ Ez 12 22 ; 3 fpl- n J?1^1 Ez 3 1 5 (del. B Co)— be long, subj. D'Djn^.e. a long time passed Gn 2 6 8 (J); cf. As. urriku Ami, days grew long, Creation Tablet* v. COT Gn i 1 ); of delayed fulfilment of pro- phecy Ez 12 22 ; subj. nixa Ez3i s (but cf. supr.) Hiph. Pf. T"!£?Pr 19 11 ; Piaixni Dt22 7 , etc.; Impf. T1«- Dti? 20 -)-; OTip Dt«5*j J«"ix: Ex 20 12 cf.' Dt 5 16 6 2 ; fsnxn' Dt 4 26 3 o 18 , etc.'; Imv. fs. S'lXn Is54 2 : Inf. cstr. T"]Xn Nu 9 10 -" 3 ; PMjnXD Ec 7 !S 8 12 ;— 1. trans, prolong, (a)obj. Q'O; (i.e. live long) Dt 4 2 " 5 30 n 9 17 20 22' 30 18 32 47 Jos 24 31 = Ju 2 7 (c. ,- ?nX= survive), Pr 28 16 Is 53 10 Ec 8 13 ; also (late) without tK!> Ec 7 ,i 8 12 ; (b) id. 1 K 3 14 '•> subj. TCpiX "B^Kri] / will prolong thy days; (c) postpone anger Is 48" cf. Pr 19" (i.e. shew oneself slow to anger); v. also Jb6 u *?>ig ?rm i.e. be patient; (d) lit. (but in fig.) make long furrows (c. 7) yr 129 3 ; tent- cords Is 54 2 ; tongue 57* (stretch out in mock- ery). 2. intrans. grow long, continue long (i.e. display length or continuance), subj. D'O' Ex 20 l2 =Dt 5 16 6 2 25"; tarry long Nu 9 1922 (subj. fJV0)> l ast (continue) long, subj. J? Pr28 2 ; be long (lit.) of staves of ark 1 K 8 8 2 Ch 5 9 . "^7.^ n.[m.] length — only sg., 'x abs. Ex 27'+'; cstr. Gn6 ,6 + ; *3")X Ex25 ,0 + ; D?"!X 2 Ch 3 11 ; f?1X Ez 42", etc.— a. length of ark Gn 6 ,5 (P), of land of Canaan i3 17 (J); most oft. of ark & other measurements in tabernacle & temple EX25 1017 2 6 2 - 8 27'- 9 + (22t. Ex,P), 1 K 6 2 - 3a, + (i3 t. K & Ch), Ez 4 o 7 " 18 + (4i t. Ez), etc. b. of time 1W 'X Dt 30 20 Jb 1 2 12 f 2 I s 23* 9 1 ' 6 93 s Pr 3 s " Las 20 . °. ^M '* forbear- ance, self-restraint, Pr 25". — (Ez 31 7 ® <& Co rd. 3T for ^.X, cf. v 4 where Co del. vb. 11X ; 4 1 22 rd. prob. WX © Sm, or VJHX Co=6ose.)