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tj"ltt*l6fl n.f. (deposit, then, cstr. T 'n) pledge, security, Lv 5 21 (P; || fnj3S). ^11. QW, DW (peril, ./of foil.; cf. Ar. Ill be inauspicious, *li ill-luck). trTVuT (van d. H. ran? Kt) perhaps n.f. token of unluckiness, scowl ; — 2 S 1 3 32 , so Ew° "'■ «■ H - m (abbrev. fr.i>KDb»; or emend. riDBfcf) We RS En " Brlt -< 9 > Dlvl ° Kit, cf. Dr HPS. t ["fittf] vb. saw (|| foi-m of "lfeo ; denom. fr.TWp ?);— Qal 7«ip/. 3 mOb"! i Ch 20 3 (but v. D'fc» 1 a).— Ho 9" v. -ilD ; Ju a 22 Ho 8 4 v. Tils'; 12 5 v. mb

(Symbol missingHebrew characters) Is:28:25 prob. dittogr. for foil. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) (Koppe T We Che al.; (Symbol missingsymbol characters)(Symbol missingsymbol characters)on); (Symbol missingsymbol characters)(Symbol missingsymbol characters) Ges Di al. in rows (adv. acc; but NH (Symbol missingHebrew characters), Ar. (Symbol missingArabic characters), Lag GGN, 1889, 198 cf-Vog elst Landswirthsch who favours (Symbol missingHebrew characters) in Is. More plausible would be some grain, as (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Zinj.Inscr., Lzb374 SachauPanammu 23).

tfe^, WW vb. exult, rejoice (No ZMa «„« (1883,. 636 der _ (< perll /) fr< inter j ; fts L£Q an enticing call, so Gerber 50 );— Qali*/. 3 ms.b'b' Dt 28° + , 1 s. *nW V' n 9 U , etc.; 7«y,/. 3 ms. trty Dt 28 63 + , '3 mpl. D*^ Is 35 1 (Ges* 47 » Kb'- 510 , but D erron. Kenu 01 !2 " a , prob. dittogr., so Lo Hi Gr Che Hpt Marti), etc.; Imv. fs. *fty La 4 2 , mpl. *i*' Is 65 18 66 10 ; Inf. abs. bnb» 6i 10 ; cstr. bfefy Dt 30 9 ; — exult, display joy, c. Vy <wer,Dt28 63 - 63 3o 9 - 9 Je32 41 Is62 6 Zp 3 1 (+nnp'B'3; || ^?), fii9 1B ; c. 3 Is 61 10 (&*?«< 1*%), 65 M

  • 35* (all || 7%); 4 o ,7 68 4 ( + nnt?B'3; || ^j?), ^

(all || not?); x I0 " Jb 39 2 ' (horse), > 19 6 (sun, as atlilete); c. ^3 and cl. La i 2 '; abs. Is 35 1 65"* (both || 7%), 6 4 4 (but del. ) V® © GrDu Che" 1 " Marti),68:14; La:4:21 ((Symbol missingHebrew characters)), Jb:3:22 ((Symbol missingHebrew characters)), Is 66 10 (ace. cogn.; || b"i, nob/).— Ez 2 1 15 is crpt., Co Kb.^J»$ (forb"b»3), Krae Vfr$, other conj. in comm.; on cl. vid. esp. Da Toy Heb - Hpt -. TjiifUl l.m. I,!ls exultation, rejoicing; — abs. / b»V45 a +. jb'b'EstS 1 "; cstr. [fet^Sta 12966 ) ψ:51:14 119:11; — exultation, joy (esp. in (Symbol missingHebrew characters)'s favour), .Toi I2 Isi2 3 ^5i I4 io5 43 ii9 ul ; 1? Cp (i. e. with which guest s were anointed ; fig.) ^4 5 s Is6l 3 (opp. ^«); 'b» Bg> Je 33 9 (|| njfrfij ; n text v.GieAlbr ZAWlvi<U96) ' m ); elsewh. || nrbb» : Je-j" 15" 1 6" 25 10 33 11 Is 22 13 (only here condemned as reckless, wanton), 35 10 51 311 Zc 8 19 ty 51 10 Est 8 i6.i7. ||nob'Je3i 13 (opp.bNi). pnto ttoitoQ n.m." 248 id.; — abs. 'o Is 3 2 13 + , cstr. b»ibnp Jb8 19 + ; s f. 'b'ib'o Je 49 25 , nb/ibt? Ho 2' 3 ; — exultation, in gen., La 5 15 (opp. i^X), Is 24" 66'° (ace. cogn.); of bridegroom 6V; BW 'D 24 s , 1133 1J v 8 ; 'D V!B 33 '3 ; f Jerus. (as causing joy) 6o 15 ty 48" La 2 15 , cf. Je 49 s ('b-Vco tc$-, || n^nn), i s 6 5 ls (|| n^|) ; tof! '» (of godless man) Jb 8 19 ; fflflD "0 Is 3 2 l4 j i.e. desert. — 'o Is 8 6 , si vera 1., is cstr. before prep., but ('3«?) DIDO, Hi Gie Che Du Kit Marti al. nti? v. n$». t[nnt^] vb. swim (NH ?np swimming; $ NHD, Sy r . ^a, swim, bathe, also Njnp, Krnp, Nrrtb' swimmer; Aph. was/t) ; — Qal Pt. + Inf. cstr. rinbb nrrfjn bna* nates i s 25 ". Hiph. /mgf. 1 s. nriB'X x/,6 r I make my bed swnwi (with my tears; another view sub 1?W Qal 1). tlTrtp n.[m. 8t ** m '] swimming (on format, (and tone) Ges* 84 " Kb 111 - 60 - 497 );— 'b» 'D Ez47*. t [^nt^] vb. squeeze out (so NH Onp, Aram. Onp ; Mand. ODD spread out Nb M238 ); — Qallmpf. i s.Dnb»K} Gn4o" (E; bit DnjyrrnN). t^^niT] adj.(?), doubtful (van d. H. *(*#.; /unknown); — cstr. )'? ^nc? EZ41 10 usually panelled, wainscotted, with wood; or n. a icains- cot of wood, but Co ,! !3n, Toy ^BT (cstr. ,! an). t pntP vb. laugh (|| pnv, q.v.; NH pn'e>, POD ; Eth. u-rft*:);— Qal Pf. 3 ms. 'bn consec. Pr 29 s ; 3 pi. ^pnb/ La i 7 Jb 30 1 ; /mp/ 3 ms. pnb-) Jb 39 7 + , etc.; Inf. cstr. pinb" Ju 16 21 Ec 3 4 ; — 1. a. laugh at, usu. in contempt, derision, c. ?y pers. Jb3o'^52 8 ; ?$? rei Lai 7 ; capers. God subj. Vr 37" 59 9 (|| JJD); c. b rei vel pers.= have no fear of, Hb i 10 Jb s 22 Pr 31 23 , also, fig., of noble animals Jb 39 7 - 18 - :s 41 s1 ; abs., Pr 29" (opp. V), of '■> V 2 4 (|| ivb), of wisdom Pr i 26 (3 temp. ; || id.). b. c. b» pers., appar. of friendly laugh Jb 29 s '; in gen. Ec 3 4 (opp. H33). 2. sport, play, Jui6 27 . Pi. Pf. 1 s. ^PO'en i S 6 21 ; Impf. 3 ms.'pnb^l J u 16 25 , etc.; Inf. cstr.~plivb f 104 26 ; Pt. plihu Pr 26 19 r Ch 15 39 , f. npnb/o Pr 8 30 - 31 ; ].!. D'pnb'D 2 S 6 5 4- , nipntro

S 18'; — 1. make sport, Jui 6 25 (? pers.) 2 S 2 14 

0?.?£ pers.; in tournament), Pr 8 30 C?.?! 5 ), v 31 (3 loc). 2. ,/««<, Pr 26 19 . 3. play : incl. instr. music, singing and dancing 1 S 1 8 7 , c. ' , V.??