Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/995

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bvto 971 /?2t& (-/of foil.; Ar. ^l,enclose,envelope; cloak, Lane 1600 Dozy v "" n,!nt '• M, •• 232, •). TrnOty n.f. wrapper, mantle; — abs. r V) Gn 9 23 V, cstr. r£o'e> Dt2i 13 22 s ; sf. ytfccfr Dt8 4 , etc.; pi. tiriv Gn45 22 - 22 + , sf. V&fr 44 13 + , etc.; — wrapper, mantle (of man or [Ku3 3 +] woman), usu. square piece of cloth worn as outer garment (v.Hackie"*"- Da ] ' m ; Benz H B c.Bih...i.s 9 M) ) Gn35 2 Ex 22 se (bothE), Dt8 4 io 18 21 13 22' Is 3 W 9 4 2 S 12 20 Kt, Ru 3 3 Kt (Qr in both pi.); as covering in sleep Gn 9" 1 (J; cf. Ex 2 2 26 ), bed-covering Dt 22 17 ; covering or re- ceptacle for articles Ex 1 2 34 (E), Ju 8 25 1 S 2 1 10 , cf. Pr30 4 ; more gen. garment, Dt2 2% clothes (pi.) Gn 3 7 34 44 13 (J), 41 14 Exip 1014 (all E), Jos V 6 (JE); as costly gifts Gn 4s 22 - 22 Ex f 2 ^(allE). t nbtyV kg. of Edom Gn tf 36 - 31 (P ; a/x(n)Xa) = I Ch I 4749 (2a/xaa, 2a|3aa). tnn 1 ?® n - f - id - (transp. from nW);- abs. Vex 2 2 s + , cstr. Mtfa v 25 ; sf. inDJJt? Dt 24"; pi. ntobf jos9 3 + , sf. arvnbb'E> v 13 , etc.; — garment (of man or [Ct 4"] woman) : outer garment Ex aa** (E), Jos 9 5 " (JE), Dt24 ,s iKii ! " j iff 104 2 (fig.); in gen. clothes (pi.) Dt 29 4 Ne 9 2 ' Jb 9" Ct 4"; as costly gifts 1 K io 25 = 2 Ch 9 2 '; as booty Jos 22 s (late). — Mi 2 s rd. prob. nb^(Roorda, RS Pro, " , • v "' * 4 ), or D'ob'S? (We Now GASm), him (those) at peace {with him), cf. ®@. "hiyO Kt Ezr 2 46 v. "obi? supr. htiP] Hiph. v. b«W] supr. "1" Hljtift) n.f. a kind of lizard (so ® SG % ' 1, ' so cf. Str Pr (also on b>>t?));— abs. "c Pr PTN3©

23 (cf. Shipley-Cook E " w • , 

")• "l^ii^ (appar. Voffoll.; meaning dub.). tioipD], rrnpiro, Eci2 ,4 ,v.[-iodo], p .7 02 . l$y& vb. hate (NH id.; MI 4 *»> *ny foes; Sab Template:Lnagugae characters foe Sab. Denkm.No. 12 l. 9 cf. lb. xo.7.i.9 CIS iv.xo.i73,i.6. J Lt .tiA,^i£,Aato; Aram.

  • "D, (la,, ,'rf., nWD, JJii / ta <er, etc.; Eth. hate is

JUV*:) ;— Qal 12S Pf 3 ms. V Dt 1 2 31 + , sf. «$jjf» 2S 13^ + ; 2 ms. n*qe> +5'+, sf. 'anjofe' J u 14", etc.; Impf. 3 ms. KJ^! Pr 13 5 26 23 , sf. flKjfc 9 8 , etc.; Imv. mpl. *jfc Amf ^97'°; J«/ a&«. ^V J" I5 1 ; «««»•• ^F Gn 3 7 5 + , ntip Pv 8 U ; iY acC *fr Dt 4 42 + ,' ^'P Ex 2 3* Pr 2 5 21 ; pi. cstr. "tO'B> Exi8 21 + , etc.; pass. fs. nW3B> Gn29 : " + ;'mpl. cstr. *vato 2 S 5 s Qr (>Kt WU6?);— hate (oft. opp. 3HS) : 1. human; a. c. ace. pers. Gn 26" (J), 37" (E), Ju 1 i 7 2 S 13 22 Am5 10 (|| 3J?n) + 17 t. (evil-doers fi// 26 s 31 7 1 39 21 ), + (obj. wife) Ju 14 16 i5 2,2 ; + pt. pass., of wife, tGn29 : "- 31 (J), Dt2i 15 -' 5 -' 6 ", cf. Pr 30 23 ; fig. of Zion Is 60 13 ( -)- niMjj) ; specif, of sexual revulsion t2Si3 15 - 15 ( + acc. cogn.), Dt22 1316 24 s ; so, obj. man (of Jerus. under fig. of harlot) tEz 16 37 ; pass. "IJJ B>D3 *«& 2 S 5 8 (but v. obscure); reflex. (accWB^fPr 29 s4 , abs.tEc3 8 . b. c. ace. rei, Ez 35 s (but rd. flOW Dia © @ Co Berthol Toy), Ec 2 ,7,s , esp. evil Ex 18 21 (E), Mi 3 2 i//45 7 -l- lot., virtue, etc. Mi3 2 Pri"+4 t. . subj.  ; obj. perverse Isr. tAm 6 s (its palaces), Ho 9 15 Je 12 s ; wickedness 1^5" n 5 ; idolatry and evil Am 5 2 ' Is i 14 61 8 Je 44* Mai 2 16 +5t. 3. P<.ac«. M asadj.Is66 5 ( pron. 61 8 , 2 supr.); usu. subst., Pr 13 24 one haling his son (opp. -~.N); elsewhere = enemy, foe (usu. cstr. or c. sf.), sg. and pi. (oft. ||3^tC, sts.opp.anx); foeofmanEx2 3 5 (E),Gn24 lk, (J), Lv26 l7 (H) + , nation Exi ,0 (E), Est 9 ,S16 +, abs. Pr 26 24 27", (c. 3l all); +«p *6 c. b pers., a no-hater to one Dt 4 42 19 46 Jos 20 3 , and (without *6) Dt 19"; foe of good Mi 3 2 , cf. Jb 34 17 + 3 t., of evil tEx 18 2 ' Pr 28', cf. 15 27 ; of suretyship tn' 5 (i.e. not giving it); foes of '< tEx 20 5 = Dt 5 9 , Dt 7 1010 2 Ch I9 2 . +Niph. Impf. 3 ms. M# Pr 14 17 m hated, so v 20 ( + i> pers. by, .)s d). tPi. Pi. sf. •KJfcB Jb 3 i 29 ^55"; lJ.crtr. , ^?B8i M ; rflU^a S 22 41 -)-, etc.; — enemy(Qal 3) ^M, ^, etc. : 1. personal and national, Jb 3i 1,9 Dt 33 11 (poem), 2 S 22 4 ' = + 18 41 , 1//44 8 " 55 13 68 2 8 9 24 . 2. of '< Nu io' 5 (J), Dt 3 2 41 (poem), f 81" 83 s i 39 21 . . of wisdom Pr 8 36 . tfS 1 '^©] adj. hated, held in aversion; — fs. nK-^rT Dt 2 i ,5b the haled (wife ; v. Vl a); but read probably (Symbol missingHebrew characters) (as v15a bis, 16 ). TTrtWte n.f. hating, hatred ; — abs. 'E> Nu 35™+, cstr. rit?:to Dti 27 Pr25 10 ; sf. T™:'B' Ez35" (pi. Tr}«- prob. meant, Kb"-'-' 8 ' cif.'oi 4131 k , but <rd. in»^ ® Co Berthol Toy, cf. Ges f91 '), etc.; — hatred (sts. opp. nnnN); 1. human, Nu 35 20 (P), Ez 23 s9 35" Pr io' 213 15 17 26 20 * 109 6 Ec 9 '- 6 ; 't? rj»l f 109 3 ; emphatic, DDH mp 2 5 19 , 1? n^3n 1 39 p (against 's foes),