Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/974

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ND1 || «*!«?). Hithpo'. Pf. 3 fs. + Qal Inf. abs. (v. supr.) pKp] n ^f"! 1! !' ^ Is 24" the earth is broken asnnder trrfaim fie, nooicrin oto); also /«/. c*«r. yjrt~U7irib Pri8 M wt'W be broken in 2>ieces (Ges ,U4 '), ruined, De al., but < read nijnnnb Vrss Toy al., v. II. r«n Hithp. (see, however Dr Klpo ' TtmM,1<1899 " 1900, ' 23or '). t[*1J^™)] vb. trickle, drip, synon. of 70, II- *|~iy (cf. Ar. >_i.cj /oi» (of blood), bleed (of the nose)); — Qal Impf. 3 mpl. ^QJTJ^, of clouds Jb 36 s (c. ty pers.; || '^f ), c. ace. mat. 70 Pr 3*°; %• ??$ P a r!' T^V? V 65 1J (i.e. fertilizing rain); subj. of moistened ground,"^!*? nfoO, v 13 . Hiph. Imv. mpl. to'!?")? Is 45 s trickle, O heavens, from above (fig.: ||P"j's^f). t[WH] vb. shatter (Aram. YV) smite, shatter/ c£ perh. TelAm. rahdsu,Wk T " 1Am - ,a - ffl ' w, 3i) -—Impf 3 f s . TiK f snn " ^W3J Ex 15 6 ; 3 m. pi. WW Ju 10 8 , ace. pers. (of men ; || «tf»Jl). t[t£^"l] vb. quake, shake, intr. (NH = BH, so Aram. *±.i (rare), and (once) W$~ toss, rage (of sea); Ar. jj»i;, usu. t^C, iJ^J (loan- word?), tremble, quiver, quake; cf. perhaps As. reSu, exult);— Qal Pf. 3 fs. HK-gn J e 8 16 49 s ', n fP, Ju 5* f68 9 ; 3 pi. *W) Jo 2 10 +, etc. Impf. 3 ms. effP f 72 16 , 3 fpl.' njfjnri Ez z 6 10 , etc.; i>«. pi. DWl Je4 24 ;— gwaie, »/taA«, of earth Ju5 4 =^68 9 ', 2S 22 8 (||m)='fi8 8 (|| irf.), f 77"( + tn), also Isi3 13 (c. |3"V +Wij»W?, pregu.; || tj"3), Jesi 29 ; c. ?0 caus. Je8 16 io'° 49 21 ; of HJf ^P' Is 24 18 ; of heavens Jo 2 10 (»jp caus.; || t?^); heavens and earth 4 16 ; mts. Je4 24 Na I s (P? pers. caus.), V<- 46 4 (3 caus.); walls Ez26 ,0 (|O caus.); D^K v 15 (id.); nitrOO 27 s8 (? caus.); D^BH Amp 1 ; all living things Ez 38 20 ( H ?SD caus.); of waving grain ^72 16 . Niph. jn«n H^jn? J e 50 46 t* marfe to quake (7ipt?). Hiph. JP/ 2 ms. nntyjrin ^6o 4 ; 1 s. W^Tjn Ez 3 1 16 ; "Wl consec. Hg2 7 ; 7m^/. 2 ms. sf. 3 ms. ^Tp{) Sh^; Pt. e*?">» Is i 4 '«  + 2 t.; — 1. cause to quake, subj. '*, c. ace. of heavens, earth, nations, etc., Hg 2 6721 , cf. ^6o 4 ; nations + S' 5 '? EZ31 16 ; subj. man, c. ace. of kingdoms Is I4 16 (|| TJ5). 2. cause (horse) to spring, lea]) (like locust), man subj., Jb 39 20 . ttZftn n.m. Jel<>Z! quaking, shaking ;—'-| abs. iK 19" + , cstr. Na 3' Jb 41";— 1. specif. earthquake, Ami' Zc 14 s 1 K ig"-"- a ; fig. of V| judgment Is 29" Ez 38"; cf. (in vision) hSp 7113 '1 3 ,S13 ; prob. also 3 7 7 (© Thes Co Krae ; > rustling, rattling, Hi-SmToy); hence hy- perbol. of shaking of earth by tramping of warriors IS9 4 , by war-chariots Je47 3 , cf. io 22 , or wheels Na 3 s , by war-horse('s hoofs) Jb 39 s4 ( + 'P). . quaking, trembling, of pers. Ez 1 2 18 . 3y shaking, quivering, of dart Jb

1 21 (al. rushing sound). 

t N2") vb. heal (NH in deriv.; Ph. nan, T T " Syr. j& Iieal; on Aram. cpd. with K3T v. No 2 " 01 " 1888 *' 72 ' Lzb 369 ; Sab. NB17K Langer1,1 DHMZMG xxxvii (1883), 326; Ar. (Symbol missingArabic characters) (and (Symbol missingArabic characters)) darn, mend, repair, pacify; Eth. £<hfo s<t<c& together, mend; cf. Kiichenmeister zwlM - Th - X " (1887) - 257ff );— Qal 2y. 3 ms. consec. "1] Is 6 10 , sf. DKEP1 19 22 , 1 s. sf. consec. VT1NB")* 57 19 , etc.; Impf. 3 ms. KB"V 2 K 20 8 + , sf. UXBT Ho 6 1 , 1 s. KB1K Hoi 4 5 + ^ ns-is (Ges S75ro ) JV3 22 ; 3 fpl. nrain (Id ibm ) Jb 5 18 , etc.; 7w». ms. SST Nu 1 2 13 , nan (Id ,b -») ^6o nStB-l 4 i», etc.; )w/. abs. iflBJ Isi 9 22 ; orfr. K's^ H05 13 , etc.; Pi. KBT 2 K 20 6 + , etc.; — heal : 1. lit., a. of God, c. ace. pers. Gn 20 17 (E), i/cio7 20 (sf.), c. t> pers. Nui2 13 (JE) 2 K 2o 5 - 8 . b. of men, abs. Ec 3 s (opp.nn) ; pt. as subst. healer, physician, Gn 50 2 ' 2 (J) 2 Ch 16 12 . 2. fig., heal hurts of nation, involving (Symbol missingHebrew characters)'s (restored) favour (and, often, forgiveness): a. subj.' c. sf. pers., H06 1 1 1 3 (yet cf.We Now), Ex 15- (J), Is I9 22 " 57 1819 Je 33 6 + 3° 3 , of. 6 3 ; c. ace. DJ? 2 Ch 30 20 , c. ace. H? 2 Ch 7 14 ; c. b of nation Ho 7 1 , and (indef. subj.) Is 6 10 (lest) one heal them ( = pass., they be healed); c. ace. of hurt, insp ym 30 26 , n"-af ( f land) ^6o 4 , so TQ"Vffft Ho 1 4 5 Je 3 s2 (incl. the consequences of backsliding); c. ? of hurt ^ 103 3 ; ace. nation (personif.) + JO of hurt Je 30 17 1 will heal thee of thy wounds (|| 1]NB"1N) ; abs. Is 1 g* 2 * (opp. r}}), Dt32 39 (opp.}»nD); subst. healer, physician Je 8 s2 . b. human subj., c. 7 of nation, Ho 5 13 , cf. La 2 13 . 3. a. fig., heal individ. distresses, c. sf. pers. Je 17 14 , c. ace. , E'B3=m« yjr 41 6 , c. ? pers., 3? T^B'p V' I 47 3 (i- e - i° n g' n g exiles, cf. Is 61 s ); abs. Jb5 18 (opp. JTID); pt. as subst. Jb 13 4 . Niph. Pf. 3 ms. tSf% Lv i3 37 + , 3 fs. HT«f}? (Ges 575 "") Je5i 9 ; 3 pi. 1KS"131 consec. Ez 4V; Impf 2 ms. Win Je 51 8 ; 3 mpl. ^Bn". Ez 47 s1 ', WW (Ges ,c ) 2 K 2 s2 , etc.; /«/. eafr. HfTQ Je 15 >' +) nenn (Id lb ) Jeip 11 ;— 6e healed: 1. lit., of pers. 1 S 6 3 ; +acc. of disease Dt 2 8 27 - 35 ; subj. disease LV13 1837 14 348 ; of (bad) water